Monday, July 04, 2022

Book Review: "My Adventures as a Psychic Nurse & Medium: Haunted Hospitals!"


Hello All, 

It's been a couple of years since I last did a Book Review on "Adventures of a Psychic Nurse: Spirits Everywhere 1st Edition". Now it seems the Venetian Medium of Shirley Smolko RN, BSN, MSA, MBA, and any other alphabet soup of credential acronyms, geez. Has been a very well busy bee as a writer and is now a publisher of Cavallaro Publishing with her very own label shared with her husband and editor Joe Vincent Smolko M. Ed.

To note this is an unsolicited book review of her 2nd edition of "My Adventures as a Psychic Nurse & Medium: Haunted Hospitals". I knew Shirley back from 2018-2020 over at The Spirit University which I attended. As a local school for psychics, mediums, Reiki healing, etc... Since the Covid-19 era, the school is basically defunct, although they had a good run with Zoom online events including Psychic Faires. 

Shirley Smolko as a person has a quirky demeanor but with a great fountain of experience in medicine as a Registered Nurse and perhaps greater as a very talented psychic medium. Her Carolinian southern accent is quite charming with an Italian American heritage. 

Recently, she relaunched her website The Venetian Medium, and has started doing some lite local presentations in-person besides her Intuitive business consultations. Including her core psychic and mediumship readings, and finally not to mention writing 4 books and co-authoring 4 more books in 2 years' time. (besides going OCD with updating two of her volumes as 2nd editions one year later.)

Without a further adieu enjoy. 

This is another engaging paranormal book from the author and retired RN (registered nurse) Shirley Smolko. It follows a similar format to her other text "My Adventures as a Psychic Nurse & Medium: Spirits Everywhere!" 2nd Edition.

The original holistic approach from her viewpoint, the staff, physicians, and patients as was recalled. Was entertaining and informative, although it is cited in advance some if not most of the dialogue was recreated just to expound on the memories explored.

My minor pet peeve was that the entire section of Nurses was sampled from her 1st Editions of this volume and also "Adventures of a Psychic Nurse: Spirits Everywhere!" There were also minor typos from the beginning to the middle of this book. And, lastly, in some instances at the beginning of the text, the medical jargon isn't explained but towards the middle and end of the book, it is, thankfully. For those of us as non-medical professionals.

This 2nd edition is only a slight variation from the 1st volume done only a year earlier. So I'm not sure why the need to push out the 2nd edition so soon?

Nonetheless, I enjoy the originality and the ghost stories all around. I look forward to more books from this local Florida paranormal author. I give this volume from Shirley Smolko 4 Out of 5 Stars overall. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 27 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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