Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Doubt, Civil Society & Last Resort Justice


Hello All,

I wanted to round up this month of April with another trio of original "Jewels of Truth" statements.  Channeled recently via angelic inspirational automatic writing as a psychic technique. I've been in service to God(dess) and the angelic host thankfully for 26+ years now as my predominant Intuitive ability. 

In that time I've penned over 3800+ statements on various eclectic topics of the human and divine nexus. I have no religious degrees, no religious credentials except this spiritual dharmic calling that has been nudging me for over 30+ years of self-development. Always the messages arrive akin to a topic or a phrase and I begin channeling by long-hand writing. 

My three published book volumes are available at AmazoniUniverse (the publisher), Barnes & Nobles, and where online books are sold in ebook, Kindle, and paperback formats. In my trio of books, there are a combined 1,095 in print (ie 365 statements in each volume) in an easy-to-read A-Z format. 

When I began automatic writing back in the mid-1990s they were simple one-liners and/or a paragraph in length. Now as you'll see they can span from 7 paragraphs up to much longer, although I still enjoy the short digital series shared on social media. 

I come at this from the angle of an Inner seeker or explorer mapping like a Navigator of the Soul reality as we know it and as we don't metaphysically. What I've discovered is a wonderland of the Soul of God in all of us as a human species. If we conceived the Glory of God for our personal lives, much less dared to be more as the angels of the heavens reincarnated by God's mysterious grace. Amen. 


3136) For a know it all fool to admit doubt is the beginning of excellence in the world. For the wise to admit unconditional doubt leads to misery by a lack of earnest self-trust. Only when doubt is moderated in a gentle fashion it can lead to peaceable freedom found therein. From any justified truth under the subjective and objective sun of Creation. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Civil Society:

3135) Not every society as a governmental workforce entity of personnel is astute much less prepared when it comes to disturbances or other acts of God. Whether with day-to-day professional business hours of operating its offices and subsequent staffed departments. As sectors of qualified oversight of National or Provincial auspices of the State. 

There will be lapses of professional competency of services and/or expertise rendered upon the people at large. This is to be expected for such burgeoning operations to become more so impersonal and faceless to the citizenry over time. No State is Perfect or 100% prepared at every plausible turn potentially for every other eventuality in this world. To have such unlawful expectations of high regard is Naive at best if not irresponsible at worst. 

Here spells the dictum of doing for yourselves first before depending on an impersonal State as a faceless entity. As it is Institutionally capable or not to handle your needs carefully and respectfully over time. This is especially true when a Man-Made often avoidable bottleneck of bureaucracy thwarts progress for the well-meaning civil servants when available to serve.  Whether neglect to ask for help from the populace lends itself to a growing distrust of the masses. Or other factors that have festered as implicit bias that has garnered a lack of confidence to get a job well done every time. 

This is aside from corruption and maleficence from the very top to the very lowest rung that is ignored. Creates shocks of incompetence along with the superstructure of any organization as commercial, philanthropic, and certainly governmental in due time. When a man-made paper storm of negligence is fostered by the poorly written legislature from lawmakers then poorly made policies will soon follow. 

When a natural disaster happens to befall the State it doesn't bode well either if there is a lack of advance preparation. Much less accountable oversight by authoritative figures and their departments of dutiful governance. The ecology of this Earth demands not only respect but also harmonious justice to ensure viability for all the masses regardless of the species of origins, humanity included. 

If a society fails once be grateful it was hopefully a one-off as the saying goes. However, if the same society becomes acute with dishonesty and brinksmanship then expect militancy to occupy its rhetorical arguments whether deserved or not amongst the masses. Here is where honest brokers of non-partisan truth-tellers as individuals, groups, organizations, and the free press. As the so-called 4th estate can etch out a role for success all can latch onto it with mutual dignity hopefully. 

When a society of the demos as the people disengages not only politically but as common civil agents of positive change that is community-driven. Then expect hardliners to steal the thunder from the passive lot of souls that care but don't speak up when it matters most. There are historical times that this is essential especially for democracies if not other forms of republics in the world. Short of this progress of one class of people is put down and repealed by the less caring fear mongers in order to galvanize power at any cost to life and limb. 

All people are truly accountable to each other when liberty is valued equally for all concerned. Regardless of social status, discriminatory predatory practices or lack thereof in the pursuit of grace upon this chaotic barbaric world of humanity. Without such a fundamental rule of civil justice for all creeds then pandemonium is more likely to occur in due time. This is when regional to national emergencies of the State begin to occur with greater frequency. With a lack of dependable governance then sound modes of communication also begin to become a hodgepodge of hit or miss. When groups of people become more so polarized against the other and talk if not scream past each other. 

To be ready and willing to help is a grace of God in each of you that have the forthright nature of compassion in their divine spirits. That is when heroes and heroines of the masses reveal themselves when all seems almost out of luck much less good fortune to overcome the travesties at hand. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Last Resort Justice:

3134) All Justice ultimately rests in the Hands of God(dess) metaphysically speaking. No other Supreme Authorative Entity exists beyond the All Immaculate Knowing of the macro Mysterious nature of God of all Totalities therein of Divine Being. However, that being declared that here on Earth it is a point of irate contention with utmost woe that harbor unparalleled sagas of cautionary tales. 

On Earth, as the Nation States are concerned justice is only as good as the Laws that govern the masses are written and implemented writ large. Not all laws are worth the dry ink they are printed on due to partisan shenanigans as willing despots seeking to make a mockery of governance itself. When the rulers as legislators are subverted by any self-righteous exclusive political leanings. Then only the more affluent classes as castes of the minority make out as thick as thieves. 

How justice is served is also of paramount importance, is it fair and unbias, or furthermore leaning towards compassion for the victims? Or held in contempt the very historical ideals now unfortunately related to a past era in time. When only the privileged can access responsible civil and criminal courts of redress then a whole society begins to fail itself gradually resembling a disgrace truly. 

When implicit bias as subliminal perceptions isn't waived much less addressed. Then expect judicial prejudice to become part and parcel of the honorable bench. Skewing the balance of verdicts one way over another spells a cheapened and disrespected courts for the masses. When of course mercy begins to be forgotten becoming moreso a factory line of transactional plea bargaining akin to a flea market environment. Lady Justice the angelic goddess of Themis herself begins to itch uncontrollably.

The rash of human discourse that amounts to justice fades especially when under autocratic States. That only ruling elites gain redress and all others are left as vigilantes to have a sense of satisfaction by means of criminal retribution. 

When spirituality as forgiveness is devoid of justice for the people by the people then all else begins to lose luster as well. When little to no trust rests upon the hypocrites of the autocratic rule a riot if not a societal upheaval is near at hand. Where "Might Makes Right" seems the only plausible exit strategy for those remaining and clinging to power at the expense of everyone who isn't them. 

The codex of morality, ethics, principled norms such as common sense and decency when cut a thousand times over by bureaucrats leaves only cowards remaining behind. The lowest common denominator when reached leads only to upheaval as bedlam. 

All of this circles back metaphysically I tell you with us the Angelic Host of the Massive Heavens endless that they are. We are the adjudicators of all that God delegates towards our angelic species of spiritual kind in paradise. Where justice is only regarded for the lesser heavens, for the exalted higher-tiered heavens all is supplied for without want or care forever. 

What goes unpunished whether by mother nature herself as Holy angelic sister Gaia and certainly forfeited by humanity itself. Soon becomes our duty to follow through as the Paragons of Paradise to leave no stone unturned without ego and ill-will. All Last Resort Justice of God is served with Absolute Forgiveness when a righteous soul makes an honest mistake with good intentions run afoul. All others are relegated towards the Wheel of Rebirths (ie Reincarnations to be reborn as victims of their previous crimes against souls.) 

This is the meta-genius simplicity of God(dess) at work to galvanize positive changes at every unforeseeable turn potentially possible that can be expressed upon existence. The Perfection of God engulfs all in its wake of immense grandeur that not even the darkness as evils and light as benevolence can escape upon all Almighty Totalities. 

You the Children of God are accountable to each other whether you respect this truism or not. What one generation of reborn souls leaves undone we the Majestic Accountable Heavens will carry forth the Infinite Compassionate Will of God in Paradise with or without humanity. The predatory bestial nature of humanity notwithstanding has damned countless to the pits of Hell. Leaving their Oversouls at a loss until the next rebirth of its damned spirit to make amends if it wishes.

All others that uphold the graces of God as magical divine laws as the unseen faithful become viable first in your beautiful sacred hearts forever. You not only validate to us the angelic host the Glory of God but make us your kindred spiritual siblings. In our most caring humility possible beyond your imaginations conceivable soon becomes God manifested upon reality times Infinity. Beautifully in Perfect Compassionate Truth for all concerned. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 26 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Legion & Unholy Fallen Spirits


Hello All,

As Christians are fast approaching the celebration of Easter as the benediction resurrection of the Savior and prophet to many other souls. Back in July 2014, I channeled a statement from an angel on God's Love as the Three Mercies of Christ's Cruxification. Numbered in the unpublished "Jewels of Truth" series at #1,751 May you who cherish the beloved Christos relish it as I do. Amen.

Today's entry is two cautionary statements from the angels of the Heavens. On the Fallen term of Legion at least metaphysically which is one of my pet peeves when well-meaning spiritual people misuse the term as if it were a blessing with angels. The other statement is upon the Unholy Fallen Spirits which is what the term Legion should be attributed to earnestly in my opinion in regards to daemons. 

Again these are somber statements meant for the well-informed spiritually that not all is always rosy on the earth plane dimensionally. To be informed responsibly is to be at least modestly prepared for a minor degree. Amen.


3128) Toward many dear children of God the term "Legion" is ubiquitous with a military organizational formation of marshal-like military personnel. Much like the other terms of a battalion, division, squad, and so forth.

However, metaphysically the connotation is far more sinister in origin as the Christian New Testament has showcased in the Books of Matthew (8:28–34), Mark (5:1-20), and Luke (8:26-39). It represents an order or ranks of fallen cursed angels as plain grunts as misbegotten guardsmen of any of a variety of devils. (notwithstanding just to Satan.) These are hellspawn as legions upon legions of cursed souls by free-willed choice otherwise depicted as demons by your religious and popular culture. 

These hellish brutes are the opposing dominion of God not of the endless heavens, but of the everlasting accursed hells. They are apex supernatural predators making dinosaur raptors look cuddly and cute. Never to be beckoned much less trifled with head-on with magicks of any kind such as for black magicians. Treat them as if a slippery slope of a loaded gun cocked to fire indiscriminately for maximum collateral damage. Their foul deeds in massive numbers are Legend with unsatiated desire and results.

Otherwise, unsuspecting well-meaning innocent and plainly ignorant people say they send you a legion of angels as an intended kind-hearted blessing. Not fully realizing the historical grand error of utilizing a foul mystical term can accidentally cause. Fortunately, by the Love of God in them, it is ultimately undone and absolved. Since it was canceled out by the grace it was meant to be delivered truly as a living blessing to another soul. 

Since it was meant sincerely and naively without malice overall upon their hearts and lips have spoken or written by hand. It will have no bearings whatsoever when kindness was offered out of accidental ignorance in simple gracious truth. 

You are wise "Ivan the Atrayo" by instinct and mutual trust to instruct your present and future readers of this angelic heavenly discourse of such a faux-pas overall. Our disposition is one of grandeur for all who welcome beautiful truth to uphold one's sacred union with the divine however, it is cherished truly. This is our record for you all for your nativist intuitive wonder has merit without flaw once more. 

Go with God all others to realize this quandary of an innocent error in using metaphysical befouled terms accidentally without intending unjust harm. Be the blessing instead and utter may the Throngs of angels be at your constant side forevermore. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Unholy Fallen Spirits:

3132) All beware of the lost and the cursed metaphysically of the lesser realms of the nether astrals and beyond of daemons of bygone ancient eras of humanity. Lurking with unsuspecting wanton mischief in the darkest pitched shadows of ancient civilizations now paved over by modernity for urban, suburban, and rural landscapes. What appears beautifully picturesque today by mother nature as grown over green lush landscapes and near-divine ocean vista outcroppings. Were otherwise valleys and prairies of long ago tens of thousands of years ago as climates have shifted globally.

As there are countless beneficent grandiose holy types of angels with numerous splendid caring roles. The opposite is also true unfortunately for the deaden diabolically cursed hells for the near-infinite fallen souls and spirits across this universe alone and not just the earth sphere for all eternity.

Verily we say with the utmost respect that the hells are a prison for the undisciplined wicked as the disgraced fodder. However, for the royals, as you call them devils and dark knights they are playgrounds impaling the puny castes beneath them in grotesque perverse mischief. When young and brash if not otherwise stupid youth and people wish to dabble in black magicks for what they term as shits and giggles. What they unleash in a drunken, narcotic-dosed, if not sex orgies is a nether world dark vortex portal into the Earth. 

Only to leave horrified that it actually was real etherically what they deemed was bullshit overall. This is one of the predominant reasons why hauntings across the world are fierce moreso than they should actually be sincerely. You see the fallen unholy spirits be they tricksters further down the despised cursed tree of death forms such as daemons. Do not just possess the innocent and the vulnerable without faith in the world as people, creatures, and ecosystems. But, also your dead as beloved ghosts as husks to be used as spiritual suits to be closer to this world the earth dimensionally away from the hells.

Those now ghosts as former people that fear crossing back to God into the splendid supremely blessed Light. For any of a number of factors due to fear of how they lived terribly as once people. Or that they wish to be closer to loved ones still incarnated and not depart their sides remain behind in the astrals as a buffer zone etherealically. These unsuspecting ghosts as former people if not hapless creatures of the world spiritually. Can be snared by fallen spirits to be used as fodder or to drain them of their grace. 

Daemons or demons are apex supernatural predators of the dark spiritual arts period. They have an evil faith based on lies of fallen gods and false prophets that is often godless in truth. Satanism and other forms of devil worship such as Bhaal are what people on earth dabble with as child play. To what the cursed in hell actually worship a fallen supreme godhead. 

Those on earth as people including innocent children who are acutely depressed and lonely due to a dysfunctional household drama and abuse. Are prime candidates for these unholy miscreants to manipulate with fears of coercion. Many a natural psychic or clairvoyant with gifts of God in the boundless heavens that lack a deep-rooted spirituality or religion in this world whatever that may be in blessed truth. Become exploited just the same such is the case with criminals in human prisons that are naturally underdeveloped psychic mediums and are twisted by fallen spirits. 

First and Foremost Never Ever Fear before an Unholy Fallen Spirit or Soul. It is the energy of death for them like blood is to a mythological vampire upon the world. With a robust but not angry command with conviction call forth as if a clarion call to God. The Holy Name that is most personal to you by faith and love repeating it three times in succession. For example, for Christians, it would be the in the power and blood of Jesus the Christ. Christians, Jews, and Muslims could call upon Saint Michael the Archangel. For Buddhists to call upon Guatama Buddha and Hindus upon Braham or Vishnu. 

Afterward, envelop yourselves in a brilliant diamond white holiest light covering yourself from head to toe via your intuitive imagination faculty. As if shields-up in science fiction with ship-to-ship combat. All the while loving and forgiving unconditionally in moderation the unholy fallen spirit spectacle before you. It is like throwing greek fire upon them anointed by God in heaven. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 26 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Sunday, April 03, 2022

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series and Favorite Quotes of the Month of April


Hello All,

Since I'm still hot on the heels of my last entry a few days ago I thought might as well keep up the posting momentum at least for the short term. Today's trio of channeled angelic wisdom, metaphysics, and mysticism is on the topics of Heaven's Reborn, Angelic Kind, and Holy Tenants. 

The later statement of Holy Tenants is quite peculiar and fascinating from the angel. Basically, the first religious structure on the said premise of a locale has seniority especially if they both represent the Heavens even with differing epochs. For example all the Ancient Greco-Roman Hellenistic Temples in Europe such as in Italy or parts of Turkey for example. Where the old Pantheon gods and goddesses were worshiped for eons. Later Christianized relegating the former faith tradition as mostly a dead religion to humanity. However, these lesser deities are otherwise Immortal and angelic spirits and souls themselves. Never Left such places of worship!

It's basically a case of seniority with residential tenure and the new spiritual inhabitants are merely considered beloved tenants leasing the space. Until eons, later another predominant religion strikes humanity's fancy once more. Speaking of Turkey the angel goes on to showcase the example of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey once a Christianized Grand Cathedral now a Grand Mosque for Islam. Lord Christos in the Holy Spirit of God never left his perch and only welcomed the Prophet Muhammad (Absolute Peace is Upon Him) as a fellow beloved Prophet to share a religious dwelling in eternal peace between Patriarchs of God.  

I have countless statements in various notebooks since I do my channelings first by written long-hand. Then convert them to digital as a subsequent draft to clean up the grammatical errors I introduce accidentally as a person. These trios of eclectic statements only lately in the last year I attempt to keep a continuous theme going. Where in the prior 15 years of this blog site of Atrayo's Oracle my blog entries in this segment are more of a hodgepodge of different spiritual topics of the divine and human condition as living souls.

May you as always the keen reader and seeker of Inspiration find blessings in these topics. To have a contemplative journey of eternity with the angelic host of the Infinite Heavens in God(dess). Amen. 

Heaven's Reborn:

3124) Everyone dear Child of God hurts for several outstanding reasons. Some of it is justified by the world for wrongs committed against others and certainly ultimately against their own truth with God. Other times suffering is caused when you the aggrieved are innocent of the whole matter in question. 

Whether that is caused by liars bearing false witness against you as a scapegoat. Or worse diabolical ones that do not care whom they harm as mere collateral hearts and minds crushed along the way. When circumstances are beyond your control either you make peace with yourself first. Or you choose to remain being victimized continuously without reconciling its negative impacts upon you in life generally speaking.

Peace of self or of your inner Being is similar to confidence or self-esteem in essence. However, this ultimate spiritual peace is beyond the ordinary understanding for it is elegantly simple and profound in the Holy nature with God in you forever. To make this kind of Peace possible with yourself foremost is to find your grace in this world much less the ephemeral heavens within you. All good souls on Earth go to heaven which is a truism in itself forever Willed by God's Absolute Divine Laws. Regardless of this truth is taught to children in a religious setting or to adults in their more elaborate studies of scriptures.

However, what is seldom forgotten is that all of you are Heaven's Reborn as building blocks come to a very needy Earth all along. Each of you with the Infinite Faces of God's Totality represents the spectacular Inner beauty of God(dess) as Him, Her, Itself in the singular and the plural as We, Us, Themselves as a collective of souls proper. You each are the Living Rays of God beyond any known or unknown phenomenal Light of Divinity as forms of wavelengths in Infinite spectrums towards humanity itself. 

To know your Peace with God in your Innermost Divine Being before what any worldly religious Institution tells you what it is. Spells the difference between becoming the Angelic Heavens reborn upon this version of this era of Earth's History. Or something else far less desiring as broken sinners as certain denominations of Christianity erroneously teach not worth much as wretches but for the grace of God remotely in them. 

You get to decide personally what God the Supreme Father or Goddess as the Supreme Original Apex Mother is to you personally. Not an impersonal dry and dusty Institutional Church, Temple, Mosque, Synagogue, Shrine, or anything else religious, spiritual, and certainly secular in this world by means of division-prone ideologies. You are the Heaven's Reborn for a very hungry and needy child like Earth in the Inclusive Embrace of God(dess) Forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Angelic Kind:

3043) To know all Angelic Kind is to Know God times Infinity and still be perplexed in the ocean of the Great Powerful Mysteries of its Totalities. For we the angels are only a 5th of the Great Endless Totality of God(dess) in It's/His/Her Supreme entirety. 

God has many far wider Holy spiritual entities that precede the magnitudes of our angelic ultimate nature as living spirits and souls forever. What is of God dwarfs our spiritual immortality with eternal pedigrees or heritages across all combined Absolute Creations of his pleasing. For in one gigantic Mega Macro eternity of God(dess) that is truly timeless as a stasis temporal spectrum field of possible realities. There are various other smaller regional ensconced matrixes of obscure or boutique eternities elsewhere in the Superior or Supreme Totalities of God. Whether of the variety of all angelic natural kind or without the need of us entirely with another lesser or greater divine entities for lack of a better inference point to make. 

It is in these boutiques or obscure spiritual and non-spiritual as Xeno dimensional constructs. That the isolated superior perfect infinite varieties take hold for raison d'etres beyond us with mystical comprehension. These differing templates as realities go can be buffered to our own or altogether foreign substrates that uphold our immense godly empires of the endless infinite eternal heavens. All of them parallel our spiritual ethereal angelic civilizations as the lesser minor and major deities of the entire circular afterlife. (ie enlightened heavens, limbos, and hellish nether worlds.) 

Those that you've encountered as entities with our sublime protection as elder entities of the "Mind of God" as if precursor angelic living thoughts to have preceded Soul Kind dearest "Ivan the Atrayo". Your light trance sessions for example have humbled us with their Immaculate Grandeur. 

These GodMind entities as thoughts of God proper preclude all known angelic choirs of all the known/unknown religious prophetic faith traditions combined. In many ways, they are pre-cursors to the serializations of our endless angelic immortal godly eternal formations that are molded presently. 

God is an addictive Creator regardless of inputs from his/her/its creations as angels or demons alike. We do not know the entire extent of the outer limits of all combined Meta-Macro/Mirco-Creations that are involved in parallel to our relational afterlife with unfathomable comprehensions. Regardless of the various superior angelic natural kind of Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels, and countless more barely comprehended by humanity to date prophetically. We the Angelic Kind are merely gestalt productions of exalted superiority variations of the tank-like basic and super-advanced models as the essence and perfections of God times ineffable Infinity.

Enlightened Angels as Souls and some limited Spirits that managed it in one mortal lifetime with our help. Whom you call ascended masters or avatars such as Lords Christos, Moses, Muhammad, Buddha, Hermes Trismegistus, and Ladies Huldah, Deborah, Hannah, Miriam, Anna, and so forth in your biblical antiquity. For your modernity, positive successive generations of prophets and prophetesses have continued for example the prophetesses are Saint Joan of Arc and Maya Angelou for the ladies to name a few. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Lurther King Jr. the modern era prophets for example. Are now and forever Immaculate Children of God as perfect expressions of the Holy of Holies. They have no ego now in the heavenly sphere but do have varied personalities with beautiful traits all the same. 

Upon the heavenly afterlife, they have ascended not only over the world but through God into more pristine heavens. Each transformed into angelic individuals much like prophet Enoch into Archangel Metatron and prophet Elijah as Archangel Sandalphon. Many are thankfully still beautifully petitioned by humanity to this very day and age of your era of the world the earth with tender-hearted supplications and marvelous thanksgiving. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Holy Tenants:

3129) To this we remark your spiritual observations are keen and genuine "Ivan the Atrayo". We do not mean to embarrass you when we acknowledge you directly in these statements of our angelic discourse with you and the generations of countless souls to be reborn gradually. 

That your original premise is true that all houses of worship such as Temples for example of now dead religions. Being repurposed by subsequent eons of now popular religions in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Central and South Americas, and certainly Asia. These grand places of worship as they were once originally consecrated to the various religious pantheons and are now dedicated to an Almighty Monotheist God. These pantheons of lesser minor and some major antiquated popular deities are still present as angelic spirits and souls in the Infinite Faces of God of several astounding paradises. 

All these angelic deities still have original residency believe it or not with presiding tenure in those once physical religious locales no matter how they were rededicated to Almighty God. One set of benevolent immortal godly souls superimposed and transposed to another hierarchal family of angelic and saintly spirits. In beautiful worship only shifts the metaphysical leasing arrangements as tenants that is all. 

For example, in Istanbul, Turkey the former Old Byzantine Empire of the Great Cathedral of Hagia Sophia was a Christian Imperial Bastion of the Eastern Orthodox religion. What was once dedicated as a place of worship to God and his Son Lord Christos including the Divine Holy Spirit is one of many types of the Immaculate Trinity. As it was overrun by later generations of humanity and repurposed by the Ottoman Empire as a Grand Mosque to God and the Lord Prophet Muhammad (Peace is Absolutely Upon Him Ordained by God) for the Islamic faith. 

What this denotes is only a change of empires as civilizations where one prophet or savior to Christians was transposed to another blessed prophet for Muslims that is all. All who kindly and fervently worship God and Muhammad enjoy its sacredness truly with a tremendous bond of kinship. However, the indomitable Holy Immaculate Spirit of Lord Christos has never left such a superstructure auspices nor its well cared for perimeter grounds. 

What was once a bastion to God for Christians is now also earnestly shared with generosity with Muslims as unconditional Love as the abiding Heaven on Earth with God Everlasting. All stands true as well for the former Ancient Greco-Roman Temples as now Christianized places of worship to God, Lord Christos, the Saints, the Prophets, etc... The older Pantheon of greater lesser and major deities never left when we the Angelic Host of the Heavens consider them our brethren and sisters of a Lesser Boutique Infinite Heavens. As the old gods and goddesses are always angelic spirits and souls as well. In the endless perfect spiritual Image and Likeness of the Monotheist Almighty Absolute Supreme Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of Mysterious Realities. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive. ---Hafiz.

No story can contain you. ---Ivan M. Granger.

Within your heart, keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go. ---Louise Driscoll. 

In a time of destruction, create something: a poem, a parade, a community, a school, a vow, a moral principle; one peaceful moment. ---Maxine Hong Kingston.

The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world; I am like a snowball-the further I am rolled the more I gain. ---Susan B. Anthony. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 26 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.