Monday, May 29, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 2: On The Soul of God, God, & Heaven

The "Jewels of Truth" angelic channeled spiritual wisdom series on my social media shorthand entries of The Soul of God as a Meme, 528B, and 529B. On God as a Meme, 530B, and 531B. On Heaven as a Meme, 532B, and 533B. Finally ending with a selection of 11 of my favorite quotables from other sources and authors from across the ages. 

Thank you for watching.

Jewels of Truth Website:

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry:

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 1: On Salvation, Desires, & Compassion

Today's trio of longhand statements are on the topics of Salvation 1,143; Desires 1,144; and Compassion 1,145. As part of the "Jewels of Truth" series of angelic channeled inclusive wisdom as a clairvoyant automatic writer for over 21 years time.

Thank you for watching.

Jewels of Truth Website

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

This is the entry where I share the "Jewels of Truth" angelically channeled statements from a future volume of the series. All are written in the longhand series back in the middle of the year 2011 only now seeing the light of day for the 1st time. More or less these are sneak peeks at this slowly produced manuscript of my multi-volume spiritual wisdom books.

Today's trio of longhand statements are on the topics of Salvation 1,143; Desires 1,144; and Compassion 1,145. With subsequent entries of my social media shorthand entries of The Soul of God as a Meme, 528B, and 529B. On God as a Meme, 530B, and 531B. On Heaven as a Meme, 532B, and 533B. Finally ending with a selection of 12 of my favorite quotables from other sources and authors from across the ages. That's 6 topics and across 12 "Jewels of Truth" statements for you the reader to find spiritual meaning and enjoyment in your personal relationship with the divine however you define it in grace. Namaste.

I will be making two follow-up videos on my YouTube Channel for this one blog post in the next couple of days. As a direct reading and brief breakdowns in background info that the Angels have relayed to me when appropriate. If you the reader wish to see my social media posts before this digest version of my memes and such please follow my Facebook Fanpage of "Atrayo's Oracle". I try to post a brand new fresh Meme and one shorthand channeled statement once every 3 days or so for my follower's spiritual upliftment. Thank you for the follows.


1143) Those that seek fully salvation in life please listen well and deeply that thrice is the effects of grace upon you personally. Always pursue the path of righteous redemption gently and firm in convictions simultaneously. By allowing your highest self in earnest spiritually to lead the way to what often seems like a darkened room. In welcoming a solemn sacred space to be developed by accepting the blessings of the heavens and the goodwill from countless angels here on Earth. This merits a shift away from fear into well-being personally by generating a positive flow of the essence of God to trigger a cascade of change in, through, and around you constantly.

What at first seems nigh impossible give it time to settle until you have the internalized merit to open your gift of abundant life. All growth welcomes a grateful heart to reach deep to the core of your pulsing sacred truth in this world. The work isn’t impossible but it does require a disciplined mindset to enact with a solid resolve. This is where communion with your Guardian Angels and the Holy Ghost of God encourages a manifold approach of self-discovery in such expressions.

All sincere Hope becomes grace in action from a pure intent to a remarkable good omen in the world. As the seedling by intent is nurtured gently with love, gratitude, and much patience much like sunlight from God in due time good fruit shall be produced in gladness. Here the heart and mind must work in constant unison so as to not spoil one or the other as the hallmarks of salvation are prepared and witnessed. This rule is a must otherwise worry or nitpicking will jeopardize the quality of the salvation sought after fully. Be this a salvation searched for yourself, loved ones, and strangers alike in a Topsy-turvy world. Seek first always the benevolent Will of God in all things and your divine family of angels in the heavens and the ancestors will appear instantly embracing your heart with strength like a flood of abundant joy. Amen.     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


1144) Each of those that require assistance with a true need must only ask God who is in your heart of all hearts spiritually. When a person wishes upon a sincere need and a blessed want the intention must be filtered by the Will of God for totality equally without egocentric guile. This will leave one feeling naked in terms of vanity and this is what becomes the prerequisite by forcing you to focus through feeling. Feelings in supplications of prayer fulfillment are like a gas pedal or the brakes upon a vehicle. Positive feelings become the preferred hydraulics versus using the brake oil except when one goes overboard by forcing unnecessary outcomes. Emotional outbursts detract an otherwise valid request since it places the seeker into a poor stupor of upliftment spiritually. 

The exception here as a caveat is when a life or death emergency has transpired so when speed dialing God and the Angels opens a shooting of a flare of help response. This is where many after the fact explain entering the zone and time seems to slow down with the fluid dynamics of swift responses required, which ironically is also subduing the ego.

Aside from emergencies of dire need, there are the basic tenets of profuse Thanksgiving to juice one's sense of well-being. Akin to a spiritual bath of purification in keeping the prayer request in a healthy check without frustration. The paradox here is that the strongest at this practice are the gentlest of souls in the world. Such a meek nature again subdues the ego allowing for rapid acceptance of grace to wash away the negative aspects of the world. Not by demanding but an open palm and open heart approach readily transforming the supplicant into an eventual victor beyond all imaginable expectations.

A faith like this doesn’t occur overnight it is a purpose driven relationship personally and impersonally with the divine. With God and every variation of the spiritual citizenry of the heavens, be they angels, fae folk, ancestors, etc… This is a lifetime path not for the faint of heart but the bold of courage to understand you are far more powerful metaphysically because God resides in each of you in a universal sense of dimensional spiritual being. Trust explicitly in such gentle instinctual nudging this is more than your gut speaking to you but an angel of God as a guardian in your midst. Many times a fulfilled prayer takes mucho legwork to prepare the table for the impending feast in life. It may be tedious, it may be anxious, and it may be illogical, but it is all good when the intent is pure by the unconditional love of God in you. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


1145) For those of us with needs of the heart in a reflective manner of self-expression come home to experience Compassion as the fountain of the overflowing waters of abundant life. This is where healers excel in taking care of emotional, mental, and spiritual matters the deepest. Many are the facets of compassion in the world such as kindness, gentleness, fairness, mercy (IE charity), forgiveness, and the most powerful of these is unconditional love. Inadvertently when a person declares a circumstance to be unfair in the world they have enacted a cry for compassion on a subliminal level recalling their divinity often unknowingly.

The more often that compassion is exercised the better and stronger one becomes in practicing benevolence in the world. Compassion is a noteworthy attribute for healing and the easing of pain and suffering of all mannerisms. Any physician, nurse, or general counselor that practices compassion has invoked the heavens in a gentle love known as God himself. 

The mind and heart body connection here requires much forethought to realize your subconscious physical being is equally self-aware as you are as a person. Often it is a passive entity until you mistreat and disrespect your very own holistic human body in the world. Self-talking and loving your subliminal psyche may seem lubricious but it is one of the sanest approaches to wellness in life. Your personal sleeping dreams are your subliminal psyche as a chatty Kathy whether you have realized it or not. To remember such sleeping cryptic dreams is to mirror the messages intended for you personally to uplift and understand yourself at a core level of being.

When compassion is carried forth into the world strength of character is soon to follow in a sublime order of conviction. Interactions have a heavenly afterglow to them anywhere and everywhere one wanders with intent or not. This may leave you exposed to cheats and to miscreants still often these entities need love the most for they have been buried by fear and hate. Although we aren’t advocating martyrdom here folks do keep safe and pleasant company whenever possible. And when not exercise your faith deeply that you have hidden humble helpers to call upon in the world as colleagues and in the Holy Spirit of God. Nonetheless, just as laughter heals the soul instantly so will compassion without a sense of quid pro quo works wonders to gain access to people most would have deemed as unlikely. Such sincerity of being true is divine and priceless and can hardly be faked and/or bought when its source is God in you reaching out into the world every time. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

The Soul of God:

529B) We have come far and wide only to recall that we spiritually are One only because we all as a macro phenomenon share the One of .

528B) Many have personalized the soulful presence of God in them and that is remarkably beautiful as an extension of one's faith in the world. However, we as humanity often envision ourselves separated from our world and this is to err cosmically. In fact, we carry this over as well into our religious and spiritual traditions as a form of upbringing. This is to say no one has a monopoly on the Soul of God equally inclusive infinitely without favoritism, not one nation on this Earth, not one holy religion, much less as one cultural people with historical relevance or not.

We are all the Spirit and Soul of God United as a prime example of his glorious splendor alone nothing else compares actually metaphysically as a spiritual entity akin to a lesser deity. All share beautifully in the One singular Soul of God no one truly has a personalized separated soul as a divine construct of a holy being. We are like a quilt of this Universe patched together through the stitching of God in us and no one can ever tear that asunder. Amen.                        ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


531B) To be One with is to find God in your personal midst. Come as you are in an open truth and witness the Glory of God shine deep in you.

530B) All of our reality is an ethereal membrane of God itself surrounding us in an ever vigilant embrace. Whether we call this the Kingdom of God or something else it is all singular in value as the abode of the Creator in, through, and around us constantly forever.
We do not have to go far to experience the divine in worship for all of Mother nature as reality is God's Cathedral inclusively for all irrespective of our faith in the world. Whether you worship in public or in seclusion it is all precious when the heart is true without vanity. God has given himself as a living Supreme priceless gift that can never be bought or earned to all of totality. We have the choice whether to accept this gift known as grace cheerfully or refuse it in life. Nonetheless, the gift will always be extended by God(dess) forever infinitely and constantly with absolute Love for all divine beings. Amen.                                     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


533B) To Be merits a splendor like no other in the world however in we are meta beings known as the angels for we are godlike without desire.

532B) All is complete without a beginning or an end for God is Immaculately generous in every regard as to our divine beings earnestly without equal. Wherever your true eternal heart resides as it is in Heaven your bliss will circularly reside on Earth as a united front. The heavens have no desire but to express the total Supreme Will of God. All that was, is, and will be has its source within God upon totality and so heaven is the extension of such an abundant joy of being alive. As all things come so do they pass upon the world however in paradise they are constant. This is what makes it possible for there to be no desires whatsoever in Heaven after all.
We are inherently the omnipresence of God himself expressed as our lives from a meta perspective of our combined divinity. We are neither here or there through God, for God is everywhere absolutely. So to gauge, a place or a time is meaningless to our souls metaphysically. All that truly matters is the Source Flame of the Sacred Heart of God is alive through us constantly outside time and space. We are reborn each time love is expressed truly without a limit for all Angels rejoice as we are God itself experiencing life constantly without a beginning or an end. Amen.    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. ---Henry David Thoreau.

You have made me so rich, oh God, please let me share out your beauty with open hands.  ---Etty Hillesum. 

Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining. ---Anne Lamott. 

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ---Viktor Frankl.

The world is a place where the extraordinary can sit just beside the ordinary with the thinnest of boundaries. ---Jodi Picoult.

Confront the dark parts of yourself and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.  ---August Wilson. 

The knowledge of the Holy One is Insight. ---Proverbs 9:10.

Whatever our souls are made of yours and mine are the same. ---Emily Bronte.

Prayers are tools not for doing or getting, but for being and becoming. ---Eugene H. Peterson.

Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. ---Jalaluddin Rumi. 

Peace, like most beautiful things, begins small. ---Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 2: For May 18th 2017 On Mindful, Persecution, ...

In part 2 of "Atrayo's Oracle" Vlog from my blog posting on May 18th, 2017 on the 5 channeled angelic wisdom statements on the topics of Mindful, Persecution, Power, and on God. With 12 "Jewels of Truth," statements read in all.

Jewels of Truth Website:

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry:

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 1: For May 18th 2017 On The Trinity of God

Atrayo’s Oracle Vlog Part 1: For May 18th, 2017 On The Trinity of God
Today’s channeled angelic wisdom reading of the “Jewels of Truth” series is statement 2,457 on the topic of the Trinity of God with a Hindu twist.

Jewels of Truth Website:

Atrayo’s Oracle Blog Entry:…

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Jewels of Truth Statements: The Wondrous Total Majesty That God Persists Absolutely

Hello All,

Today is another digest version as followed by the format of my last entry here at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site. With another 13 "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statements across various topics of spiritual interest. Starting with a long hand statement on the Holy Trinity of God with a Hindu twist for good measure. When I channel from the angels I try to be all inclusive to other sacred faiths in the world co-opting their terminology of spiritual phenomena and associated divine deities. Albeit personally as a person I have only predominant exposure to Christianity with the limited cross-pollination of the other two Abrahamic faiths. Besides forays into the Eastern faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism.

I suspect as I explore the other holy religions of this world I will begin channeling mystical wisdom from those angels as spiritual elder teachers as well. Aside from this fascinating exploration of our holistic divinity that is native to each of us according to how we choose to develop our God given soulful gifts. I have for many years have been channeling via clairvoyant automatic writing what can be deemed a blended philosophy from Heaven. Not necessarily Bahaism, but in a similar light of a Supreme cross-pollination of all religions, benevolent spiritual traditions, and humanistic cultural secular philosophies like it was a potluck soup of God.

Although religions are man-made often inspired by the blessed Will of God and spiritual traditions as a personalized path creating a like kind cosmic view of the divine. This has felt over these 21 years of automatic writing I've accomplished personally like I'm serving up an enriched flavor to all existing faiths with a harmonious humility as inclusive compassionate divine nature. At times I feel as an unapologetic truth-teller that although in real life personally, I'm hermetic in nature that these writings as heavenly blessings do not shy away from controversy shining forth higher ideals of grace into a subverted world. To coin a phrase from the original movie of the Blues Brothers; "We're on a mission from God!"

The line-up for today's entry is as follows the Trinity of God 2,457  as the aforementioned longhand series. With Mindful as a meme (no numeral) and social media assorted series 520B and 521B. Persecution with meme 2,378 and social media entries of 522B and 523B. On Power as meme 485B and social media entries 524B and 525B. Lastly on God as meme 2,409 with social media entries of 526B and 527B rounding up all 13 statements.

Trinity of God:

2457) Often what we call as the Holy Light also co-exists with two other dominions as the simultaneous presence of God known as the Sublime Twilight and finally the Unholy Darkness. For all of this metaphysically encompasses the totality of the Omni-Presence of God in the afterlife. In many ways, the best metaphor to co-opt is the ancient faith of the Hindu's in how they lovingly adore God itself. As the three faces of God as Brahma (Holy Light), Vishnu (Sublime Twilight), and Shiva (Unholy Darkness). One must also understand that the darkness is described as unholy in this inference to a spiritual teaching that the absence of light isn't evil on its own basis. For Shiva as the other two infinite eternal aspects of God constantly is the apex Prime Enlightened Being. Although Shiva is often referred as the Great Destroyer such a destruction isn't directly evil or unholy.

Still, the absolute nature of God has no half-baked loopholes with swiss cheese exceptions as to its original form. That is more the folly of humanity flawed as it is and it isn't at the identical sequence of equality in a unified moment. Right now Creation is providing us mortals as the reborn angelic minor gods with contrast. This is the blending of twin dominions of the Holy and the Unholy giving us all equally a Sublime reality not unlike of Limbo however here we reside as mortal creatures in the lobby of Vishnu the Great Sustainer of all Creations. What God collectively represents we swim upon as souls in these ancient waters of the metaphysical and as the reborn new faces of this Universe.

The merit of each of us as divine beings gives us distilled choices of which dominion of God's own pristine truth we may worship in life. Be it fully the benevolence, the benign, and the malicious for these are the creeds of our spiritual inheritance from God the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer. Those in the world that refuse to choose which dominion by forfeit will have the opposite choice thrust upon them given what they truly are divinely in truth. Much like creating unease to motivate a soul to act in their best interests albeit circumstances are less than ideal in the world. To ultimately do the right thing for their highest good in truth to which configuration of God they exhibit the most in the world.

As the world has Light, Twilight, and Darkness the appearance of its structure doesn't change in the least. In many ways it heralds the sagas of antiquity repeated constantly for each generation of humanity bold enough to claim as its own identity. There is Absolute Peace and there is Absolute Chaos simultaneously upon this Creation. Although in the sublime enlightened afterlife there is no such contradiction it is all its own respective singular dominion. Expressed uniquely without a beginning and without an end for this is all possibilities happening on a constant basis. The afterlife is constant as the Trinity of God by the embodiment of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva. Which purely only knows eternalized harmony as its native ineffable pristine enlightened disposition. Without a paradoxical equal as a form of contrast, it is all Supremely Almighty United as itself. Having no war between the light, twilight, and darkness and only peace it is only itself in complete wellness as total health metaphysically speaking.

The struggles of mortality cease when our bodies return to the Earth and our Spirit realizes its truest form as God itself experiencing contrast. Everything else is temporary in spite of the challenges encountered in the world as a purposely designed illusion from the vantage point of the heavens. A gentle but awkward catapult that all lives must journey together and apart seeking to be ultimately well again with Love and truthful beauty as God itself. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


521B) To carry on with a heart gently steers your soul to be in alignment with . The rest is overflowing shining true and bright.

520B) Come home to the place of gentle whispers of the heart of God(dess). A tranquility that transforms the weary traveler into a person of vigor to carry on with joy and dignity in all beautiful things worth pursuing. Do not waste your time in bitter worry that only poisons the well of future prosperity metaphysically. Always look within in a sincerely focused mindfulness that captivates your mind into your amazing divinity right here and now.
There is never a need to hurry within eternity for everything that needs doing is done with balance and harmony in being true. The rest is superfluous causing unwanted distractions in being a misleading trail of dysfunction. All action is secondary to a genuine need to surmount one's difficulties so as to grow beautifully in life. To grow isn't always to learn it is also to create by true love in a playful manner of self-expression with sacred undertones. To Be Is Always. So all is as it should be for the best as you realize your greatest potential is God in a personal relationship with you throughout a lifetime. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


523B) Not once does the promote hatred for that is the will of people yearning to tear down what is alive in God's Holy beauty.

522B) In the world there are many blessed faiths based on pure love lived in the creed of benevolence with and for God in us. Whether God is called God or some other sacred holy name. God distinguishes not between a Christian and a Jew it is all solemnly One to him in the beloved adoration of his children no matter their form. Be we in pure spirit as ghosts in heaven or incarnated across the majesty of his Creation.
We are more than one faith in God we are a family of loosely connected divinities as a beautiful heavenly collective known as abundant grace. For Grace is the pure and perfect Enlightenment of God beyond the confines of mortality into the superb truth that defies all explanations. Often cited as the Peace that bypasses all understanding of this world and the next. Even the almighty Angels are baffled by the sheer audacity of God's grandiose nature.
How can we as mortals presume to be superior in degrading all other sanctified beloved faiths in the holy Will of God that worship our Creator combined in Heaven? Persecution of the righteousness no matter their worldly faith sinks the good name of God in them and in us equally as One. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


525B) All power seems to happen often without reason or rhyme and so it flows through the Soul of God in us and for us always.

524B) All power consumes it's host readily I say and when power is without limits then lo the transformation shall be complete instantly. It is better for a man to excel without seeking power for his own sake. Then to lust for power at the behest of the ego only to find it wanting once it is secured at a high cost.
Always seek God when one yearns for power and herein lays a forgotten truth that God's power perfects one's being purely under the auspices of the Holy Spirit. Seek not the fickle power of the world but seek the everlasting power of God often spoken as Grace in Action. This purifies the resolve of all supplicants seeking improvement over themselves and the world they find as lacking in so many ways. Power is grown organically when the aim is righteousness as a living form of just service no matter who shall be its recipients. Amen.     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


527B) To express the beauty of God which is soul deep in each of us is to remember that Heaven is on Earth now and forever with love. Amen.

526B) With every soul there is an inherent likeness of the Creator in each of us remarkably so in the infinite perfect beauty of God(dess) in us all collectively. Much like with our humanity our ancestor's facets of long ago life is showcased for only the graces of the Angels would declare as such.
Each entity to its own wondrous illumination of God's traits in our communal shared Soul of God across the entirety of all Creation(s). The facets of our Creator are shown across many fronts simultaneously from the simplest expression to the most intricate complexity is the Image of God shining through all of Mother Nature. Come to reflect on such exquisite graces God has given totality abundantly so and ponder what lays beneath the surface of our humanity well into our endless combined divinity as Heaven on Earth. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog On The Body Of God, Hope, Metaphysics, Heaven, Etc...

Today I’ll start off with a long hand series spiritual wisdom statement on The Body of God as 2,446. With no particular order of the spiritual memes of Hope 2,404, Metaphysics 2,403, Remembrance 2,383, and Karma 2,414. Additionally, the assorted social media entries are on the topics of Hope  512B, 513B; Metaphysics 514B, Heaven 515B, Awakening 516B, Awaken 517B, Karma 518B, and Understanding 519B.
Jewels of Truth Website. 
Atrayo’s Oracle Blog Entry.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Jewels of Truth Statements: How The Body of God Is Experienced Without Mortal Distinction

Hello All,

It's been nearly a month since my last "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statements. Part of the reason why I haven't posted is struggling with motivation and the other is procrastination. With that confession stated up front, I do have a backlog of my spiritual memes and social media assorted postings to share.

Today I'll start off with a long hand series spiritual wisdom statement on The Body of God as #2446. With no particular order of the spiritual memes of Hope #2404, Metaphysics #2403, Remembrance #2383, and Karma #2414. Additionally, the assorted social media entries are on the topics of Hope  #512B, #513B; Metaphysics #514B, Heaven #515B, Awakening #516B, Awaken #517B, Karma #518B, and Understanding #519B. That's a whopping 13 statements in all although to be fair many are one liners from twitter and as memes. Enjoy as always and may you find them beneficial in your sacred spiritual upliftment as I have personally to date.

The Body of God:

2446) As good is true and evil is false so do good and evil have ultimate domains spiritually speaking. As a living spectrum full of a range of possibilities continually being. Much like the Alpha to the whole Omega and with a relative A-Z there is an entire litany of expressions of Life and Death metaphysically. The inner sanctum of God has purely perfected Enlightenment between these two opposing forces as neutrality when combined together. What appears silent to another dimension is filled with a constant cacophony of activity to experience allness continuously.

All of this rests upon a pristine balance much like a pair of balanced weighted scales. It is true God experiences Heaven, Limbo, and Hell without distinction as one united spiritual phenomena. As a full spectrum range of ultimate dimensional being inclusive without end and without a beginning. We as the spiritual children perceive differences in these dominions we call as the afterlife. However, God does not for it is all equally its whole unified living vessel of a holy body. One must realize such a macro perspective of God when he see's what we term as Heaven, Limbo, and Hell down range within itself and up close simultaneously.

All spatial orientations are meaningless to God the First Originator of All. Our primitive differences of the good, neutrality, and evil from its Supreme Vantage point is like seeing a distant horizon. In such a sublime treatise metaphysically there is no difference to the Creator it was all meant to be a living and dying catalyst to our greatest awakening. When New Age worshippers declare there is no Hell they are partially correct to a degree. In the whole balance from the enlightened perspective of God there is no afterlife this is a play on words to us mortals. There is only Life as nothing but God itself, there is nothing after God or an afterlife. There is no supernatural to God(dess) it is all purely natural as God itself. God doesn't call itself Heaven, Limbo, and Hell these are the anointed names of mortals and of the created angels.

Ultimately, to God, there is no afterlife of Heaven, Limbo, and Hell it is like calling out the names of God's body parts as separate entities and that is a non-sequitur. The Omni-Presence of God as its metaphysical identity is always the united Divine Holy Body Whole without separation. For Hell not to exist so wouldn't heaven and limbo as perfect cornerstones in a circular balance of metaphysical perfect thirds. When we perish as mortal people we go nowhere for we have constantly presided in God forever. We don't go away in spatial directions we simply go deeper into the bosom of God versus being upon the epidermis skin metaphorically speaking as all of Creation would reside. Amen.                                        ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


513B) To hope deeply goes beyond idle wishes into the heart of living truly with passion and virtue to create wonder on this Earth.

512B) To truly Hope is a living actual Gift from God. This is aside from idle petty hoping and wishing but sincerely a hope that has a backbone. Such a living hope fortifies the spirit by nourishing it to live another day with a faithful wonder. To achieve the good things we all deserve together as the treasures of the heavens right here and now upon the Earth.
To hope genuinely begins a journey of the sacred dignity within each of us because in order to imagine what could be. The action steps based on the virtues must be actualized as a testament to our efforts. No one does for us unless we permit it as building upon each other's aspirational growth of goodwill. Short of this our hope can falter and die a slow death of disappointment if we give up along the way. As hope is a gift from God our best use of it is to hope for people, events, and things that give our lives meaning and purpose by the Will of God. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


514B) As God is, we the living examples of the Omnipresence of God must come to understand that in our spiritual manifestation of God in us. We have not left the splendid essence of God behind and this includes all of paradise however it may be named and defined. We may seem to be echoes of the divine Creator nonetheless we are far more than this simplistic representation.
All that has been, is currently, and will be again comes from the grandiose Will of our Pristine God. By extension, we are intrinsically linked to totality as spiritual beings foremost before any claims our mortality can offer. In so much we belong to God as itself we also in tandem belong to this Earth our home for the time being as it is constant. We can recall our solemn divinity or we can just as easily dismiss it out of hand as of very little importance. What most matters is how we will behave in maintaining Peace with each other and the world herself. Otherwise, we all suffer individually and collectively when we ignore our abiding grace with God. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


515B) Come to understand we do not just belong to we metaphysically belong to each other for a makes us Family through God.



517B) all, you reincarnated as people hear the choirs sing the Majesty of in you and the world constantly. Amen.


516B) When God the Lord of all Hosts first conceived of Love itself as the first attribute to embody his Immaculate truth. We as the Children of God(dess) became that Love represented infinitely. We are more than merely spiritual entities representative of the likeness and Image of our Creator, God. We in sharing the communal Omnipresence of God are the heavens and the angels reborn in all variations in glory to God himself.
We are the building blocks of Creation metaphysically not as spiritual commodities alone but as the divine giants from long ago in the slumber known as reincarnated mortality. Listen deeply to the whispers of the sublime beckoning you to recall your divine essence with God in us all. Can you hear the choirs of a magnificent benevolence call your spirit to stand united with God? As you remember we all rejoice as the presence of God in you becomes self-aware metaphysically awakened from a distant sleep. Amen.                                                                                            ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


518B) As you are so shall you be in this life. No matter if the merit is justified or not how you perceive your choices and emotions shall you mimic such behaviors in the world. What is here now may not last and that is alright for life is circular. What disappears for a set of years reemerges down the line at another juncture of your human existence.
So when you perceive aptly the world without malice and hypocrisy you're reality will dovetail intimately to such a degree. Expecting the good out of life in spite of dysfunctional patterns occurring in the lives of others won't necessarily sink you. You have a conscious mind and a conscious soul when joined makes you a powerful divine being in the world. Broadcast what you deem is good and the heavens will wrap itself around you with grace. To do the opposite in selfishness without humane regards for others and you'll have your delicious cake but indigestion will follow sooner rather than later.
Karma won't distinguish between good, neutrality, and evil it just echoes your thoughts, intents, emotions, and actions back at you. You alone are responsible for your life in the final analysis between God and your soul. Amen.                                                        ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


519B) So you are so you will become time and again. To choose best is to awaken a wise open-hearted venue in all actions matter.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.