Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

This month's "Jewels of Truth" statements and favorite quotes of the month will include a trio of topics. Always I reiterate upfront so as to educate any new readers that happen to locate us by chance. I'm an Inspirational automatic writer of the angelic host having 24 years of experience to date in this calling.

Doing this for about half of my lifespan now has transformed me into a young sage and mystic in my opinion. Besides opened up my other Gifts of God as I consider being a blessed Inspirational Muse. As showcased with over 200+ "Gems of Opportunity" conceptual designs of inventions, business models, charity models, and governmental policy models as channeled abstract materials. Via my claircognizant (a branch of clairvoyance of channeling knowledge beyond my lifetime) ability on this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" for over a decade now online.

Today's "Jewels of Truth" topics will be on Call It Forth as a form of telepathic prayer without words relying on positive emotions with intent. The Language of God as recounted by the angels. Finally the generic Ratio of Guardian Angels we each have in life. Depending on our spiritual maturity upon the world beyond what religion or spiritual traditions we belong to or not.

As always may these Inspirational statements heal, enlighten, restore with good cheer, and love each of you unconditionally. In the Infinite and Eternal sacred truth of righteous graces of the heavens within. Amen.

Call It Forth:

2815) All whom beckons come closer in a beautiful solemn faith in God the Creator of Realities. We refuse no one this esteemed esoteric knowledge that to overcome the world is prestigious indeed. One need only claim their benediction as a divine sacred act of calling forth their good. Meaning akin all that is metaphysical in holy devotional practices of emotive prayers. Fully coupled with split-second imagery one can leap forward to hook the desired reality upon this world.

For example, instead of saying by rote memorized verses of a religious prayer of whatever caliber. Say no words whatsoever nor think any words for that matter as well. This is vibrationally speaking as a projection of your mind. Instead, Feel an emotion of goodness as positive as authentically true to yourself as you would like to pronounce in spirit alone.

Such an intention directed to the Heavenly Host in an association with your desired wish fulfillment. It begins to add substantially more spiritual power than the dense use of human language. For the intent coupled with emotion that is Life-Affirming is the language of the Angels of Heaven. The Intellect of language always unconditionally takes a back seat to the Holy Emotive Heart Within your divine being.

To reiterate again may you use this form of angelic supplication without any words spoken audibly much less spoken mentally. This limits the scope of the Infinite spiritual faculties within technically placing the supplicant in park mode versus 1st gear. The bequest whatever it may be in earnest should last no more than 2 minutes of earth time. As a short and sweet projected pulse to your internalized godself angelically of your own divine form and metaphysically in faith.

Then after a daily devotional practice what is in correlation to your Highest Best Good it will eventually appear with patience in due temporal time. However, never force this process and if what you desire is wrong for you sincerely. Expect through a refused sign as an omen of grace to indirectly display itself through some sort of observation by the needed information encountered in the world. Nearly always when you do pay attention to the message by coincidence will ring true to you as well.

The power of positive emotions goes without much saying akin to the power of true love emboldens the heavens to act at every destined turn of events. As God is selfless Pure Perfected Supreme Love all such emotions are his/hers/its native dominion by grace everlasting! These blessed emotions as the living virtues work best in conjunction with your bequest guided with sincerity and never with false guile. So Be Powerful as an act of consecrated grace in action. Lived by faith always to honor the Glory of God(dess) upon each of your earthen realities. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Language of God:

2819) The Universal Language of the Holy Spirit of God is Infinite in scope. However, there are basic tenets one can encapsulate as a treatise of wonder beyond compare practically speaking.

First, the language of the Holy Spirit is paradoxical as divine essence utilizing equal parts subjective and objective knowing. What is Impossible to humanity as fantasy is a reality to God foremost for an eternity.

Second, the Holy language of the Ancient Soul of God is vertical as timeless forever and ever by default. It is a layered existence meaning by anointed meanings like a multi-layered skyscraper building with designated floors. The deeper you peer into such a superstructure the richer the associations are revealed. The human mind can only retain so much esoteric truth before the subjective mind must take over to draw comparisons figuratively speaking. This is why Intuition is King here led by divinatory practices that clears away the clutter and leaves the kernel truths which symbolically speak loudest to the spirit within.

Third, and foremost the Language of the Angelic Lesser gods as the minor mythological deities is both mental and emotional simultaneously. Meaning it is a visualized conundrum with rich symbolism laden with Imagery. All of it coupled to every creation as lifeforms be it human or otherwise universal life. Emotions are the most primal to any organic creature superseding the rationale mind at every turn. This is why best to be well-disciplined with uplifting positive convictions versus debased diabolical motivations in the world.

The Angels of Heaven prefer virtue in emotions versus lengthy diatribes of praises spoken or sung out loud to them and to God. Words are dense primitive obstructions as fragmented meanings weighing like boulders when the semantics and conjecture are disjointed in nature. They lose their effectiveness spatially speaking in person regardless of how they may be recorded in written forms. The Infinity of Here and There prevails the deepest telepathically versus by growlings you call as the spoken tongue. The use of prayers, affirmations, and magical divine commands work best when accessing your divine holy nature. As the Image and Likeness of God upon each of your loves/lives reborn in this your spirit bodies on Earth.

Fourth, you are the said Angels of yore upon Meta-Creations Metaphysically speaking. You are the ancient co-authors of this esoteric speech of a celestial Immaculate God shared truly by the Glory of God himself. A Divine Legacy you each call your Inheritance of Paradise by the Supreme Will of God forever. What this denotes is each of you are divine majestic beings beyond your human flawed identities on Earth. Having a Holy mandate to speak and be heard by God(dess) natively as its own native holy essence. Now and later telepathically or otherwise by any primitive utterances, you may wish to use. So choose wisely and not recklessly which Dominion of God you give your utmost allegiance upon this reality likewise. (ie the Heavens, Limbo's, and Hell's)

Fifth, all is well by allowing the Enlightenment of God to restore your angelic natural spirits to be transformed. For the greatest pleasure of God upon this world and any other reality thereafter. You are gods and goddesses in baby animalistic skins so behave with humility rightly so. Be clear with your Intentions when beseeching God and the populated souls of the Ancient Heavens. It matters truly for any doubts and recriminations unless insured by protected graces in advance. It can derail untold wonders when poorly communicated by faith in God alone. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ratio of Guardian Angels:

2816) All be told the maturity of a person correlates to how many angels as guardians they are designated in Spirit upon the world. This is a truth that fluctuates depending on if the Child of God in question makes overall progress all throughout a lifetime. Whether they maintain a spiritual tradition no matter if it is called religious or not. A person or any creature of whatever evolutionary tract with a genuine aim of Self-Improvement in a lifetime. Is assigned Angels as protectors, guides, and teachers metaphysically to shepherd their reincarnated spirit of such an Over Soul upon the world dearly so as the essence of God reborn.

This reunion is a gift for the Angels associated with each of you as living bestowed honors from God himself unto them. Albeit the person be they a man. woman, child, and even a creature of whatever genus. Is often oblivious of all this ever happening in the sublime silence of God's Omnipresence on their behalf.

This is the grace of the Biblical New Testament verse of how all the worldly creatures neither toil or fear that the earth will support them. So how much greater will God in Heaven and upon the world support each of you unconditionally. (Book of Matthew 6:25)

It is with this pursuit that God has entrusted the purist of the Heavenly Host. To Supremely care for all macro lifeforms upon this or any other Creation in an Intelligent manner. Even an Atheist without awareness much less preparations of anything remotely spiritual in nature has an Angel to call upon. Albeit it is only one as a default designation to him or her in all eventualities based on need.

The faithful regardless of religion or spiritual persuasion type. That has no dogmatic blinders on that can question even the sacred with the Awe of God in them. Has more assigned Angels even as a nonconformist than a worshipper that only accepts spoon-fed programming by a centralized authority Institutional figures. Hardly without curious empowerment accepting all the flawed politics of said religious orders without question akin to a dying blind faith. Such a foolish soul is an easily manipulated lamb prepared for the slaughter by the will of mankind. Having few as a retinue of angelic guardians as a personal host to rely upon in the world.

All be told one can have thousands of Angels as various specialized types of guardians in a lifetime. Each depending on how spiritually self-aware you strive in becoming through the Infinite godly divine nature of God(dess) alone. Amen.    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Nothing gives you more joy than when your heart grows wider and wider and your sense of belonging to the universe grows deeper and deeper. ---Br. David Steindl-Rast.

When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. ---Ma Jaya Sati.

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. ---Carl Sagan.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jewels of Truth Statements On Praise God and Love of God

Hello All,

This is the month of saying "Happy Holidays" as a catch-all for all the wonderful religious holidays this month. Whether this is of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa it is all divine no matter how you slice the blessed heavens within the majesty of this life.

I hope to post once or twice more before this year ends. But before I do I channeled these two "Jewels of Truth" statements as I do with claircognizant Inspirational automatic writing of the Angels just yesterday. The longhand statement #2,821 is on the topic of "Praise God". With the other statement as the shorthand social media series as #930B on the topic of "Love of God".

May each provide each of you comfort. Noting the theological differences the angel states at the conclusion of Praise God's statement aside. If you're challenged spiritually, then good. It took me time to reconcile the understanding that Image and Likeness of God in all of Creation is Angelic at its core.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to one and all, Namaste.

Love of God:

930B) To know of the Love of God isn't enough for the faithful. One must act with a living wonder that sets loose Gratitude as praise to the Most High. A redemptive Joy that unleashes Peace in the place of the stress of this world. Blessed Acts with Faith heals untold suffering. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Praise God:

2821) All who Praise the Living Most High God of all gods angelic in a dear Faith. Have simultaneously thanked and praised everything in a united fashion upon Creation. To break this down further in praising God with Jubilation. One embarks on a sacred journey of wonder that is Holy. Not just with mere platonic gratitude. But with an endearment, that aids all in setting intentions of Absolute Peace, Love, and Prosperity in circular motions.

One sets loose a spinning top metaphorically speaking unleashing grace in all directions as a consequence. One that heals all and launches righteous fervor without condemnation upon the world. All is reconciled greatly by adoring God with praise.

When in doubt if you seek to praise many in one utterance and to praise the unknown benefactors anywhere that have touched you dearly. The simplest gesture is to praise God (dess) in one fell swoop. God is Meta Creation as a living and dying Totality itself. As a far noble fashion of existence to encapsulate allness as itself as a constant native reality.

So it goes without saying when pressed for time then by free will elect with a clear gladness to Thank God in place of countless others directly and indirectly. That dear sincere gratitude reaches your original intended recipient(s) and moreover everyone that is a blessing to them in Absolute Love as a beautiful embrace of Life.

Do Thank God with cheerfulness for the paramount and the superficial of your lives. It matters for an instance and for a lifetime remembered by the Omniscient Creator God Forever!

Another Angelic remembrance for your readers "Ivan the Atrayo" is this. When utilizing the Law of Attraction divine magical principles of personal self-improvement in the world. To direct all desires that are blessed to God like one directs praise as cited above. The echoes of grace are powerful indeed as a purifying force multiplier effect.

God as an umbrella catcher of totality seeks to aid all souls as his macro rebirths upon all combined realities as a living plurality of the Holy Spirit. Meaning when you help each other with compassion you help God directly even if the effect is passive upon the world. You are each the reincarnated Angelic Host believing you are mere human primate mammal animals originally it is a consequential fallacy. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month x2

Hello All,

It seems without being satisfied with one entry of "Jewels of Truth and Favorite Quotes of the Month". I'm repeating this segment, perhaps consider it as making up for missing it last month. Today's trio of channeled Angelic Wisdom also includes some Fairy Wisdom as well. With a channeled if not a prophesized statement on the Terra Genesis Project. As a potential timeline at the tail end of this 21st century. Lastly, with an encouraging statement on Heaven on Earth. By a blessed nameless angel challenging humanity to claim it for our global good.

No matter if you consider these Inspired writings as plain fiction. May it expand your conceptual horizons what is dearly possible in the world. For the past 24 years, I have been practicing clairvoyant Inspirational automatic writing and I have never had writer's block! This infers I'm taking spiritual esoteric dictation rather than pulling a stunt of creative writing passing it off as something else.

Fairy Prophecy:

2771) Be rest assured we the Fae are also riding your coattails as it were dearest "Ivan the Proud Heart of Atrayo". We know your silent suffering and we confide in you whilst you sleep encouraging you to grow towards the holy ones.

Yes, we are angel-like metaphysically speaking, but we differ as the esteemed natural forces long since forgotten. Fairy is one popular name we may use currently but we respond to so many other holier names as well. The Fairy moniker paints us as foolish quirky nature spirits which doesn't fully represent our solemn truth. We are the souls of greater kingdoms before humanity as hominids were leaping from branch to branch as primates. And, we shall remain long after the extinction of the human race as a carnal species upon this rock of the earth. We aren't just mere guardians of the environment our spiritual dimensional civilization dwarfs the sophistication of humanity by a factor of 12.

We linger supporting all creatures both great and small with a spiritual inkling as to the ancient wonders possible. Our essence not unlike your own once roamed the galaxy as keepers of Creation. Wardens of a kind not unlike your rangers keeping balance upon endless worlds where fauna and exotic wildlife had endless herds of splendor. We collectively maintain our roles as necessary adjudicators rotating hives to near perfection without incompetence.

Notwithstanding humanities meddling this Earth will shutter and cast off troublesome humanity as pests in the eons to come. Don't look for an Immediate ecological apocalyptic disaster that cop-out is way way far afield. In how humanity perceives time as an archetypical construct of physical nature. Certainly, humanity will as petulant children annihilate itself before that ever happens here upon the stars to come. There will be great troubles both manmade and natural but that again is to be expected for your Holy Sister whom you call Mother Earth and Gaia.

In the meanwhile do make pleasantries and make merry. So all that can be said and done happens for the greatest good of all concerned that care deeply for great and small alike. We as the Fae are countless as the souls of Immense sentient lifeforms that never divorced ourselves from our maternal Creator. Whether we having roamed your Ancient Earth or elsewhere upon the Cosmos have transcended upon the endless Heavens. Deciding to return as nature spirits because the needs outstripped the wants of others be it human and certainly not. We are the spiritual esoteric midwives of Creation itself angel-like but further united with the cosmopolitan nature of Mother Creation herself.

The next earth as spiritual evolution is about to be reborn. The zeitgeist of ages is coming and this renewed fervor must be born giving rise to annoying changes as the Spirit of the Earth expands. It will also collapse outmoded mannerisms of all sorts causing much as disasters in its wake. This is natural and to be expected as chaos can lead to both good and evil simultaneously.

So be not fools and afraid to live while the getting is good and wholesome. We are enamored with your grace dearest Ivan. You remember us from long ago through the memories of your Over Soul as the Arch Angel of the Children of God. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Terra Genesis Project:

2795) The "Terra Genesis Project" is a reclamation of the Earth's biosphere. Of all encultured populated fauna with foliages of various orders of the genus, including certainly undomesticated exotic animal populations. Please picture a humane treatment of your movie of Jurassic Park. With global zones of cloned exotic herds as livestock roaming nearly free across the Earth's plains, oceans, and skies. Instead of reintroducing savage dinosaurs moreso present era and historical creatures now extinct and deemed nearly extinct are resettled.

However, before such a terrain hospitable zones as habitat climates can be reset into motion. Many underlying reestablished systems must be galvanized into placement ecologically speaking. So before the animal stocks of mammals, reptiles, fish, and so forth are set loose. The ecological environment must be nourished in situ with native life-affirming bacterial adjustments tightly regulated within selective levels. Be these nutrients of various kinds of algae, viruses, cellular proteins, germs, etc... All to be regrown and laid out like a macro Petri dish covering large swaths of the ecosphere of the Earth itself as temperant landscapes, subterranean surfaces, and undersea canyons.

As the special sauces are set loose and cooked chemically into placement as it was then recloned foliages as plants and insect kingdoms can be reintroduced. For the higher tiered creatures will feed upon these basic life sources for eons hopefully. One must set the table metaphorically before the feast is suitable for all the invited guests as it were. Thus terraforming the Earth from natural and man-made global degradation is no different in this example.

An extra-governmental consortium must first be established amongst the gentrified scientists, philosophers, technicians, diplomats, and various demystified scholars as cultural delegations of the Earth's Nation States. Each sovereignty partaking akin to franchise locales hatching out together the trajectory of this and many other countless colliery noble pursuits. Of what is very feasible and what must be delayed according to expected outcomes timeline-wise.

This process in its entirety barring regional and international warlike conflicts will take humanity roughly 2 centuries to complete. Aside from developed technological systems brought to a head and created along the way to the visionary promised land so it were. Since humanity in its Industrial hubris globally took 150 years or thereabouts to throw everything ecologically speaking into the wastebasket. It will take humanity a far longer period by a few generations' time. Barring any other regional bad actors from throwing monkey wrenches along the way.

Certain climate zones will moreso be restricted by budgetary restraints due to its host nations facing shortfalls. Due to various reasons especially corruption and mismanagement of capital dollars allocated. The poorer nation-States ill affording these very sophisticated global efforts may appear more like a canned zoo-like experience instead. Versus a truer open-ended climate regional zone experience depending on what is on offer.

This technology platform in the wrong unsanctioned criminal hands can create cloned people rather than exotic animal livestock. Not unlike your science fiction movie of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" chaos as an ordeal. Nation-States can grow artificially their quasi citizen population numbers as indentured enslaved clones as people. To serve as marshall military pressed armed forces and/or extrajudicial penal law enforcement countermeasure brigades.

So it is with great hope humanity doesn't succumb to its more so barbaric tendencies. When presented with an ecological technology suite of powers to reshape the planetary sphere. The "Terra Genesis Project" with a consortium in stride will be like an Environmental United Nations. Keeping bad actors in place and dismantling criminal syndicates not by economic sanctions, but with direct to target deployed surgical military orbital strikes. So black markets of illicit trades are curtailed as illegal enterprises, not unlike a failed State such as your present timeline of the country of North Korea for instance. Heavy Imperial Sovereign Inspections by policed forces as regulatory instruments will be the first line of defense.

The "Terra Genesis Project" is far from ideal in terms of a living Garden of Eden global enterprise. However, it is an idealist venture to heal and restore the ecological centers of the earth's surface, seas, and skies. It is expected to commence in your late 21st century or early 22nd century as required by all governed bodies reaching a quorum. Only the next Global World War can unhinge such a project altogether from coming into existence as a prophecy. What was destroyed by numerous decades of human pollutions can be indeed reclaimed. By means of ethical and humane collective measures of the applied and theoretical sciences for the world to come and the hereafter for all its natural inhabitants. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Heaven on Earth:

2803) For those of us who are with angelic fervors we welcome all kinds of pleasant souls together for this time of heartwarming affections. We become each of you again and again with thanksgiving that is life-affirming with the words of God's Supremacy. That life is worth enduring no matter the pains encountered over time. Yes, all struggles can define the fragile human condition. Aside from this as reborn spiritual divinities having a very human experience as precious to the Omniscient of God.

We Anoint each of you with a tenderness that exceeds common understanding with sublime truths that defies reasons of this obscured world. We the Angelic Host ascend with each of you unto your exalted triumphs each and every time as accomplishments great and small. For each of you are the soulful rebirth of God in macro lifeforms as building blocks of the Perfected Heavens upon all Creations.

Each of you is now united with the Holy of Holies as you read these passages of verse and fantastical beauty. We dare each of you as reborn spirit bodies to be bolder in order to seize the days and nights that are coming hard and fast for each of you. Such daily struggles are Willed by God to separate the weak from the strong of spirit not necessarily of muscle. Beyond just having courage but in having the audacious Glory of God(dess) to strive for a life in abundance as living grandeurs. As each of you are baby deities Infinitely expressing the metaphysical constants of the Macro Holy Nature of God itself across the endless multi-dimensional universes.

Now we again Double Dare each of you as reborn spirits not to conform to the lunacy of this world. To ascend as United Peoples of this Global Village you call the Earth with righteous beautiful truths. To climb out of these pits of despair to become renewed in tender bodies, minds, and souls of God's angelic pristine nature.

We honor each of you greatly to continue expressing the wonderment of the blessed splendors of the living divines. As you so claim by free will Heaven on Earth by unconditional solemn faiths. Regardless of religions and spiritual traditions made in the Image and Likeness not of mankind but in angelic godkind. This will be enfolded into the Glory of an Everlasting Celestial Paradise. As your destinies ascend in cherished roles of miraculous entanglements of one soul unto another without end.

Each of you will be personally mystified by the astounding coincidences set into motion. By numerous holy graces yet unexperienced not as mere omens but by the Angel of Providence herself. Each overtaking the faithful beyond ecstasy into the embrace of a Living Supreme Godhead. Exalted out of sight ascending and spiraling ever upwards as faith transits unto longevity of purpose of spiritual beinghood.

All who claim this Miracle become the Heavenly Host by default. Only if you dare to be again the magical essence of an enshrined Creator you call as God(dess) the Omnipotent Zenith. Go and live with peace not for justice alone but for the Great Holy Ones the Angels in each of your ordinary midsts reaching out to you to become Heavenly again. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

There is nothing Love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, it's hope, and its endurance. ---St. Paul.

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. ---Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ---G. K. Chesterton.

For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline. ---2nd Timothy 1:7.

A part of us has to die to transform, and a part of us dies if we don't. Which part will prevail? ---Jett Psaris.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

Now that I have a moment's breath I wanted to share a trio of "Jewels of Truth" statements channeled via the angels just yesterday. They'll be on the topics of our "Angelic Spirit of God" versus our perceived human embodied spirit as ghosts. The next one is "Spiritual Energetic Healing" be it Reiki, Therapeutic Healing Touch, Theta Healing, Quantum Touch and so forth as forms of spiritual healing. Lastly, is a heavy-duty topic of "Do No Harm" meaning a metaphysical perspective of karmic consequences of violence upon the world.

All of the above took me around 2 hours to channel via longhand writing which is my preferred manner as an angelic channeler. May you find them intriguing even if you disagree with the premise it'll expand your mental horizons, to say the least.

Angelic Spirit of God:

2797) All that you have surmised "Ivan the Atrayo" is accurate in so far no one Human person upon death has a plain Human spirit. The spiritual ghostly entity itself may be convinced it is a human apparition. But that again is ignorance and showcases the utmost lack of spiritual development of that soulful Child of God upon eternity.

Every lifeform upon Creation as a reincarnation of the Macro Soul of God as a Singularity of Absolute Hope. It is actually an Angelic Spirit of God times Infinity. As reborn specks of the Creator of the Totality of the Alpha and the Omega simultaneously. No spirit is ever what it seems upon physical birth as a reincarnated endpoint. It is like one is saying when one wears X brand name of clothing as an example. That you belong to that clothing manufacturer as its solemn property. Far from it!

Each of you are darling creatures be you as people and all of Mother Nature herself as to its native reincarnated inhabitants. As the angels in various eternal/infinite degrees of soulful evolution period. A human spirit is a non-sequitur each of you are Angelic spirits of God(dess). As he/she/it was the Original Macro Supreme Angelic Template upon Creation! Hallelujah!   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Spiritual Energetic Healing:

2798) All spiritual healing modalities belong to the identical corpus of rejuvenation of the Divine Holy One within to be awakened again. Such a spiritual awakening is meant to reset the doldrums of the human condition of the human physical body and the spirit mind/heart interface.

To perturb the divine flow of a blessed life is to allow the tide in a running over capacity spiritually as divine energetic truths. The Intelligence of this energy metaphysically is none other but the direct application of the Immaculate Essence of God as the Lord/Lady Supreme God(dess) of all Creation(s) combined!

The practitioners of Xyz of any spiritual healing energetic modality is given the Keys to the Kingdom of God. As the gift of Life even in a temporal manner. It is with such a pinnacle responsibility that the healer must develop this gift of God as a living grace of the Creator itself. As is its essence manifest wholly and completely upon the world again by faith.

To be in this role isn't for the faint of heart nor should it be scoffed at as a curiosity. Those capable that are taught any of a near dozen-plus of energetic healing modalities and do nothing with it is a travesty indeed. It is a case of throwing pearls before swine that doesn't appreciate such a Power of Healing metaphysically. Even if it was a selfish endeavor of such a personal practice just to heal thyself as a solitary. That is way better than allowing such a delicate compassionate calling to go nowhere unapproached and undiscovered fully.

It is the folly of men and woman that are given a thunderbolt of the angelic gods of the Heavens. To only toss it away akin to an unrecognized grace in action completely and thoroughly upon the world. A shame verily we say. However, all others that develop this Grace of God(dess) no matter if the pace is anemic with several false starts. The intention is noble nonetheless and deserves careful merit in exploring your Inheritance of God upon the world as Heaven on Earth par excellence!

Be not fickle Children of God! Do begin taking responsibility for your grace with faithful actions. As the Angels reborn upon this deeply Ancient Eternal Infinity, you label as Creation. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Do No Harm:

2799) With all that has been stated prior to; "Thou Shalt Not Kill" upon the Judaic Commandment. However, the particulars are various degrees of understanding that merit further exploration spiritually speaking. Yes, one must slaughter all manner of lesser creatures including plants. As vegetation for nourishing harvests of the very human condition of a livelihood. But to still honoring that channel of grace that has blessed your physical form directly. Meaning to honor and bless that lifeform with the inherited Spirit of God equally upon them as your humanity upon this world and the next to come. A simple invocation as a prayer and/or a blessing can suffice with an open heart without forcing the act of a shared inclusive divinity upon Creation.

All the rest that can lead to violence especially a barbaric species such as humanity that relishes cultivating Hell on Earth by corrupt agendas usually. Must refrain from violence if at all possible be it physical and certainly psychological. In all sincerity, each of you as entity souls of God reborn times Infinity are specks of the Holy of Holies. A continuation of the Divine "I Am" as a Constant Loop of Absolute Life and Death in cyclical dynamics you call as karmic.

One speck of God to lash out and destroy another speck of God through hateful violence is beyond Blasphemy. It is an act of Apostasy of an Infidel knowingly and unknowingly all the same. Fortunately, there is Absolute Immaculate Mercy and Forgiveness by the Macro God Force Totality of the Supreme One Forever! However, as goes the Original Enlightened One as Omniscient as every entity reincarnated as a baby Spirit of God reborn. Must lay claim to this perfect mercy and forgiveness by free will without coercion unconditionally and in total sincerity.

Short of this each of you will be forced to relive as victims of your original aggressions karmically speaking. Be it within this Identical lifetime where the transgressions took place or in the next rebirth of your Immortal soul upon Creation. To be forgiven isn't a hall pass out of Hell, however. It only clears your temporary record upon the Book of Life for a verse or three. As the devout supplicant under supervision by an Angel of Mercy, you must release that karmic debt responsibly. By being a blessing of like-kind to another victim and/or predator upon your world. As an example of what not to do turning your pain into a consecrated form of angelic wisdom with applied graceful actions.

This provides a permanent release from the transgressions once incurred as it was recorded by the Omnipotent All-Knowing Supreme Forgiving God automatically. This is truly considered a form of Teaching Enlightenment to the former reincarnated spirit of God upon the Celestial Universe.

Do unto others as I have done unto you as "Jesus the Christos" stated upon the Book of Matthew 7:12 of antiquity. Goes without saying in this solemn regard for all to see that has vision and hear deeply that has heart. Yes, the human condition can be a barbarous realm as a living Hell on Earth. This is on purpose and by metaphysical design to separate the Blessed Children of God from the Damned Children of God directly. Those that choose by free will to devolve into demonic forms just to survive upon the Earth plane have been deceived by appearances. Faith with actions even if it is Herculian in feats accomplished is the best medicine to overcome the world every time.

All Terrian marshall forces be one police of the peace and soldiers, seaman, airman, and spaceman to come of any sovereign nation that was, is, and will be again. Must avoid outright destruction of another lifeform of one's own species and of any other as collateral damage in the scope of your missions. This may sound deeply ludicrous and oxy-moronic from your animalistic perspectives to your collective minds. You may continue to Protect and Service as defensive units in regards to subduing, arresting, and detaining lawfully. Please refrain from maiming and killing the guilty and the innocent alike. Many global Asian spiritual principles are coupled with this fundamental understanding when martial arts are taught responsibly.

Accidental killings and/or maiming without premeditation is far better than outright wanton unhinged destruction of another person as a solemn spirit of God. Even here an accidental death or maiming by your actions must be coupled by a penitent heart indeed. To make it right again by whatever justified means that is compassionately noble and permissible. By the cultural society in situ and the sovereign State by all means possible.

Those as conscientious objectors that fear for their livelihoods in disobeying what is otherwise a lawful order of your chain of command. Must transfer out to another station that isn't in direct opposition to the Will of God metaphysically speaking. Suicide here isn't an option only endurance to persevere in spite of the injustice confronted as madness upon this world. Do what you can humanely well and beseech for greater mercies to reach your predicament by the sake of providence. This may sound trivial but it is not.

This avoids the reincarnated spirit of God from having to tackle this travesty upon the afterlife directly. As a forgiven penalty when making amends upon the world for commissions of violence. Do No Harm makes each of you stewards of the Garden of Eden. In conjunction as physicians of the Macro Soul of God to heal thyself and each other as the macro Angels reborn upon this mundane version of totality.

Yes, it is very hard at times living a pacifist lifestyle in the Image and Likeness of God upon the world. The rewards are instant in terms of averted psychological wounds incurred. Aside from the rewards of Infinite Grace as Heaven on Earth even before gaining perfect heaven upon the afterlife. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

The light of a single candle can dispel the darkness of a thousand years. ---Joseph Goldstein.

There are opportunities even in the most difficult moments.  ---Wongari Maathai.

No matter where life takes you, the place that you stand at any moment is Holy Ground. Love hard, and love wide and love long and you will find the goodness in it. ---Susan Vreeland.

When forgiveness is your path and love is your reason for being alive at all, and awakening is burning in your heart, then gratitude is never far away. ---Jeff Foster.

It takes courage to break through the masks we have co-constructed and speak from the truth of our hearts. ---Terry Patten.

In times of turmoil and danger, gratitude helps to steady and ground us. It brings us into presence and our full presence is perhaps the best offering we can make to our world. ---Joanna Macy.

Life is not about "Or". It is about "And". It is magical and messy. It is heartwarming and heartbreaking. It is delight and disappointment. Grace and grief. Exquisite and excruciating, often at the exact same time.  ---Kristi Nelson.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Jewels of Truth Statement On Consciousness


928B) All that is Alive even its subordinate parts by extension is a united mass collective of the Mind of God. Thus it too has a Consciousness from the finite human organ, blood vessels, and so forth. Albeit it is moreso a primitive evolutionary construct to our intellectual mind as a status of qualitative existence. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

2793) All that lives today has a vital inherent consciousness. Be it an Idea whose time has come at its fullest zenith of meta expression of the Mind of God excelsior. Or any other aperture of the biological form be it of bone and sinew of your mortal coils. Not so much of your highest Divine self as a burgeoning collective hive of the Holy Spirit of God. But, subordinate causes of your physical body for instance and its lesser component functional parts. Each has a vitality of just cause with layers upon layers, not unlike a patina of health making all an orchestra pit of aliveness. Because natively you are its core apex as the host vessel corporeally speaking.
Your skin, for example, has a lesser kinetic consciousness, not unlike the electrical impulses your organ of the brain interacts with constantly. As a biological evolutionary throwback as a construct, the skin is similar to the glow worm with its field of kinetic nodules of stimuli. Not all forms of consciousness are created equal in so far here in this trajectory of biological inference of evolutionary hierarchy. Many forms of Being have their inception elsewhere as a series of levels of mass generational consciousness attributed to a global group think collectively.
Aside from the physical outlets of inferior examples of consciousness to your rationale of the human mindset of your brain organ. All organs subsequently as a subordinate creature of sorts has an embedded programmed hierarchy of responses as semi-independent organisms of aliveness. Even your blood count vessels as an extension of your protoplasm are alive with its own evolutionary mechanisms of responses keeping each of you well-nourished every day of every moment.
Abstract notions are also alive metaphysically on par with its own native contextual understanding. Defined strictly by limiting parameters nonetheless they are robust with an existence all their own truly. Not like your intellectual mind but as a Meme would exist eternally as a bit of knowledge as itself. Be it on planet Earth upon 2019 and 4019 for that matter as much later on considered to be archaic knowledge.
You may quip by saying that we're throwing around the term of Consciousness too loosely. Well, Consciousness is a relative phenomenon given the scope of its native function and limited self-awareness. Consciousness requires Energy of various nominal and exotic particles for it to coalesce into shape and proportional use. What is alive isn't always flesh and blood it is also ecological zones such as metrological weather patterns keeping hopefully the extended organisms of the biosphere vitally healthy as a baseline standard. The Gaia Principle is very apropos here that Mother Earth is equally self-aware. Just that she exists at a pinnacle level that far exceeds the complete cognizant understanding of the so-called self-declared sentient species of humanity at its current rate of development. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Atrayo's Oracle Rehearsal Vlog For "Addam's Family Psychic Fair"

Hello All,

It's been a couple of months since I last posted here. I just wanted to share a rehearsal video I've recently uploaded to my YouTube Channel. Of my upcoming appearance at the Addam's Family Psychic Fair sponsored by The Spirit University. It'll be a 2-night bash of an event for this week's Fri. and Sat. Oct. 18th & 19th respectively. From 7pm until 10pm on both nights. I'll be speaking on Saturday, October 19th at 8:20 pm that evening for about 20 min. timeframe.

Please check out my rehearsal vlog running time 28 min. thank you.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

Friday, August 09, 2019

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

Since I've been sporadic in my blog entries versus non-existent I see this as a marked improvement.  :) I've been moreso active on my Facebook Fan Page of "Atrayo's Oracle" the identical name at this Blogger site. Today I'll be simply reposting around 8+ channeled angelic wisdom statements of the "Jewels of Truth" series for all to reflect upon richly.

Four will be on the longhand series versus what I term the shorter social media shorthand with one Meme thrown in for good measure. The topics in no particular order are on: Eye of the Needle, Divine Inheritance, False Prophets, and Passion to complete the roundup. As always may you each find these intriguing to consider and contemplate for your very sacred faith traditions. Blessings.

Eye of the Needle:

918B) To pass thru the proverbial Eye of the Needle one must surrender unto God all that is of an earthly burden. By shifting one's entire being sifted through a holy paradox of comprehension. Only by becoming the paradox ruled by benevolence one finds the gate to Heaven on Earth by solemn moderation. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

2761) With all things there comes an understanding that to persevere means a thing of great excellence in itself. This accounts for many hurdles both large and small in many countless endeavors. To come to understand this is a thing of beauty unto its own manifold expression. For the struggle in itself isn't the main reason. It is the intent behind the struggle to reconcile any number of circumstances at odds with you.

When it was spoken in the Biblical New Testament in order for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle instead. (Matthew 19:24) Which means one would need to pass through the top middle portion end of the needle itself metaphorically speaking. Avoiding either end of the extreme points of the needle altogether.

The middle ground is the best hope any of us have in remotely finding the Kingdom of God as Heaven on Earth spiritually by devotions. For Heaven isn't a physical place but an etherical dimensional realm as a State of Pure Divine Holy Being. As perceptions and attitudes go by aiming for wellness and pristine spiritual health of sincere intentioned wholeness one welcomes the beauty of God(dess) in your lives truly.

In other words, the proverbial "Eye of the Needle" is best experienced thoroughly as a benevolent Holy Paradox of the righteous life itself. A contrarian viewpoint and expression with a solemn trust of all that is and will be again. Acting upon the expansive elements of the subjective and objective inner being of the self. As one dies to the world one assumes their divine shape once again. Not so much a mortal's natural dying of the human body per se but of a metaphysical renewal by a solemn faithful trust. Always lived in a virtuous character-based manner in order to become your inner grace in this world.

Sojourning via such paradoxes of a well-aimed benevolence as the remarked through the Eye of the Needle spiritual teaching. Affords a roadmap of a sort beyond just pollyanna Idealism but in a steadfast Inclusive comprehension of the encountered spiritual realities wholeheartedly.

To be the Jewel or the Apple of the Eye of God is to become not of the world but in it nonetheless as a purified Holy Divine form. This is the hallmark of finding and rejoicing that the Kingdom of God as Heaven on Earth can be found without guile. A pristine pathway into paradise on Earth regardless of your spiritual creed or faith tradition as the apex destination of the Children of God. Always outside the confines of mortal fragmented hostilities but in a tranquil holistic multidimensional reunification of the meritious Everlasting Life. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo

Divine Inheritance:

919B) All can lay claim to their Holy Divine Inheritance of the Heavens upon this or any other world in the cosmos. However, one by unconditional Free Will must live and act like Angels of Grace versus discord. This is the Catalyst of the God Spark to become Awaken as a Holistic Faith in Action. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

2765) We who are the Heavens endlessly manifested are a caring sort of soul. As a perfectly represented expression of the Will of God glorified forever. No one is left lonely and outside our Magnificient Adorations that deserve to receive them. We the Angelic Host even love purely those that have denied our collective grace repeatedly. By holding supreme Hope for them to return to the flock of the redeemed upon the world.

We are never judgmental to a derogatory degree for we admonish no one. We do distinguish between right from wrong by giving compassion to all that need a wise open loving heart and mind globally. We the Angelic Host aren't stuck on any one religion to the exclusion of all others. That again is barbaric and animalistic in a heartless scope belonging to the fragmented nether hellish realms.

For we the Angelic Host operate mentally and metaphysically with a Totality Consciousness. Which means it is a hedged spread of Ultimate Grace in Action offering the optimal best in a perfected absolute manner every time dearly so. All is Fine in the Constant Ascended Scale of God's Vantage Point in the Endless Heavens. For God's Apex Demeanor is Pure Enlightenment of Benevolence which makes it so Beautiful by his/hers/its Supreme Majestic Almighty Victory for Eternity! Hallelujah!

All of Humanity has also a potential clairvoyant relationship with God(dess) by free will inherently. Meaning All Souls have Divine Powers of the many claire families of psychic-mediumship-trance abilities to mirror and exceed your finite human 5 senses. Here they are a part of your reincarnated spirit body as divine beings forever upon Infinity. All can receive these exalted holy gifts as the powers and rightful principle graces as your Divine Inheritance right here on Earth. As a spiritual first followed as a human being in this sacred now moment by everlasting free will.

However, it can take a lifetime for some to fully master these god-centric gifts of the Holy Spirit of God. Except for those Old Ancient Souls reborn with exquisite maturity of blessed character with a head start before all others versus those starting barely from scratch upon eternity. This is aside from your Perfect Master Plan Calling by the Will of God as your Living Dharma of Free Willed Blessed Choice. Coupling both your blessed dharma and your clairvoyant family of holy powers makes you all Angels again as Heaven on Earth by the Beneficient Will of God(dess). Hallelujah! ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

False Prophets:

916B) Be on guard for usurpers of all kinds that assume sovereign power of the State and any other pinnacle of authority. Must always be accountable to the governed. Otherwise, dictatorial Tyrants have been granted the keys to the Kingdom of Men. What occurs next is misery to no end in sight. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

915B) All whom beckon close to the scales of the powerful in the world. Lo! Be wary for what one cozies up to may not be what is in the plain common sight at first. For the power of authority reveals the great and the wicked upon our hearts. If there be a righteous character there will be triumph upon the world in spite of setbacks. Otherwise, a corrupt character will be like a poser as a false-prophet before the great and frail alike in the world.

Trust not charlatans for they will promise all the falsehoods they can assure you of and deliver few to none by blaming other fools upon their own lack of scruples. This is the indicative path of weak-willed leaders seeking vanity and status above the needs of others whom they are allegedly in service for originally.

Authentic leaders rise to occasions of great moral need hopefully for the greater good of those afflicted and in need of visionary guidance. All others that promise the world but deliver excuses are good for nothings be they lauded as kings and queens of the masses. They reign over nothing lest the power handed to them by others authority that has forsaken their grandeur towards another by collective empowerment.

Be astute and steer clear of such pretenders for what they wrought is selfish and opaque to all others in terms of a misguided agenda. Do not forsake your critical faculties of reason by being apologists to partisan imbeciles. This will only tar and feather you in the court of public opinion in spite of selective long memories of the misery you once supported upon others.

Be not the miser of tribulations upon those in genuine need for what you do today will have far-reaching echoes past this era in time. Let not your children's children lament their ancestry by belonging to traitors by any other name as daemon. Peace be upon the afflicted and the innocent of the State. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo


917B) For the Passionate to not merely exist in the world one must be enveloped by a grandeur that defies mere mention. A truth based upon a pure heart that encapsulates the longevity of a splendid expression. Passion demands grace for it to succeed in the world. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

2764) To all those in the world afraid to live their sacred truth often called your righteous passion. You may have forsaken precious dreams because of your bills as living expenses took precedent. Many excuses later you let your dreams go of loving your potential lifelong success. As misery follows a broken heart you are merely existing now as a ghost in this world.

Be not your worst enemies and be well-advised that God is the upholder of all your best and truest dreams as your destined perfect calling therein. Push past these petty recriminations and dust off your dreams anew. Polish them with unconditional love and begin taking baby steps in the direction of your passionate love as your dharma.

Even if you must at first volunteer and practice your craft for free to gain the residual balance in terms of valid experiences, please do so! However, long it takes you to feed your souls, minds, and perpetual hearts. All the while doing other vocations to feed your hungry bellies and to live well enough in the world.

Your calling may very well need to be a glorified hobby at first for all intents and purposes. Before it takes your life over as an eventual career without it being just a plain day or moonlighting nightly job. Be the giant of your angelic godhead spiritually speaking in the world. Shine forth like a vertical beacon of Hope and Grace to any one person and all that would be open to receive such a calling on this Earth.

The whispering Angels as your Holy Intuition will guide you far and wide never steering you wrong truly. Just be steadfast and sure minded with such a resolve that is beautifully heroic in the effort and in divine nature. Become the Love you seek in the world expressed unconditionally, but in delicate moderation as its balancing anchor. This will keep you strong, safe, and prosper you holistically if you allow it to happen.

All the rest occurs gradually over time with sacrifice and discipline to follow truthfully. When pain, as suffering and error do arrive, do not take it personally. Just shrug it off and be chivalrous about it all especially towards yourself first before all others in due time. Take your life in stride with noble good humor and be not wicked predators of another's sacred holy dream of God in the world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It's ordinary to love the beautiful, but it's beautiful to love the ordinary. ---Unknown.

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true. The other is to refuse to believe what is true. ---Soren Kierkegaard.

Sometimes I go about pitying myself and all the time I am being carried on Great Winds across the Sky. ---Chippewa; Translated by Robert Bly.

Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. ---Asha Tyson.

When you can't go far, you go deep. ---Br. David Steindl-Rast.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.