Thursday, January 07, 2016

Now Offering My Intuitive Services At

Hello All,

I hope many of you across the globe are getting settled well into this New Year 2016. A belated "Happy Epiphany" to those that celebrated the Christian holiday of "The 3 Wise Kings" as of yesterday January 6th.

Now having come out of the psychic closet last year after hiding from the world for nearly 26 years. Where I also launched my own website "" just a few months ago. I've now expanded to offer my spiritual angelic oracle abilities at a cheaper rate over at The exact web address to my profile at Fiverr is "".

I'm currently offering two Gigs or services at their freelancer for hire website. The 1st offering is my Sage Mystic blend of giving advice to those seeking it on a per question basis. Questions are limited to the general topics only. I do not answer questions that are related to: professional, legal, or medical matters.

My 2nd service is a twofer of Dream Interpretations coupled with a 3 Tarot card reading upon the dream and my interpretation of it. The gig extra or up sale is doing a 5 Tarot card reading and taking a photograph of it for the customers future keepsake.

*I also stipulate all customer readings are given with complete privacy and confidentiality. No information is kept or shared at all. 

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