Hello All,
If global warming wasn't enough of a threat to humanity whether it was caused by humanity or not. Here is a Double Whammy threatening the human consumption of seafood globally as the least of our concern. There's the environmental cascade of such an event of unintended consequences for something we did clearly cause. Not it being so opaque as global warming there's a Global Oceanic Catastrophe. Our planet dare I say our mother Earth has five oceanic tidal vortexes globally called Gyre's. These 5 gyre's have several beneficial environmental causes to help regulate the temperature of the planet, besides being instrumental in regulating global ocean currents.
Well now this same North Pacific Gyre oceanic patch has become the infamous toilet for humanity. This eyesore probably seen from space by satellite now. Like any toilet has become backed up its only a matter of decades before it threatens humanity directly. It's no longer a question of If, but When?
A video reported by the DW: European Journal from June 4th, 2014 (link no longer available online) of this year regarding the North Atlantic Gyre (aka the Gulf Stream) off the coast of the Netherlands. Already according to Deutsche Welle (DW) is reporting in that video segment that half of the North Atlantic Grye whales and seals are ingesting plastics. In the North Pacific Gyre the jellyfish, fish, seabirds and even muscles attaching themselves to degradable plastics have been spotted. I suppose not until we're affected directly will we as the species that caused this fiasco will fix it. Until that time expect to see from everything in these gyre's from the smaller fish up to giant whales start to have a massive die off. Fisherman won't be the only one's complaining when fishing stocks being contaminated with Microplastics. Microplastics are those tiny fragments of degradable plastics that flake off our trash over time. Ending up in our sea birds and sea life as a choking hazard. Wait until the first generation of people globally start choking on their lunch or dinner. Here's hoping the fish processing plants as food manufacturers weed out the bulk of these contaminated fishery stocks. Although I am painting a gloomy picture that will probably occur in the next 50 years or so at the rate we're dumping trash into the world oceans.
There's an organization called "Project Kaisei" based out of San Fransisco, California. The word "Kaisei" in Japanese means ocean planet. This vanguard of a research organization has sent 2 research expeditions to the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" since 2008. On their splash homepage automatically plays a full screen 9 minute or so video showcasing the scale of the problem. Please Watch It.
Project Kaisei (Video Link)
Now that you're starting to get a glimpse at the scale of this dilemma I'm attempting to describe to you. Here as my own talent goes is my own original concept in beginning the discussion in order how to tackle it from an industrial scale. This Oceanic Hairball where there should be now 5 globally in each oceanic gyre. Is from an Industry side for manufacturers a potential Goldmine of Profit. Yes, I didn't stutter nor I'm I a sell out in not caring for our beloved Mother Earth. For the gargantuan industrial clean up needed of our world oceans, there is a silver lining. These resources as our former garbage was once consumer and industrial goods. They can be fully Recycled. Meaning since this trash is floating in International waters there is no one nation to pay for mining rights or recycling rights of these resources on an industrial scale.
The most important issue is here not to disrupt the aquatic eco-system that is mostly unaffected by all this trash in the surrounding regions. Since already a large swath of sea creatures that are caught up in this Oceanic Hairball is dead whether they know it or not. Better to consider such a region an oceanic quarantine zone where any sea creatures contaminated by human garbage. Unfortunately, can not be rescued much like the British Petroleum BP disaster of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil-covered sea birds along 100% of the gulf coast areas of Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, and Florida were not systematically rescued. (It was only smaller environmental groups that gave a dam and attempted to save the oil tared wildlife) It wasn't completely humanly possible, thus the same conundrum will effect environmentalists when big industry starts to mine or recycle the trash in these ocean gyre's.
What I'm proposing for big maritime industry to do is one of two things at first. The first experimental class of oceanographic seafaring class of vessel recyclers. Can either be constructed from scratch at a ship building facility as the very first designed generation class of vessel. Or the cheaper of the two are retrofitted existing oil tankers with massive internal hold tanks. Perhaps oil tankers that are nearing the end of their lifespan in service. That are capable of passing through the Panama and Suez canals respectively as a global seafaring vessel.
The type of retrofit I'm proposing in design is as follows as pictured above from the center exterior hull on either side of the vessel. Have retractable hull access points circular in shape where industrial vacuum hose suckers deploy. Something similar to what marine archaeologists use when excavating the seafloor for wrecks. Where the content hosed up via those vacuums is sifted on board the research ship for selective archeological treatment. Basically do the same but on steroids where as this retrofitted oil tanker vessel sucks up the oceanic hairball. Via an internal conveyor belt system it starts to place in each oil tank hull storage all this recycled material and/or misc trash and containmented sea life. Once such a phase of siphoning the ocean surface of this 10% of human low hanging trash is scooped up. The next phase of the ships operation kicks into gear. The internal tracks of conveyor belts are rerouted like a locomotive train switching tracks within the ships internal industrial architecture.
This is where the rerouted trash is placed a new onto the internal conveyor belts. Going into an industrial processing facility for these reclaimed recyclable goods. There will be three recycled processes ongoing one is the process called "Thermal Depolymerization". Which is a fancy word for gleaning back the petroleum goods such as various oil grades that went into creating all these plastic types originally. According to an article from the website called "Fast Company" in September 1st, 2011. A company called "Greenstar Recycling and Vadxx Energy" will be building a state of the art facility in Arkon, Ohio that is projected in 2012 to reclaim 80,000 barrels of petroleum from thermal depolymerization. (As of Feb. 2013 "Waste Management Inc." purchased "Greenstar Recycling" for $220 Million)
Wikipedia: Thermal Depolymerization (Link)
Fast Company: Converting Plastic Back To The Oil It Came From (Link)
Go figure a retrofitted Oil Tanker vessel as the first generation maritime recycler. Becoming a petroleum processing reclamation plant from discarded plastics. The other recycling process is similar to the one above but where the plastics are sorted into grades by the seafaring workers. (Yes, its grueling work with hazards of getting sliced easily by sharp edges from the trash) To place the sorted plastics into a recycling plant to reclaim them for future industrial manufacturers. A process called "Re / De - Polymerization" not unlike the one stated above. Do note the bulk of the Discarded Fishing Nets Made of Nylon can be recycled as well. Since all this lost fishing nets causes a tragic dilemma called "Ghost Fishing". Where fish continue to be caught and die from these drifting under sea nets that have been cut off by fishing vessels.
The Maritime Recycler vessel as a class of ships besides dividing the plastics for petroleum reclamation. And recycling the other assorted plastics for future Industrial manufacturer usage. Will also have on board a metal furnace to reclaim all the assorted metals. The Oil Tanker will lastly have an incinerator plant where any miscellaneous trash and the containmented sea creatures will be cremated. The power generation plant of this former oil tanker now maritime recycler class of ships. Can generate power to a limited degree from the incinerator plant as well. Although not to contribute to global warming from the emissions of such an incinerator plant smoke stacks on the ship. Every ship will utilize a process of algae scrubbers as a pollution control methodology in its emissions.
Here's a link to website called "Phys.org" on an article dated March 14th, 2012 on how algae can be a bio fuel and a source of pollution control. Where of course algae is plentiful in the world oceans although this will be a specially treated species of algae. That will be utilized for such a pollution control process.
Phys.org "Algae Species Explored Biofuel Source" (Link)
Once all the plastics and metals are recycled including reclaimed petroleum as the output by product. Just like the internal hull conveyor belt track system in sourced these raw resources. The same dynamic will be at play in reverse order where the reclaimed materials will be organized according to type within the very same storage hulls that once contained the raw resources. Once the Maritime Recycler is filled to the gills (pun intended) of industrial grade materials for manufacturers. The home office will look for industrial buyers at a global port of call. Where the vessel will deliver directly to their port of choice to unload these recycled industrial goods. Thus heading back to its native port of call to swap out for a new fresh crew and supplies for the next voyage to reclaim the trash in the ocean gyre's.
That's what I foresee as a potential reality taking perhaps the next 50 years to clear up the ocean surface of every of the five ocean gyre's. With this industrial concentrated effort to recycle all these discarded resources like mining a surface landfill for recycled content. However there's still the other 90% of human garbage that has sunk to perhaps the ocean sea floor. That has to be reclaimed somehow perhaps in the late 21st to early 22nd century. Maybe with a new class of submarines to similarly vacuuming up these under the sea floor landfills. Where the stored raw resources are taken to an ocean surface rig platform that has the necessary recycling processing facility. Then the refined resources can be off loaded onto cargo ships delivered to manufacturers at their sea port of choosing.
This is my crystal ball into what I can foresee as a potential reality in mining or reclaiming those under the sea discarded trash. Nonetheless expect to see a flotilla of maritime recyclers globally. After the first generation of retrofitted Oil Tankers have proven the concept thoroughly as the 1st generation of Maritime Recyclers. Than the industrial titans of ship builders will go directly for this new class of ship vessel. To being built from scratch for such an industrial operation in each of the globes ocean gyre's.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.