Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of The Month

Hello All,

Besides the development of Volume 2 of the "Jewels of Truth" continuing at my publisher iUniverse. I've returned from a twelve day family visit slash vacation in Miami last week. This is where I'm catching up to my routine which includes posting to this blog site.

Today's entry of the "Jewels of Truth" series deals with the topics of: Living, Art, and Invisible Links that connect us to others. These original spiritual wisdom statements were written back in late April and early May of the year 2009. Now only appearing more than 2 years time later here at "Atrayo's Oracle" for the very first time.

Without a further adieu here they are for your enjoyment.


948) Live well, by living well is the greatest truth in seeking contentment. Whereby we focus on the positive to illuminate the way to a fuller lifestyle. A lifestyle that is not overburdened by our limitations. That fashions our personal inadequacies into ropes that bind us into a stronger form than weakening our resolve to "Live Well". By living well I do not only mean materially speaking, but holistically. Finding expression of our mental and emotional being having a healthy outlook on life as we know it. As the experiences of life toss us about we can remain in our truth that we can overcome such obstacles. Not alone, for if we are wise we will align ourselves with souls that will support us by their own compassion and truth.

Living well is a privilege, and not a right. It is our responsibility to maintain a mindset and a character that is robust enough to be in harmony with our own individual circumstances. If we falter than we succumb to suffering leading the way by hardships that may become countless. Strengthen your character and most of all your faith in God to carry you to a better place by being well prepared for life itself. Otherwise you will always cheat yourself of the destiny and blessedness of the glory of God(dess) all around you constantly. Amen.
---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

949) Art as a medium has Infinite sources of Inspirations. This is what makes art a creative force of delight and expression for some. Others yet still use art to give expression to the suffering of the world facing injustice. Art is the bridge between the unspoken and the articulated. Art is not just for the elite within a particular society, it is for the masses. As a space to offer the people as a whole a place of enrichment and growth. A growth that is both thought provoking and at times if needed controversial. Forcing the cultural norms to evolve for the highest self to shine with dignity, and not vanity alone. Art is the mainstay of any civilization worth its weight in the souls that find expression through the sacred act of creation. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

950) There are numerous invisible links that bind us to other people. Be it by circumstance or affinity of intent these invisible links can be supportive for a person leading to empowerment. If meant for one person alone or for the many at large by the consequences of actions yet to be fully resolved. All leaders no matter their stature in a society will need invisible links in becoming catalysts for change. However not all invisible links are supportive in nature. Many yield destructive effects if not immediately than down the road to an uncertain future. Out of the ashes of such a misfortune the ones to follow can rise once again to bring order out of chaos. It is not the invisible links or the ties that bind us together that make them good or bad. It is how the ones with the power to recognize and wield them that shall be the determiner of the integrity of their actions. Those that lead through ulterior selfish motivations will eventually be caught in the full display of the rising sun. Where the masses will declare "No More" we are not your slaves! Thus breaking their chains in order to live with liberty versus obligated indebtedness. Those whom lead with conviction no matter if disagreement follows them shall be honored. For their hearts are just and not filled with a lust in authoritative power can bring alone. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Peace is not an event, its a process. ---Leymah Gbowee. Liberian Peace Activist. On PBS "Tavis Smiley" show on 10/17/11.

God always provides what we need, but we must be ready to open our eyes and see it. ---The Midrash.

Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started. ---Unknown Proverb.

Do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do. ---John Wooden.

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. ---Muhammad Ali.

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