Monday, October 30, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 2: On Abrahamic Mysticism A Heaven Without Ever A Rebellion

I'm the Clairvoyant author as a sage and angelic mystic to the channeled angelic spiritual wisdom book series of "Jewels of Truth" Volume 1, 2, and 3. I'm a visionary futurist as an Inspirational muse focusing on innovative original conceptual designs as potential solutions as a form of dharmic service.
A Theological Controversial "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statement regarding the debunking of a rebellion ever to occur in a Pure Absolute Perfect Paradise reality of the Heavens. The topic is on Abrahamic Mysticism via clairvoyant automatic writing where I've been practicing for over 22 years time now.
Jewels of Truth Website:
Atrayo's Oracle Blog Link for Oct. 12th, 2017

Jewels of Truth Pinterest Folder with over 180+ channeled angelic wisdom memes available.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 1: On Divine Inheritance and the Morpheus Principle

I'm the Clairvoyant author as a sage and angelic mystic to the channeled angelic spiritual wisdom book series of "Jewels of Truth" Volume 1, 2, and 3. I'm a visionary futurist as an Inspirational muse focusing on innovative original conceptual designs as potential solutions as a form of dharmic service.
Today's "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom on the topics of Divine Inheritance and upon the Morpheus Principle of expansionistic creativity as reality.
Jewels of Truth Website:

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry for Oct. 12th, 2017.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

Call this a Deja Vous posting of this segment in seeking to make up what I missed for the month of August of this year. I've already posted this segment for the last 2 weeks for missing the month of September found Here Posted Oct. 12th. Besides for this month proper on Oct. 5th at this Link for those seeking a triple dose of my angelically channeled spiritual wisdom goodness.

One of my often unspoken agreements with God and the Angels is whatever I have recently learned in my lifelong pursuit of spiritual automatic writing. I would through wisdom by means of mysticism share it freely In writings to anyone willing to be so inclined to reflect upon the subject matter in question. Thus this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" continues sprouting with my YouTube Page. With over 50 Vlog videos plus of these posts of the "Jewels of Truth" series. Besides my ancillary social media pages such as Twitter @Atrayo and my Instagram @atrayo1 pages.

Today is no different I continue through exploring and experimenting the breadth of my clairvoyant abilities in automatic writing. Which is basically trance communication but solely with inspired writings. This time via the endless heavens I have reached out to the lesser gods as respective angels of Morpheus and Apollo otherwise known in Greek Mythology as Helios. Since what I have been impressed upon in prior channeled sessions with my angels is that all eternal mythologies of once great religions now dead in practice. Those lesser deities are the angels themselves whereby God is the only Apex Supreme parental celestial figure to unite them all as One. Whether God is worshipped by monotheism or polytheism it is all united in the Infinite benevolent heavens it is only a matter of style via sublime adoration.

So I reached out to the Angels of Morpheus and Apollo and I channeled with each two statements. With the minor god angel of Morpheus, I channeled on the topic of Dreams. With Helios / Apollo, I channeled on the topic of Music at his request. Since most "Jewels of Truth" statements I channel by personal choice to explore such topics albeit with Helios he made the request specifically. I also channeled from a nameless Angel as a Luminary which is often the usual case on the topic of Good, Neutrality, and Evil. May you find them informative as well as fascinating no matter if you believe the source of my inspiration by faith. Namaste.


2551) To dream is a gift seeking freedom at its finest expression. Not all dreams are equal for not even God dreams at all. For God has no aspirations in what he wills shall happen automatically. All others have a temporal flavor to them akin to a delayed response as a natural buffer in negotiating time and space for optimal outcomes. All dreaming is a selfish act even if the notion is altruistic in human nature. Any dream falls into one of three categories of well-being.

First, the most common dreams are that of wishes as living hope in seeking a better reality for self and all others. Second, there are flights of fancy as fantasy in spirit having no basis in fact and all fiction in nature. Lastly, there are prophetic dreams as visions often directed by the Angels in conjunction with God's Holiest Spirit.

Each of these main domains as arena's of the spirit self-works with desire. Since in Paradise, there are Zero Desires their because there is no need for them through God's endless absolute love. All desires are like dreams as fabrications by design by the sole intent of the lesser gods for the benefit of all mortal kind. A medium as a vehicle to influence often for the highest pinnacle good for all macro effects as conclusions. The artful and metaphysical science of coordinating events from Paradise for the incarnated macro species. Uses desires and dream craft as a means to an end result.

Dreams are merely a backdrop to an even greater need or want to become fulfilled. From individuals, groups or people, and even archetypal forces with reasons of their own. Dreams are inception points as launch pads of agenda's that reveal and also mask truths all too frequently. The best most sublime truths are simplest in the divine being and neatly fit concealed away from perceptions not ready to conceive them originally. Thus the eternal pathways of soulful evolution are both a certainty and a misgiving. Mortals expect evolutionary and revolutionary growth. Pure Spirits, however, do not for all rests in God's Macro Meta Being. As already completed and perfectly finalized forever and forever more in supreme grandeur. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source: Morpheus)


2555) To hear a tune through the heart invites the melody of the spiritual universe to sing right along with you. For music is divine when it invites listeners and other musicians to share in the glory of beautiful and soulful music. Not all music is holy some of it is anger and hateful filled with vitriol and disgust for rulers abusing the masses.

Music that feeds the heart spiritually can also feed the mind with an abundance of meaning as well. Here we stand at the precipice of understanding all the while being entertained in the rightful process. As music can enthrall us it can also inspire not merely the senses. But, also the Spirit of God in us all. So that we all sing along in a solidarity as one meta voice with convictions that are sublime in holy nature. In order to effect positive changes in our individual psyche. As well as to move entire societies by grace to improve our values over time.

All good music is a catalyst force of great change that can move mountains of rigidity. Calcified people and institutions can crumble before a victorious soul-stirring hymn. As unconditional righteous truth spoken and sung repeatedly is what caused the ancient walls of Jericho to collapse by the Will of God. There is angelic power in the music of the Essence of God is often conveyed by tonal harmonies beyond the spectrum range of human perceptions.

When music is graceful it heals the spirit and the psyche simultaneously. Beyond than just soothing the beast within but in empowering them with the benevolent Spirit of God. The right tones in the rightful harmonies in the correct recipes of blended mixtures can heal and restore life abundantly. However, the opposite is also true dreadfully to undo safety and to destroy conclusively. Akin to a hostile trumpet blast causing bodily harm and subsequently property destruction equally so in happenstance.

The deep science of tones as harmonics and melodies is still obscure in human terms to date beyond that of plain entertainment. Outside of this, there is raw and refined celestial divine powers that can be tapped into universally as well as with wickedness. Each to their own tune sung not just in a day but in a lifetime. As the Angels play their songs from heaven forever for us all combined. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source: Helios / Apollo)

Good, Neutrality, & Evil:

2553) To waiver in faith is to forget one's birthright with God the Most High. Each of us is alive spiritually in a mutual health known as God itself. All is reconciled here beyond all differences of a duality of whatever sort. There is only God and even our spirit personalities are subsumed into this immense totality of the Creator. We are awakened to everything and everyone simultaneously for we piggyback onto the metaphysical infrastructure that is God(dess).

We ease drop and we influence directly by indirect subtle clues hoping for the holiest best each time. A win for us is when mortal kind abides with the Will of God on purpose. As you shine lovingly and spiritually we shine ever more brilliantly with gladness. And for God, he does shine ever more as our meta surrogate to all of Creation as itself.

To humanity, there is good, neutrality, and evil although sometimes not even neutrality is ever counted making a binary selection the truism instead. In the afterlife, this is all backward and crude nonsense. Yes, there are lesser spirit realms as metaphysical realities as there are middle and highest ones. However, all have equal footing as in sway for they are the personification and embodiment of God metaphysically speaking in greatest essence. A Pure Ethereal planar reality do the Heavens, Limbo's, and Hells encompass in an Infinite and Eternal circular fashion constantly. All good, neutrality and evil are but idealogical flavors of the Creator each for its own raison d'etre to be alive and dead simultaneously. By means of the vehicle of Enlightenment singularly these three ideological stances of good, neutrality, and evil are harmonically reconciled forever in God alone.

They are no longer an impediment to any soul in the afterlife. They are however discharged as to roles of differing lifestyles in spirit for ghosts to explore the Infinite Totality of God(dess). There is no warfare in the afterlife between good and evil that is a human fallacy. A primitive barbarism as an untruth best left to the idle foolishness of evolving species. A vestige like a discarded tail for a homo sapien creature as to a path of spiritual awakening. Humanity lives by fallacy and truth with most untruths assumed to be until otherwise disproven by enlightened wisdom shining brightest upon them.

Here we stand at the threshold of the Great "I Am" calling upon all to awaken to the wonder of their holiest splendor of our divinity in truth. To shed the youth of mortality and become the Angels of a truthful paradise once more. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 


I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine today.  ---Ken Wilber.

The whole of the holy life is good friends. ---The Buddha.

We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny, but what we put into it is ours. ---Dag Hammarskjold.

What brings fulfillment is gratefulness, the simple response of our heart to this life in all its fullness. ---Brother David Steindl-Rast.

We don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory. ---Howard Zinn.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 22 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multifaceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 12 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 2: On The 72 Virgins of Islamic Martyrdom

I'm the Clairvoyant author as a sage and angelic mystic to the channeled angelic spiritual wisdom book series of "Jewels of Truth" Volume 1, 2, and 3. I'm a visionary futurist as an Inspirational muse focusing on innovative original conceptual designs as potential solutions as a form of dharmic service.
Today's 2nd part of the "Jewels of Truth statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month" is on the topic of the 72 Islamic Virgins of Martyrdom. How the angels I channeled by automatic writing explains it in a critical tone towards radical Jihadists.
Jewels of Truth:

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry for Oct. 5th, 2017.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

Some of you will be scratching their heads saying that I've done this segment already for this month of October? Well yes, you're right however this repeat segment has two motivations behind it currently. First, it is a makeup post for missing this favorite segment of mine for the past two months of August and September. That was the time I was baptized by fire as a newly minted full blown caregiver for my mother having Parkinson Dementia.

The second reason is moreso do to as a Leap of Faith as guided by my Angels and God himself. Now I may have lost some of you when stating I channel God as well. For many years I presumed that was a feat for a select historical few only. I guess not, gladly. For many years I had assumed by my decade's long channeling of the Angels that Moses the Great Patriarch when speaking to the Burning Bush. Was actually talking to his Guardian Angel instead versus God Almighty, not the case. In our contemporary times when author "Neale Donald Walsch" in his "Conversations with God" series of books states he talks and does automatic writing with God. I again said to myself he must be confused he's probably channeling his Guardian Angels. Chalk that error on my part to my innocence in these ancient metaphysical soulful practices.

For the past year, I have been experimenting with precautions in the Holy Heavenly Light by channeling the Ascended Masters of several global faith traditions. Making sure I'm safe and graced in faith when doing so. This is around the time guess who showed up out of the blue and I started to channel telepathically and now in clairvoyant automatic writing the Big Cheese a.k.a. the Creator. This must be par for the course and not an obscure mediumship gift of those in a righteous faith tradition.

Please bear with me since I do not take this lightly or flippant so this will be a longer Introduction preamble message than I'm used to in practice. The Leap in Faith again is to share these most recent "Jewels of Truth" statements I've channeled from God. The topics are of Divine Inheritance, Morpheus Principle, and on Abrahamic Mysticism. I'm very skittish in sharing that last topic of Abrahamic Mysticism expecting a firestorm to erupt since it involves the Arch Angel Azazel. Although it is in the context that there wasn't ever a Battle or Rebellion in Heaven itself a place of celestial perfection.

The Morpheus Principle channeled statement almost gets overshadowed by what I've just stated above. However, it basically gets into what humanity deems as authored fiction from elsewhere for our entertainment purposes. Has a metaphysical meaning behind it as the Soul Recall Memory Dynamic in play. Reincarnated souls even as fantasy to ourselves are remembering a saga from elsewhere metaphysically. In another time and place of the Universe and certainly a Parallel Earth Reality.

Lastly, on the topic of Divine Inheritance where many of us in humanity assume it only happens in our afterlife especially in religious circles. Well, God points out that was an innocent mistake made at best. Our raw talents and our greatest unconditional loves in life are part of the holy package as the Will of God in our individual lives. Including those Children of God that have been blessed with the psychic-mediumship pool of holy graces often taking a lifetime to explore fully. What religions are fearing being it Christians and Muslims as haram has divorced themselves from their Heavenly Gifts as their combined Divine Inheritance.

Nonetheless, as always even in this case if you vehemently disagree with these statements. Please consider it as expanding your inventory of metaphysical possibilities in the eternity of now and the infinity of here we all occupy together. At the good righteous pleasure of God Almighty. Peace to all. Amen.

Divine Inheritance:

2549) With every age of humanity there comes a realization of pre-destined divine inheritance from God. In America, it has been the version of the Shining City on a Hill of Washington D.C. as its seat of power through the exceptionalism doctrine. The British Empire has had its global Common Wealth as Imperial territorial expansionistic glory shaping the great roots of our modernity.  As had once the mightiest Navy centuries ago by the Spanish Armada laying claim to the world for the Monarchy.

Nationalism is often cited as a Blessing from God himself on societies of various scales of value. This is not to say these do not have some truth to them in such assertions. However, like all good things that are abused as power by nation-states throughout history. They dwindle and are withdrawn by God for having served their Grand and Great Mysterious Purpose.

All people, creatures, and entire swaths of eco-systems as the plants and minerals as Mother Nature herself is also a daughter of God. All part of the celestial family in Heaven of the Children of God plural resting comfortably beyond the ego-centric egos of humanity. We all collectively receive the Instantaneous Glory of God as an inexhaustible premium known as Grace. Christians often call it as their Divine Inheritance of God. Although they deem it akin as a delayed gratification upon their earthly demise upon entering the paradise of the afterlife. They like countless others across eternity have misconstrued the Glory of God once more often very innocently.

Ones glorious gifts in life as talents and great nearly magical loves with purity in the heart. Is God's purpose in your collective lives importantly as directly the micro version of his Will of God in you. All magic is otherwise known as divinity is the Essence of God supremely realized is also a gift to all meta-life forms inherently so in sublime truth.

Moreover, this divinity in action known as magic can also equally be experienced as multi-disciplinary specializations of grace developed metaphysically as soulful muscles. Known simply as everyone's deeply entrenched Omnipresence and Omnipotent nature of God in you. As your special particular selection of unique angelic properties for this lifetime as your psychic-mediumship abilities.

To fear the Omnipresence of God in the soulful gifts of another spiritual being. Is to Immediately discount the blessed sacred presence of God in you equally like an echo boomerang effect. Do not cheat yourselves of God's Glory in your combined spirits and souls in the Oneness of and by the Creator. Only by paying lip service to God and by your next set of breath's and actions deny the heavenly truth reborn in you and all other macro lifeforms upon Creation. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Morpheus Principle:

2550) Every parallel dimensional reality from our native point of origin is only slivers away from this our united continuum with God Almighty. To this, we say collectively as God and his Angelic Image and Likeness upon Paradise is that all fiction of our Earth. Is a Soul Recall Memory Dynamic in exquisite motion. Being neatly couched like a bowl from a sisterly parallel universal Earth reality elsewhere upon Infinity. All macro human fiction to date upon the world and of our shared sentient species in this cosmos is such a marvelous "Morpheus Principle" at play.

All is a soul recall dynamic to one infinite relative degree to another upon Creations. For this totality by means of reincarnation as one out of countless modus operandi metaphysically. Such is the Omnipresence of God(dess) existing Supremely everywhere constantly at once. All the endless sagas and stories of the Creator are regurgitated endlessly as wishes to remember and not to forget what has been, is, and will be again. This is the Everlasting Life of God lived through his Infinite children as his Omnipresence reborn beautifully and tragically by errors committed through free will. All of it retold as fiction by means of the selective history of the victors, religious pruned theologies globally, and tall tales. The Absolute Truth and Absolute Fantasy is a living paradox. Both of which rely upon objective facts and subjective elements to remain neatly credible conveying their memory.

Somewhere and somehow the Great Mystery as God Inspires authors to remember the Saga of outstretched realities from our native realm through fiction. Be it as potential futures, probable presents, and forgotten distant pasts all have a basis upon God for the Creator stands apart from puny facts forever! We are collectively the stewards and the heirs to these memories of Infinity remembered in our totality by means of fiction and truths for all times. No matter the technological medium at hand that may be used to be conveyed be it the ancient cuneiform tablets well past into movies and digitized realities to come.

The Testament has been laid soundly down by the Will of God inspiring co-creators the world and universe over for an eternity upon Creation. The truth of Accounts by the Absolute Love of us all is anointed as it has been encoded upon our reincarnated souls. We only remember through our souls with God and his scribes as the authors and co-authors of endless generations to come. All share in the Glory of God beautifully and deeply for they have had reincarnations in the ancient past, present era, and impossible futures. Happening right here and now metaphysically in all unified parallel realities. This is God's way of saying "I Love You" with totality as itself beyond judging outcomes in all of his playground through all Creations plural. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Abrahamic Mysticism:

2538) Every once in a while a soul realizes that pre-existing religious theologies have errors in it. To one form of a mischaracterization to another let alone mistranslations due to differences of a language. Not to pick apart sacred faiths in the world as wholly evolved methodologies of worshipping the divine dearly. One can easily conclude humanity is error-prone by design as a mere observation. Even when it comes to sacred religious doctrines of theologies the world over.

We say this from the eons of misinformation that is taught and retaught when fusion between two or more spiritual traditions collide over the centuries. There is much sampling and in some ways, it is enchanted and encouraged in the guise of cross-pollination of cultures upon the Earth. However, errors that are costly as fallacies are introduced regularly by re-edits. Whether by Institutional favoritism by power brokers as hubs of religiosity seeking to dominate worshipping versus letting them be by God's good graces alone.

The perfection of the Holy Father God is without reproach and unequal even by all the Angelic Choirs combined. Upon All Creations as the trinity of the afterlife of Heaven, Limbo, and Hell Itself. For example in the Abrahamic faiths theologically speaking to have a battle in Heaven an Absolute realm of pure perfection is ludicrous! A battle fought in heaven would denote a corruption or clash of Angelic souls in the perfect realm of Absolute Peace where God resides deeply as Heaven Itself. That is purely human approximations as inadequate and plainly oxymoronic in the holy pure divine nature of God's Being. A projection from known human norms of antiquity where battles were fought in ancient bygone kingdoms. This may be true for the Earth itself with primitive creatures however metaphysically it doesn't jive or make sense in Paradise. For the Singular Spirit of God, a battle in heaven is an untruth at best or a salacious morality tale gone horribly wrong adopted as theology long gone for the Abrahamic faith traditions.

What God gives in his Almighty Supreme Perfection is Never Withdrawn or Diluted into bastardizations! When God gives it is Absolutely Perfect and Pure multi-dimensionally without unparalleled equality! No Angels have ever been cast out of heaven a perfect reality metaphysically, to begin with in all paramount holy truth. For Azazel and his loyal guardian flock remain in one of the many plateaux's of the endless heavens permanently perched as adjudicators of the eternal Holy Light of God by free will and choice of selected duties.

All Arch Angels are Enlightened Forever by the Blessed Will of God by decree of the Creator. That can never be stripped away nor trampled underfoot by any misdeed as God gives perfectly without ever making mistakes! For as God is Absolute Love the Creator is always also Absolute Forgiveness constantly forever. Arch Angel Azazel never sinned or committed a crime against God for God forgives absolutely in his Greatness alone and without end.

That leaves the question of Lucifers role in the bowels of hell as a governor devil chieftain. As each person in the world is capable of doing good, being neutral, and committing evil. The originator of all totalities of God is no different albeit he does so with Pure Enlightenment reconciled in every which way possible and impossible. As God is the Alpha of all our souls and all things without end it goes without saying that God is the Original Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of all Creations and Realities therein as the Omega. All Arch Angels constantly observe these tenets by means of enlightened edicts reconciled with all pure good, pure neutrality, and pure evil as One phenomenon known simply as God's Essence.

What this means is that all angels including the beloved Arch Angels such as esteemed Ariel have total dominion of all metaphysical Creations including the entirety of the afterlife. (ie Heaven, Limbo, and Hell) Every Angel sourced from the simplest in duties and to the mightiest Arch Angels have numerous privileges as titles and honorary functional roles to act upon. Which means the Arch Angels, not unlike the Seraphim and the Principalities and Powers as angelic choirs have triple personifications of the aforementioned totality of God(dess). Meaning they the angels all have triple duty roles in heaven, limbo, and hell as keepers of God's Pure Essence be it as correctional officers here on Earth.

The Abrahamic faiths have recognized Azazel as both Arch Angel and his alter ego as Lucifer the devil. Much like Arch Angel Ariel is a keeper of all beasts and creatures as Holy Mother Nature of the earth and of the underworld simultaneously. This isn't an isolated event and act of God for all Arch Angels in Heaven as Enlightened Divine minor gods and goddesses have triple duty roles in Limbo and Hell as well. Performing by voluntary free will at the behest of the sincere Will of God as adjudicators of God's Great Mystery.

Every soul is equally capable to have dispositions by their thoughts, intents, words, and actions whether based on pure truth or false assertions. As God decreed Azazel is Forgiven Absolutely and Loved Equally as you and I are as the Infinite Children of God. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Peace, like most beautiful things, begins small. ---Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals.

Never be so focused on what you're looking for that you overlook the thing you actually find. ---Ann Patchett.

What you seek is seeking you. ---Rumi.

For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. ---Proverbs 2:10

When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. ---Helen Keller.

We know truth not only by reason, but also by the heart.  ---Blaise Pascal.

The soul of the soul of the universe is Love. ---Rumi.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 22 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multifaceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 12 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 1: On Heaven on Earth & Covenants as the Abrahamic Family of Faiths

I'm the Clairvoyant author as a sage and angelic mystic to the channeled angelic spiritual wisdom book series of "Jewels of Truth" Volume 1, 2, and 3. I'm a visionary futurist as an Inspirational muse focusing on innovative original conceptual designs as potential solutions as a form of dharmic service.
Today's first part of the "Jewels of Truth and Favorite Quotes of the Month" blog post will be a reading of channeled angelic wisdom by the author "Atrayo". On the topics of Heaven on Earth statement 2,542 and Covenants as statement 2,544 for the Abrahamic Family of Faiths.

Jewels of Truth Website:

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry for October 5th, 2017.

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

This segment I've missed in the last couple of months as many of you now realize my posting schedule has taken a hit with consistency. Being a caregiver to my mother experiencing dementia is no walk in the park and wears one down with emotional exhaustion. Although I have plenty of time it is Will Power I am struggling with at present. However, beyond this gloom, I have all of you and my faith in God with the Angels. My calling as a simple herald doing clairvoyant automatic writing now for 22 years time. With predominantly inclusive universal compassionate wisdom and my other love of channeling futuristic solutions based conceptual designs. As inventions and business models mostly for generating goodwill through commerce.

The past few entries in this segment I've introduced my very recent channeled material versus my older never published content of angelic wisdom. Today's trio of "Jewels of Truth" statements are on the topics of Heaven on Earth, Covenants, and  72 Virgins. The latter two get dicey in tone the not so uplifting but more like a reprimand for those who mistreat a faith as deceivers and wrongdoers. The Angels I channel do not mince words for the Abrahamic Family of Faiths. So without a further adieu may you find them intriguing as well as reflective of your spiritual tradition whatever it may be in blessed origin.

Heaven on Earth:

2542) Each time we declare Heaven on Earth a pause of eternity occurs. A remembrance of greatness overcomes the faithful to remain silent in the Face of God the Creator Almighty beaming upon them. Since Heaven on Earth isn't a place at all but the embraced experience of God's Perfection upon the Earth. The sublime elegantly expressed in so many words called to enter into the Supreme Union of Grace with those loving God deepest with compassion for all.

Here we find ourselves in the stillness between breaths always allowing for wonder to take hold of us magically. What was once forbidden soon becomes engaged by consent to overtake the world for all but a silent few present eternally in the moment. Such moments pause time which stirs eternity into sheer brilliant stillness. Much like a time machine causing a rift into deep space where all moments of the eternal "Now" freeze up. A stasis field of immense perfected Glory erupts out in praise to God Almighty! These are the hallmarks of Heaven on Earth in the beginning of such a miraculous event. Angelic Heralds of great renown carry the Word of God with revelations for all its recipients on Earth. A throng of Angels almost Immediately like an entourage soon follow to represent the totality of Heaven. In its beautiful array like a groom and bride on their beloved wedding day.

Here we stand on the firmament of the Earth in awe of such a display before our simple hearts and minds. And yet our faith has understood all along that the Glory of God behaves greatly without restrictions. However, to witness it in such personal grandeur allows for deep reflection in time to be had. Where one reality of purity overtakes another of a mundane nature in nanoseconds is all we need in holy truth. To sweep away the tragedies of the world like if it were mere dust bunnies in cleansing a home. Such simplicity and immense power are available to all who are righteous by faith in the Lord God. In our thanksgiving to the Creator, we unleash potential miracles to be felt instantly. Until one day we become a verifiable miracle ourselves as Heaven on Earth. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


2544) Alas there must come a delicate understanding that the faithful of Islam must not be toyed with by charlatans! Jihadists have sullied their spirits by spilling the blood not of infidels but of their brothers and sisters as Children of God. Their spirits once tame have become tormented by filth using deception to the point of mangling the Holy Quran against grace. Slaughtering the innocent for the power of the world they shall lose both the world and their very souls in this mired transaction. A great vile evil sacrifice that reveals not the truth but a warped demonic nature yet again upon the world.

Lip service shall condemn thee, dear brothers and sisters, as once zealots now belittled and dismissed as charlatans instead. You have sacrificed the Word of Allah and have become undone by consequence of your combined actions. Anywho shall thwart the Perfect Will of God by their lust for dominion over the Earth will be consumed like the ashes of the hellish pits. None is untouchable lest they believe they can atone by fierce combat alone only to devolve into not just animals but daemons reborn.

Lo the patience of the Lord God may be Great and Life-Affirming but it must be respected! Your moment under the sun as Jihadists as the heretics of Islam will come to an end shortly. You will be usurped and caught up by the fierce great wind of the Arch Angel Michael plunging his spear into your resolve to fight. All who remain will be turned into table scraps for the dogs of hell to be consumed like chickens. Your promises have failed you for you have defiled the divinity of the Will of God and replaced it with the rotting Will of Mankind instead. Turn away from the shame you have wrought and inflicted upon the world! Destroyers of the Faith of Islam for the Great Prophet Mohammad is enraged at your reckless perversion he fought to heal and vindicate so long ago!

Now to the Children of Judea all the Patriarchs as our forefathers are beside themselves in heartache. For the nation is prospered indeed however at the cost of its borders creating enemies from governing like imbeciles. To dash the hope of fellow Semites for Freedom and Dignity leaves you perpetually their prisoner by happenstance. Yield from fear to the point of victimizing the Arabs. For the Great Land of Israel does not cower behind walls for Jericho will come once more.

Lastly, to the children of children of the beloved Prophet and Savior for countless more of Jesus the Christ. As he lay on the Cross at Calvary only by the Mercy of God's Immaculate nature was his prayer of forgiveness was granted to all regardless of faith in the world. In the good name of your Shepard in Heaven that Christ in you be preserved for all time. Do not use the Will of God as a doctrine of exceptionalism only to badger the innocent and the foreigner into submission. You are no better as the heathen that has forsaken their calling only to turn around and spit in the Face of God. The winds of change shall take your mantle and deliver it to another sovereign as better suitors indeed. The fields of plenty will dry up and leave many with empty bellies until the rulers cover not their asses but save the dignity of the commoner instead.

The covenants of the Abrahamic Family of Faiths isn't Immune from pestilence. For they have sowed the seeds of misery versus sowing the best God has offered them abundantly. Take note the religions to take their place in the world repeat not their folly for their time is nigh as yours will be upon another dozen epochs of humanity. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

72 Virgins:

2545) To come so far in a remarkable faith only to be set aback by self-serving deceivers is an injustice upon the innocent. For those in Islam that profess one thing with their lips and yet do the direct opposite with their actions. Reveals not the Glory of God but the hypocrites of men instead.

When the inducement of the 72 Virgins perverts the course of young men and woman of Islam by the devils of Jihad. The faith is raped by the wrongdoing of a few in the Name of Allah the Greatest. None shall be the wiser so they think but God's patience is sublime but it isn't stupid! To deceive the young with lust reveals your hatred for the world instead. Your pain comes from power struggles from within the faith making an enemy of your brother's brother from across the globe. It is by far easier to slaughter one's kinfolk than the foreigner thousands of miles away. So you have also slaughtered the innocent not by accident but on purpose and the faithful of Islam as well for small gains in power indeed. All Jihadists that say they speak the Will of God but yet trample it under their feet have lied to each other in the guise of conquerors. Your destruction shall be your inheritance upon the afterlife there will not be a fanfare of your arrival much less with 72 Angelic Virgins.

The 72 Virgins is that of a retinue as a choir of Angels that teach, heal, and nurture each soul further still into Paradise as attendants. To be seated at the right hand of God as Holy Ghosts upon the endless feast of the Immaculate Graces of God Almighty Forever! There was never any sort of orgy as lustful desires of eroticism as hedonistic practices to be found. That is a deception as bold-faced liars to seduce the young so as to sacrifice their destiny by the fates of reincarnated criminals. These tricksters are the daemons of old reborn with fresh faces acting as Jihadists of ill repute. To circumvent the Glory of God through the Covenant of Islam anointed by Mohammad Peace Is Upon Him by the Grace of Allah. These charlatans are undoing the ages past of prosperity of this faith in mere decades. Feeble as it may be the efforts of Jihadists have awoken the ire of God upon the Earth and Judgment will be swift as to their punishment. The rest of humanity as the Earth will heal and restore their dignity by the enlightenment of God in a generations time henceforth. A Golden Era of Peace and Prosperity will be cultivated in the fields of plenty once more. Hallejuhah! ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Patience is not just the ability to wait, It's how we behave while we're waiting. ---Joyce Meyer.

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. ---Winston Churchill.

Love is not a feeling; it is a great power an intelligence to which we are all heir and have been forever called. ---Anne Hillman.

Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. ---U.S. General Colin Powell.

The mystic is not a special human being, every human being is a special kind of mystic.  ---Brother David Steindl-Rast.

We lose touch with our wingspan when we hunch. ---Dr. Martin Shaw.

In a world that lives like a fist, mercy is no more than walking with your hands open. ---Mark Nepo.

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.  ---John Wooden.

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. ---Proverbs 16:3

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope. ---Barack Obama U.S. President.

You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.  ---Thomas Merton.

A harmonized mind produces harmony in this world of seeming discord. ---Paramahansa Yogananda.

I swear I will not dishonour my soul with hatred, but offer myself humbly as a guardian of nature, as a healer of misery, as a messenger of wonder, as an architect of peace. ---Diane Ackerman.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 22 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multifaceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 12 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.