Hello All,
In another of my bi-monthly entries to this blog site. Here goes another iteration of my favorite segment of "Jewels of Truth".
749) Those who have questioned God's existence by stating where is he? Can be assured that God can not be seen by mortal eyes, but by faith alone. Only with spiritual senses can one: see, smell, touch within, taste, and hear their creators being in all of our lives sensibly. ---Ivan / Atrayo.
750) The creative arts are very close to our soul. It is no wonder why the inner splendor of our spirit manifests so readily in our lives. ---Ivan / Atrayo.
751) The Lord our maker creator of Heaven and Earth. Will not allow life to be a function of fultility for those who adhere to his being. Life has always consisted of burdens and trials. However the mortal life can be eased by unconditional faith in one's creator of life. Such a faith will not erase one's burdens. But will give each one the strength and wisdom to surmount by grace and mercy their burdens & trials. Do not give in so easily to despair, have faith in your own personal salvation by your own good works. Amen. ---Ivan / Atrayo.
Fulfilled life is possible in spite of unfulfilled wishes. --- Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Emptiness is bound to bloom, like hundreds of grasses blossoming. --- Eihei Dogen.
If you can find a path with no obstacles it probably doesn't lead anywhere. --- Frank A. Clark.