Saturday, September 28, 2024

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Inclusive Heavenly Sharing and United Wellness For All


Hello All,

My neck of the woods here in Sarasota, Florida was spared mostly from a tropical cyclone or Hurricane a couple of days ago named Helene. I'm in a very grateful state of mind since I'm relatively unscathed as the story goes. 

Today's duo of Jewels of Truth statements are literally freshly minted as in channeled by longhand just a couple of hours ago via Inspirational Psychic Automatic Writing. A writing technique practice or modality I've been utilizing for over 29 years now. I've never had writer's block in terms of content, I do have to drum up my zeal or motivation when it comes to blogging it. Paradoxically I suffer from clinical depression as the Introduction 2nd paragraph of my 3rd published book "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Volume 3" cites. 

So it takes me a little longer to muster up the zeal to sit myself down and share these missives from the Heavenly Host aka the Angels. Especially the formatting, proofreading, and whatnot cross-posting to my numerous social media outlets takes just as long. I'm a private person and enjoy the Inspirational channeling I have with nearly 3 dozen notebooks from the longhand Intuitive writings from this angelic discourse of mine to date in this 29+ years timeline. 

The statements I have on offer today are on the Inclusive Heavenly Sharing and United Wellness For All. The premise from The Angels is in our divinity shared upon this world it's meant to be festive and in a thanksgiving capacity to be Inclusive with all others. Our human or animal tendencies of what is mine is mine and screw the world has been problematic, to say the least. The angels are speaking in terms of spirituality and not so much economic models of global distribution or whatnot. 

With that stated may you each be curious enough to contemplate if at all how these statements resonate with your human condition upon the world. Many Blessings.

Inclusive Heavenly Sharing:

3344) All we seek for humanity on this Earth and amongst the astronomical heavens to come. Is to live with your utmost spiritual divinity intact by celebrating your solemn lives with a beautiful faith in God everlasting. 

How you choose to embark upon such a personal sojourn is entirely up to you culturally and so forth. Whether you create your own spiritual devotional rituals or choose to adopt pre-existing spiritual and religious practices elsewhere is between you and God completely in terms of divine intimacy forever.

Just be sure to love unconditionally in moderation with the total presence of your divine being in a completely sincere capacity of faith. All that you accomplish spiritually in life is done through God and the Heavenly Host as the angels, the ancestors, nature spirits, and so forth as the wondrous Great Mystery in a continuum of grace. Please be mindful and heartfelt in this regard with a silent and abiding sense of gratitude to divine forces imprinted upon each of you forever. 

The gift of the endless Heavens is simple and pure as the judicious Will of God is espoused as Divine Law. Love to the point where forgiveness is necessary in order to harmonize the discord of your world. Reconcile with hostile forces whether as people and circumstances especially those beyond your feabile human control in living with dignity for yourselves and each other ad nauseam. 

The generosity of the Heavenly Afterlife reaches into your Earth and throughout the Cosmos with utter and absolute abundance as existence itself. Yes, it is a dangerous reality in your world and yes it is gobsmacking and beautiful simultaneously. The human or animal condition for semi-sentient lifeforms such as yourselves is complicated but it's meant to be communal much like an enlightened heaven is in divine truth for an eternity. 

Live with the godly graces of benevolence, and norms of ethics, with balanced common sensible approaches that are apolitical in divine nature. What is yours is yours and what is mine is mine on earth doesn't jive in the afterlife, albeit Heaven is the original and last Utopia of Creation. If you must be barbaric apes then do so with honor in each other as God lives in each of your bosoms. In what you call the spirit and the soul of God has loaned each of you from its own womb of everlasting Life as ghosts with fleshly bodies. 

Be compassionate wherever possible such as being hospitable and be not jerks and morons in how you treat the world your holy sister in Goddess the world's mother. Such feckless snobbery is a calamity in the making where all suffer collectively in terms of global consequences with the lack of fairness. Territorial claims of security and wellness of livelihood are fine just not to the point of dominating your neighbors into perdition. 

Religious persecution of the brother and sister within your faith is a despicable outright sin. Your Inheritance from God will be your misery upon the afterlife. Whether this is sectarian disturbances of cultural origins and beyond that nationalism has limited to no significance upon the dead of the afterlife. Those hateful tropes of racism, sexism, and xenophobia burn away the grace of God leaving you as an empty husk in your own private hellscape. 

The Righteous are Demanded as a Calling of Dharma to live with integrity. For all that cherish the purest life that the divine has to offer all collectively know how to claim it by faith in God. Be not afraid to live differently with your own native and Inner beauty of creativity. God relishes unique creativity such as the world has showcased throughout recorded and lost histories combined. 

God has no favorites in terms of Nation State, Cultural Peoples, Religion, Political organization, Gender Orientation, Sexual Preference, etcetera etcetera. Those are binary human distinctions you have imposed upon each other by means of animal primate hominid mammalian controls of dominance and ego-centric madness! It is all Absolutely One and Beautiful To God(dess) The I Am, That I Am. For God is the Totality of existence itself times Infinity and Eternity in a Constant Forever Loop in Absolute Love and Forgiveness of the Heavens Forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

United Wellness For All:

3345) Be of a wondrous kind nature each of you can relish who Loves God completely without ego-prone disturbances. Yours is truly the earmark of your lives to choose the rock of foundational righteousness without misgivings of earned sacrifices along your route to finding the divine as you each define it. 

Welcome all that are solidly involved with the plight of this world the human civilization to date of this epoch. The greater good is vast for the common welfare of the countless is on a linchpin always. Be not misers refusing a stranger's goodness and success in life just so that you surrender caring or worse get in their way just because you are against them solely on principle. You aren't the judge of the masses. 

To impede the Glory of God is to stand in the way of the persecuted and the oppressed of this world. To refuse another's glad tidings so you can live more comfortably stirs of an overly fatted calf indeed by means of sloth. It is not direct theft when another way of life is ascending and yours lives mostly independent of it. 

Goodwill must be both personalized and as well as impersonalized not just in hypotheticals but in lived compassion for strangers and loved ones alike. To Stir the World with Passion must be met with Idealized Wisdom that is practical in the scope of being Divinely humane, spiritual, and politically sound in principled ethics without corruption. 

The success of one causes a manifold success of others indirectly akin to a ripple upon a metaphorical pond. A cascading effect of plenty where to besmirch the potential promise of one group of people so that you can live on the fat of the high hog spells with a lack of vision much less intestinal fortitude. Where there is a Will of God, He Makes the Way Constantly!

Your hearts and minds must be nearly pure enough without heavy remorse to be worthy souls for the heavenly gatekeepers. Without the capacity to share of your plenty how much more do you expect by your flawed standards the heavens to share with you with open arms of the prodigal child's return?

Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness are key to exercising your soul upon this troubled civilization of humanity. Forgiveness is the hardest of the three for it requires surrender of your horror and your pain without being selfish with it. We understand it takes time and plenty of unconditional love for authentic forgiveness can never be forced by peer pressure alone. Otherwise, ego-prone insults will fly when the aggrieved isn't ready to surrender and make amends with dignity for all. 

To live with modest selfishness is one thing hopefully in moderation upon each of your social caste/class standings. It is totally understandable that part of your identity is found in your material possessions. This is aside from your ethnic and cultural nationalistic identity upon the global map of this world. The social norms of dress, languages, gender roles, and so forth notwithstanding. 

Still, it matters to stretch your spirits of the Divine with God frequently in order to grow your grace by lived examples and lessons incurred. Be not complacent stay alert and focused with your surroundings not to the point of panic, just to the normalcy of well-being that is all. Each of you matters even if you forget that truth occasionally. 

This world requires a sacrifice in the pounds of misery when you submit your yoke by the dominance of your nations to govern each of you like thralls. What is Ceasars is Ceasars. Yet, each of you is more superbly divine than you give each of yourselves credit for uniquely so. Remember no one leaves the world intact without suffering and those that alleviate the suffering of others reveal the grace of God in the world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Social Pedestals and National Exceptionalism


Hello All,

This week's freshly minted (i.e. channeled via Inspirational psychic automatic writing.) of the Jewels of Truth series is on the dual topics of Social Pedestals and National Exceptionalism. I always try to share these unique topics on a similar theme, sometimes I may have to stretch it a bit for it to fit in, lol. Today is no exception in the sense one is for the Individual in terms of exalting another person and the other topic is with the National State.

As always these are Inspired channeled statements from the angels who without ego go nameless for the most part. On my end, it feels like a hive mind mentality where I listen deeply on an Intuitive telepathic uplink with them. One that has been cultivated for now over 29+ plus years as a Journeyman specialist of sorts. 

May you each come away curious if not Intrigued by the heavenly stance of the Divine sharing their discourse with the world at large. Many Blessings. 

Social Pedestals:

3341) Be not intimidated by the actions of the once cherished person(s) as friends, loved ones, and esteemed strangers who are now failing you morally. They are allowed these missteps, however, not to the point that it becomes a wholesale gross injustice at large. Where gaps in Interpersonal relations become wholly abusive when such a beloved fall short in your objective/subjective mind's eye. 

Many people in your network of contacts are approachable and some even moreso are trusted dearly. As worthy examples of the salt of the earth to be leaned on during times of distress. Over time it is natural to become enmeshed and over-rely on such individuals as a form of cherished endearment. Whereas you'll begin to unconsciously place them on a personal psychological pedestal of your own native making. 

This can easily become a dysfunctional fallacy in the making to perhaps Lionize any such persons to such a degree of overt belovedness. Everyone is fallible as a human and equally error-prone in life some may be gifted with strengths and distinct charismatic personalities. By a rule of thumb, it is best in life to never put anyone or an organization on such a cherished stance just beyond the reach of the ordinary world. 

There are also times when those you despise with all your heart and mind are akin to loathing. An individual and/or a political organization and equally celebrate them with bravado and/or hold them with contempt. That too is the folly of the human experience to have destructive heroes and heroines whether from this contemperious age or from the distant past. Sometimes those who instill the greatest terror in us are also placed on an impossible pedestal of our own making. 

The passions of love and fear are great motivations to pique the sensibilities to exalt what we most cherish and despise in life. Human psychology isn't truly underpinned alone by logic and common sense it can and does spread by non-sequiturs of human-animal emotions of the ego-centric mindset. 

To be subjected to the leadership whims of another trusted friend who is having an off day and soon chooses to exploit your kindness. Spells an inadequacy that can lead to a moral dilemma do you brush aside with excuses such as poor conduct by having rose-colored glasses of such an individual? To enable them to the point that you become less than upon your associated presence around them. Just to avoid provoking a tyrant in the making. 

Fear-based exaltations can often be seen in domestic abuse cases where the victim claims fault finding within themselves to a ridiculous degree of the fallacy of the self. They are trapped in a destructive master and slave negative loop of social standings with a loved one gone rogue in life. A broken trust with petty often cowardly tyrants abusing loved ones as family and lovers alike. Only a call for help outside of your normal circle of contacts can begin to heal such an abysmal Pedestal of a fearmonger. 

Dismantling a social pedestal of your once making can be as simple as changing not just your mind mentally but also emotionally with your heart as well. It takes concentrated efforts to break up old habits and replace them not with another erroneous pedestal of a new person thus repeating a dysfunctional unconscious pattern by mistake. 

Many a time groupies as fans and followers get caught up in the nostalgia of fandom of the celebrity personality. This can be a benign process by the general populace for an artist, athlete, political, and religious figure to become exalted by the masses likewise. These can be harmless unless of course an unhinged obsessive personality seeking escapism latches onto them creating a litany of delusions just to feel affirmed and have a renewed purpose for living. This is an extreme example but nonetheless pertinent to such a role-making for Social Pedestals at large amongst society. 

To punish socially a bad actor is one thing oftentimes as such impractical motivations do exist. A broken trust whether from a celebrity or a dear person personally if not a despised and feared abuser. Is a hard circle to square completely in living upon the world. With or without the associated endearments that arise from such projections we thrust upon those we place on Social Pedestals

It would be far better if we held no one in such esteems whether they are familiar to us or not they currently live upon the world. The only ones that often end up on such pedestals of reverence are those that are worshipped upon the afterlife. That is the nature of religion and spiritual traditions that is to be expected as we are groomed by our families and society for such endeavors as sociologists would remark. 

Aside from such holier individuals as the saints and minor deities as the angels and archangels. To be held in great almost impossible reverence as ascended masters without the chance for sin to taint their truths. There is the ultimate perfect Pedestal we hold dearly for God him/her/itself hopefully forever by an unconditional faith in its/his/her own native Holy Spirit. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

National Exceptionalism:

3342) When a country practices the State Craft of Exceptionalism it can be a boon to the National Pride of its citizenry. However, that identical stance of exceptionalism if taken to the point of no return to abuse those within another country and/or foreign peoples as a raison d'etre. That too can become a slippery slope to demonize foreigners and shove an unwanted agenda down everyone's throat whether it is deserved or not. 

By espousing one set of National Principles over another set of moral ethics by excusing them just because it has become a national and/or a so-called traditional cultural practice of the State. Spells a schism in the making creating one class of leaders over everyone else that doesn't share that belief system. Exceptionalism was never meant to be used as a cudgel weapon against others. Whether this was for domestic political talking points espoused or as a set of policy papers to be held diplomatically abroad as the agenda of the day. 

Exceptionalism at its best is meant to educate the masses whether citizens, foreign guests, dignitaries, and all others as to the values of the State. To promote National Civic Pride as a form of living Patriotism that pulls the populace of a nation together with stronger bonds of the demos of the plurality. To celebrate national holidays and to reflect upon national tragedies together as we remember collectively with Thanksgiving to God himself. 

The second breath of a nation is the fervor of its citizens to relish its national treasures holistically. To pull together the disparate parts that need to heal with social welfare be it by civic pride and collective volunteerism. To strengthen its national politics without demonizing those with contrary opinions and/or passions from the zeitgeist of the whole populace. 

Exceptionalism at its best is National Idealism coming alive. At its worst it becomes the battle cry of the masses to wage Hell on Earth to persecute the Innocent and the guilty alike without humane regard to righteousness in God. Democracies the world over are fragile creations of Institutions that are suggested to work in harmony with other State bodies be they civilian in orientation, paramilitary as the police, and the military apparatus of the Nation.

Autocratic and Theocratic States also have their own hypocritical forms of Exceptionalism. Where the citizen masses are expected to turn out in public whether by voluntary means or impelled force to fly the colors of the National tribal flag. To paint a fantasy mirage for the world that is watching that we are better no matter that the truth is the casualty in our collective happenings. We are special and distinct and let all others be damned whether we are free or not to practice what we preach. 

When warfare erupts between nations then the National Propagandists are at their loudest to dispel fears and tow the political party line of arguments. The hypocrisy is at its most fierce when the Name of God is Invoked to banish all doubt that theirs is the moral high ground. No matter if foreign civilians are being slaughtered by the masses it is out of sight and thus it is usually out of mind as a rule of thumb. 

This is never the Will of God to have its holy perfect namesake corrupted by horrible violence cultivating Hell on Earth instead. Humanity at its worst tendencies can excuse almost any nonsensical crime to its own animalistic advantage in order to save their way of life. To thump their primate chests they are superior to the conventions of Life on Earth the truth and compassion are the first casualties to suffer the thursts of propagandists. 

Oppression could be withstood for up to two or three generations of people of a State. This soon becomes the insidious norm within Dictatorships and other atrocious autocratic rule by the political elites. When religious Institutions are corrupted in tandem by the dictatorial State then God in Heaven isn't to be found in such palatial grounds. He is living amongst the impoverished, the oppressed by the fallen State, and so forth. 

Brainwashing by Exceptionalism is a Propagandist's Wetdream in the making as the spin doctors of the political party line. The Rhetoric is already damned since deceivers are speaking in half-truths just to win the talking points of the masses. 

Do not be afraid to challenge authorities just do so with throngs of mutual supporters. Otherwise, martyrdom is for certain to be pursued without the numbers in your favor. In order to anchor your arguments as grievances with hopeful moderation when you petition the State by lobbying for Just Cause. 

Righteousness demands living proof examples to be held up high for all to see and cherish with Thanksgiving to God himself. Short of this the people become demoralized and lose sight of the importance of engaged civics and the responsibility of an active citizenry. Without an active and attentive citizenry then the political leaders soon run amok pushing for ideologies they only share and other forms of corrupt cynical favoritism amongst themselves. 

Many a false prophet rises upon the ranks of elected and appointed political leadership upon the world. Not to strictly disparage the nobleman and woman as yeoman servant leaders who also rise to the political hierarchies. Engagement is a fickle trick when sought from the masses in order to educate them about the machinations of the Nation without boring them outright. Common sense and righteous indignation can only go so far especially when it is linked with political fearmongering as a social tactic of manipulation. 

Populists are the most favored to stir up the masses and to lead them as a human sacrifice right off the cliffs of blaming the other political party. Fearmongering is their forte since emotion when it is passionate burns the fastest and stirs up new victims regardless of the premium truths in jeopardy. Exceptionalism is a two-edge broad sword that can cleave a Nation in half or save it from itself in times of public turmoil by leaving no man, woman, or child behind in despair. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Peeling Off The Spiritual Layers With Ivan (i.e. That's Me!) An Interview With Reiki Scoop's Vlad Dimacea


Hello All,

I've recently had the pleasure of being Interviewed by Vlad Dimacea from Reiki Scoop. Over on his own YouTube Channel for over an hour's time. So please bear with us as you delve deep into the philosophical metaphysics I've channeled with the Angels of the Heavenly Host. 

This video lasts 1 hour and 11 minutes originally it was 75+ minutes long but was edited by Vlad. The video was recorded in late July of this year. Where we cover some Reiki topics including my angelic channeling as a clairaudient automatic writer of 29+ years. 

I don't get to do these Interviews as often as I'd like so these are always a joy when the opportunity presents itself. Thank you for viewing and enjoy!

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on The Divine Way & Our Divine Twin Lives


Hello All,

I'm back again here under the wire for the month of August in this blog post. Now that the season of Summer 2024 is reaching its soon enough to be zenith perhaps the weather may be somewhat moreso civilized. 

Today's entry of the Jewels of Truth series follows the theme of our inherent divinity we all share universally as children of God(dess) excelsior. The oft-unseen spiritual influences upon us and our twin lives as incarnated ghosts with an auric energetic body of the holy ghost indwelling within us all. 

May today's duo entries of the ongoing angelic discourse series now spanning 29+ years. Via Inspirational Psychic Automatic Writing expand your spiritual horizons of the multitudes of the Divine Within us all. Namaste.

The Divine Way:

3335) What does It mean in realizing this that our own private spirit body is reborn through God(dess) constantly evolving into all other multitudes of life forms. As the perfect multi-dimensional essence of the angelic divinity holy nature is our template of being spiritually awakened for a manifold of spiritual outlets forever. 

Why have we challenged ourselves into a frenzy only so much to succumb to petty injustices that provide a semblance of order? To awaken to that which can be construed as strategic suffering if only we can wail sufficiently in order for the holy mother to hear our united cries to be suckled again. What remains of the status quo will not stand for much longer all else will be cast to the side in time. 

To find our Inner spark by perturbing the flow of an exalted higher quality of life is to welcome our host the Great Maker to be with us in our gentle abode for a while longer. Then with greater vigor, we can attempt to force our way through this life pretending that we are more than we actually are beyond just the confines of this world. 

The slights of this life whether authentic or just perceived can torment the living for only so long. Until a backlash erupts to engulf nearly everything in your plain surroundings for a flash of a moment. The alyssum of this Earth notwithstanding permits countless clashes to erupt together like a cacophony of musical instruments. Each seeks supremacy within the overarching chaos for perhaps harmony to lead the ensemble. 

Those with the utmost agency are meant to pick themselves up only to carry on with a sense of personalized dignity whether our interests permit it for good or ill on occasion. Those who inadvertently panic will be snared by their very ego-centric phobias as self-inflicted traps of the immaturity of one's private mentality at large. 

It is indeed a terrible loop of self-inflicted misery when an entity as a reborn physical personhood chooses pain and suffering over mindful and heart-centered wellness in the world. Many are cycling into and out of rightful struggles of the human condition insofar they are conscious of it is another matter altogether. 

To live by divine virtue isn't just to grin and bear it in a stoic capacity. That cliche is dead in many respects. Masochism has no place in being called divine just like sadism has none either. Righteousness has many flavors and not all are meant to be sweet and dandy. No form of grace is superior to any other but the lone precursor of Absolute Love that begot the progenitor of all life and death simultaneously as to what humanity esteems as the Creator. 

It is the dogged fanatical foolish zealot that boasts things of great faith with the mightiest cockery akin to a rooster. That is the animal side of the ego overriding the spiritual humility aspect of the divine one within. The chilling notion of narcissistic pride stifles any noble progress towards the development of austere awareness of the finer aspects of divinity within. 

Austerity in this case doesn't necessarily signify material poverty or for that matter spiritual bankruptcy. It is a sublime authority that stems from a deeper backbone of the Inner Self or Higher Self that pervades your human mask of the ego and/or personality matrix. 

No one is the ultimate authority over your divinity on earth not even the cherished priests of your preferred religious body on Earth. Only God has the authority to override any aspect of a soul or spirit to his/her/Its pleasing perfect Immaculate choices. Not even the angels for they can only pivot what is permissible upon Divine Law as the living essence of the Creator as it pre-exists forever. 

All whom prostrate themselves before the Lord God shall know many mercies within a lifetime. Some of these as celebrations and many others of salvation both great and small alike. Each must find their private road back to God. Religions, and spiritual traditions as philosophies only go so far for heavily traveled concord pointing towards any overarching divinity. None shall take you to the last mile to your private abode in God's bosom which you each are already in earnest whether realized by the spirit of you or not within a lifetime. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Our Divine Twin Lives:

3334) There are moments when we forget entirely our humanity with a shared heritage that heralds back countless epochs into the collective unconscious. Beyond this primordial stirring within the zeitgeist of the human endeavor to being alive we seldom notice another twin waiting patiently for our remembrance. 

There are countless permutations of what it means to Be alive as a means of self-expression. Whether our opinions are formulated sufficiently stands to reason that we are here wherever here is truly? There are many conventions that defy our thoughts much less the impulses of feeling our physicality as living and breathing instruments of this world as the multiplicity of being alive here and now. 

Where our consciousness begins and ends is much for debate regardless of what version is espoused over another notion. Those who are adamant that life is meant to be lived only in one manner are being steered far afield usually by political Institutions seeking dominance rather than enlightened hearts and minds. To be a faithful servant to the State is a far different series of truths than being faithful to your spirituality within. 

We as people are often preoccupied with what it means to being right with God by religion or by faith in general. Seldom do we have a wider cosmopolitan view as a greater vantage point than what is spoon-fed to us. By sometimes well-intentioned political religious patriarchal Institutions of and by humanity itself in its own flawed Image of the Great Mysterious One. 

Our Ghosts as ourselves in divine form prevail before our humanity in question. What we term as the New Age Higher self is the authentic Divinity of Us we are the puppet pretending that we manipulate the higher self, but not so... We are the players at large believing ourselves as the beginning and end of our universe for this finite era of our mortal lives. More often than not it is our Souls playing a broken record over and over again hoping for a different result by means of reincarnations. God doesn't ordain our rebirths it is moreso the law of averages by the popularity of our Oversouls seeking to express the Will of God in terms of Infinity.

What is the Glory of God is rather a precursor as to what is the Divine Condition within our beneficent divinity within for the moment. The moment is always flexible for the eternal Now is endless without just one cause. The world nay we the Heavenly Host declare all of Creation physical and otherwise provides Immense Contrast. Not just in binary terms of two overarching polarities having dominance over everything and everyone therein. 

There are Universes where binary evolutionary dynamics are retarded as backward in terms of evolutionary consciousness. The Great Mysterious One is also the Absolute Circle of all Life and Death forms simultaneously. This means many other points of contention as a tandem spectrum of backstops holds together akin to different geometric archetypical shapes that make binary arguments a moot point. 

There is no finite straight line universally speaking that is a child's conclusion. To embark upon greater adventures of consciousness requires a panoramic perspective of not just your physical universe but also your twin Divine bodies super layered upon your human ones akin to a hazmat white suit. The aura by any other name is where your superhuman godly powers lay if only you each mature to exercise it like a mindful faculty of the Soul of God upon you. 

Short of this you'll amount to nothing more than finite mammalian primates with dangerous barbaric rages seeking supremacy over your environment and each other. Awaken to your Divinity Within and transcend the narrative of the world and all the materialism that seems to define it for the moment by the caste/class you were born into what backward foolishness indeed.

The Way back to your Divinity is Within foremost public worship is good and ok but not the final destination. It is paradoxical to what the world espouses meaning it is often the opposite in a manner that is led predominantly by virtue, ethics as behavioral norms, and many countless forms of benevolence. That is if you seek enlightenment by means of Heaven on Earth. For chaos has a warped destructive path of Dominion that is enlightened hellish evil as well versus all goodness and justice in God by a totality known as Paradise. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Material Possessions & Support


Hello All,

This is a bonus entry for the month of July off the momentum of my last entry a couple of days ago. Today's topics come from the tail end of the month of June in my longhand notebook where all my written channeled missives with the angels are deposited. 

The first topic is upon your material goods as your possessions in life accompanied by your household. In part, the mental psychology of the blame game when someone loses it all in a tragic accident be it a natural or man-made disaster. The second "Jewels of Truth" statement is regarding Support in life in general. Again how someone can struggle with anxiety and the torment they can put themselves through unnecessarily. 

At times I can be a news junkie in terms of watching too many current events globally, nationally, regionally, and locally of it on television and streaming online. In light of the climate changes whether accelerated by humanity or not. I inquired with the angels about the topic of innocent victims losing their former residences, material possessions, and to an extent their former lifestyle temporarily. 

May this pair of topics further bring some solace although it won't ever be complete on such a troubling occurrence in the world which has been occurring for eons. 


Material Possessions:

3324) Do not be afraid those of you who have the tragic misfortune of losing all your material possessions in sheer minutes towards hours during a natural or man-made disaster. Yours Isn't at fault and count yourselves fortunate for not incurring a personal injury physically during and after a storm in terms of attempting to salvage your property. In such a turbulent world of yours, it will happen at least once in a lifetime if not more for all others who live upon swaths of the earth that suffer greater than others environmentally and geo-politically. 

Your minds and critical thoughts will suffer greatly, rehearsing unfairly how you could've, should've, and would've done things differently to stop such a misfortune. Please stop, you aren't seasoned clairvoyants and demigods to spare yourselves such a tragic turn of events. That sort of rationale loses sanity every single godforsaken time period. Do grieve privately when you are safe and secure in a stable environment away from such hardships even temporarily. 

The victimized mindset will always predictably fall into the traps of its own despair. Equally so please do not project the tragedy on your loved ones, strangers, and first responders as your potential rescuers. No one is at fault but the circumstances beyond your control as an act of god or Mother Nature. Do not become despondent falling into the ego traps of hate and loathing with the lack of initiative of your local authorities. 

Do have faith you shall overcome such a whirlwind of chaos and disorder in such a stage of your life. Avoiding the blame and shaming game on yourself and all others is pivotal for such a frame of mind and heart to heal emotionally and mentally from such an ordeal. Do not allow your fears to cloud your judgment otherwise, unsuspecting individuals will manipulate your circumstances to their advantage unscrupulously. 

What time can not heal with the distance of years of such a series of bizarre events in your life. Then always give it to God wholly and unconditionally with complete emotional, mental, and spiritual surrender. This will aid you with an instant boon even if the practice doesn't take hold of you Immediately. Repeat the devotion as required to purge your heart and mind of such dreadful suffering. 

Truly any and all material treasures including residences will pull at your heartstrings as your cherished family heirlooms. Be they mementos, keepsakes, and countless other do-dads that one collects throughout the years and decades as memories attached to materialism. If they are truly special to you pray that in your personal Heaven upon your afterlife with God the spiritual essence of such material goods appear in your private metaphysical abodes. 

The ethereal essence of God is like energetic spiritualized clay as a building block for blessings, omens, and miracles. Able to recreate lost memories and physical objects now only as pure limitless ethereal substances refashioned to suit your needs and desires as ghosts in the afterlife. Nothing is truly lost that is worth remembering with God's Love Forever. This includes the memories of your former material goods that are now physically lost to the world but never to the spiritual heavens. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


3323) There are times when life takes on a whole new meaning with twists and turns out of what would otherwise be normal routines for you personally. You don't recall where rock bottom can truly be for you as the end of your metaphorical rope before you begin to crash as an individual emotionally and mentally. This is when a foreboding sense of great frightening despair sets in with a grim chokehold squeezing your sensibilities out of sight. 

How do you cope when everything is passing you by with hardly a point of no return seemingly as your nowhere destination in life currently? Where do you turn, and whom can you turn to for help? When fears lash out at you revealing your deepest insecurities for all to allegedly see. 

This is when you slow down perhaps to a grinding halt for a moment or two before speeding up until your former life is a blur. Catch your breath and be still with Inner poise for a while longer. Pray, contemplate your circumstances without rancor, and meditate seeking your dignity instead of fearing and hating elsewhere. 

Relax a while longer since you're not supposed to have all the answers to life and death in this world. Confusion can bring suffering only if you wallow miserably in it with heartache. Take a step back mentally and breathe in your surroundings allowing for details to reveal themselves that are pertinent to your current needs. Clarify your "Why's" with sincere intentions and allow the "How To's" to come later. 

What matters now is your well-being above all else. Even if other people as loved ones and strangers are relying on you to perform well in life in terms of service. Your routes to success may be limited by your choices or the limits you allow others to place upon you that may or may not be beyond your personal control. 

A life of personal recovery takes courage and much forgiveness to reveal the character of spiritual greatness within you. No one has the power to ruin your integrity if only you give it away like pearls before swine. Sometimes advertising your intentions and seeking permission to move and improve your lifestyle choices can be a folly of naivete. Broadcasting everything you do seeking approval from others such as loved ones, friends, and all others such as co-workers. Can be the worst possible outcome to choose. 

Their reactions and recriminations will be legendary and dismissing to no end in sight. Since you are asking other petty egos to clarify your needs for you. If that isn't oxy-moronic then what is? Only those you trust for their wisdom who treat you with compassion are worthy to share some if not all your wishes, hopes, and desires. Everyone else be on your guard and wear the foolish mask the world puts on you. Let them underestimate you to their own foolish conclusions you can't control nor should you ever. 

To care what other people's rightful and erroneous opinions of you is to make you a slave of their fancies wherever that may lead disastrously. Be upright and rise above what you have no business controlling the wills of others. Whether well-meaning or devilish a sense of personal conviction requires you to overcome the knee-jerk urgings to control the chaos of the world especially in social interactions. 

You will have moments of apprehension in spite of such difficulties rely on your strengths in living well as best as you can achieve it. Life isn't meant to be a drudgery it can be tedious and boring but that too is usually in your control that's if you don't give away your personal power to all others. You are so deeply loved by God and the Heavenly Host of the angels, ancestors, and so many other wondrous entities as forces you have yet to encounter in the world. 

Live with Intelligent Compassion for yourself do not recriminate your actions and inactions if at all possible. Bring balance to your interactions with people and creatures alike in the world. If you do not control your fears they will haunt you to no end in sight. Exercise caution but do not avoid risk at all costs for some risks are for a higher echelon good in order to overcome the world. 

Each of you deserves to love and be loved, to have happiness and health followed by prosperity in this mortal life. Some of you rare few will have more than you deserve so please be generous in moderation to all others as you see fit holistically in life. Surround yourselves with compassion, wisdom, and mercy either as forgiveness or goodwill this will soften the blows of the world towards you and all others. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Meta-Divine Creation & The Meta-Nexus Reality Threshold

Hello All,

Today's duo entries of the Jewels of Truth series are a bit heady or overly intellectual in terms of cosmology from the Angel's discourse which I've penned via Inspirational Psychic Automatic Writing. An Intuitive writing technique I've been practicing now for 29 years. (ie. I count the anniversary every July 1st since I don't quite recall the exact calendar date, doh!)

The entries for today are respectively called Meta-Divine Creation following the Maxim of "As Above, So Below, So Below, As Above" from the fabled Emerald Tablet ala Hermes Trimetigus. The angel I channeled led with that conceptualization for the statement which was delivered to me last week. I try to deliver statements on a theme so the topics are moreso cohesive in nature for you the spiritual seeker slash reader. 

The next topic of The Meta Nexus Reality Threshold speaks to the evolution of the soul for each of us. Where both Heaven and Hell as the afterlife annihilate themselves literally and metaphorically akin to a paradox of the Soul of God in each of us on a macro spiritual basis. Something akin to matter and anti-matter when combined both cancel each other out scientifically speaking. However, much like an esoteric energy of the essence of God which our spark or Image of God represents was neither born nor can die meaning it is immortal spiritually. 

Subsequently when Heaven and Hell are canceled out spiritually what remains is Pure Neutrality. A stasis field of pure impossibility otherwise something closer to Pure Enlightenment that is Perfect in Divine Nature. That is what the angel describes as The Meta Nexus Reality Threshold

So without a further adieu may your spiritual horizons broaden since these two topics have certainly done so for yours truly. Namaste.

Meta-Divine Creation:

3330) As stated in the fabled Emerald Tablet, "As Above, so Below." To this we the Heavenly Host do exclaim precisely before the astronomical "Big Bang" of this your universal physical Creation. There was another preceding "Bigger Bang" within a dimensional pocket that would later become the metaphysical afterlife itself. 

Your physical universe creation story of the "Big Bang" was a secondary explosion triggered by our spiritual ethereal vacuum being created precisely before your own. Some of us call it the Shattering this was a nascent period of gestation before there was good, neutrality, and evil as existential forces. During this swatch of endless time or eternity, there was no heaven, limbo purgatory (sheol), and hell to speak of entirely. 

Our Souls as Angels had just been decreed by God into meta-forms of itself times Infinity. The spawning of eternal Life of "Let There Be Light" from the Book of Genesis had just been encapsulated as a consecrated truth. We the various spheres or choirs of angelic kinds are the babes of eternity and infinity endlessly. 

We were in a perpetual state of Meta-Oneness with God(dess) akin to a nursing babe still in the suckling phase of our combined births. When our number grew exponentially something closer to Infinity in near numbers is when the Metaphysical Shattering took place. Where there was no afterlife then our spiritual reality shattered creating the endless near Infinite Heavens, Limbos, and Hells as macro discs of dimensional realities unto themselves as dominion pockets of epic straggering proportions. 

Before the Shattering there was no Void or Oblivion for those are names of the differing types of accursed pits of damnations espoused by the fallen as their beginning realities. Before the shattering there was no such thing as Eternity and Infinity for totality was a singularity with God by meta-macro conundrums. 

When the secondary "Big Bang" occurred as your cosmic universal reality of life and death. That is when the various endless dimensions of time and space plus countless others took form. There was Supreme Unification with God(dess) nearly forever and then our angelic kind numbered near Infinity as souls and then like a pregnant mother's water breaking the womb of eternal life shoved us out. 

After the Shattering when the early initial Heavens, Limbos, and Hells took shape as dominions unto themselves. This is when the godly infinite nature of our angelic minor deity kind took shape with forces of good, neutrality akin to being benign, and evil took hold. We became the original co-Creators with God helping to mold your reality in our newfound angelic Image and Likeness through God as Itself constantly. 

There was never an angelic battle in Heaven versus evil or defectors of any kind. We have superior Free Will as the angelic minor deities greater than humanity or the Universe itself decreed by God him/her/itself as Divine Law. Each according to their soulful vibrations struck the eternal cord of Life and Death in the metaphorical Harp of the Afterlife. Those attuned as demonic or the fallen were volunteers choosing the dominion of the cursed by choice seeking a shallow form of imperfect warped enlightenment. 

For how could a perfect Immaculate Heaven ever be desecrated by any taint with a battle of angelic traitors of our own kind? God's Will is Absolute and Perfect and so I retort how can Perfection in Heaven be Corrupted?  It Can't, that is the barbaric flawed assertion of a brutal humanity with a corrupted channeling by so-called theologians. 

In terms of near-endless Eternity and Infinity of your physical Universe, it too will succumb to a great cosmic collapse proposed by your scientists such as the "Big Crunch". Unless it becomes subsumed adnausem by another reality in the meanwhile much like your galaxies and solar systems collide with each other gradually with what seems like forever. This too occurs with Universes colliding with each other and so will your meta-physical realities be gobbled up as a reshuffling of the cosmic deck of life and death forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

The Meta-Nexus Reality Threshold: 

3331) Before there was time and space there was nothing to interact with physically or gravitationally. At this stage of the soulful spiritual essence of evolutionary Being, there was nothing outside the womb of God(dess) pregnant with pure perfect possibilities. 

Creation was not to be just yet in the apple of God's eye but nothing was for certain either since parallel realities are constantly being created and destroyed by God forever. The Omniscient choices of a Creator are equally at play as the Supreme Sustainer and Destroyer of Mysterious Totalities. Some realities are even unknown to us, for we the angelic kind only know what came after us, not so much what preceded us by God's tenure is Absolute. 

Angelic kind upon the afterlife isn't Absolute in any nature spiritual or whathaveyou. All subsequent universal constructs as near-perfect archetypes had an angelic hand or wing as you humans celebrate our auras metaphorically with anthropomorphized birds. We shaped with God as the lead Inspiration and modeled the template to create near-endless iterations of good, neutrality, and evil. To populate not only the spiritual ethereal afterlife but also the physical universes such as yours and others mysterious to your own. 

There will come a moment upon eternity and Infinity that it will collapse upon itself akin to a "Big Crunch" which can be synonymous with the next "Big Bang" simultaneously. Of another parallel universe physical or otherwise exotic from your current comprehension of reality or the natural laws as dynamical forces at play endlessly. 

Metaphysically there is a near-constant trifecta of forces through God as the Supreme Sustainer of life, stasis (ie endless perpetuity), and death. All soul kind including our angelic own will be funneled through the Mysterious Will of God as Perfect Karma. Reconciling the Wheel of Reincarnations once it stops spinning and is reoriented to reclaim the dead what the Christians call the Rapture. Judgment here in the afterlife reconciles the good, neutral, and evil lumped together to ascend and descend simultaneously as spirits and souls.

Here good and evil are canceled out and the soul is absolutely forgiven with Mysterious Mercies by God itself. When the Soul is ready after balancing the scales of its own native karma to zero of neither credits nor debits perfectly. It is launched by a countless factor into The Meta-Nexus Reality Threshold. There is perfect Immaculate Enlightenment where such a specific Oversoul has reached a critical number of allotted rebirths or reincarnations of its basket or cluster of spirits as ghosts. 

Each has been reborn into countless realities. Be it as people, animals, insects, foliage as plants and trees, and even ecological environments and meteorological forces itself as the elementals. Furthermore, the rebirths can take supernatural emphasis such as ascended masters (ie saints, prophetesses/prophets, saviors, etc...) as demigods. Afterward, rebirths elementally can take shape as a whole planet akin to Mother Earth, a solar system, a galaxy, and even the universe itself. 

Upon the Meta-Nexus Reality, there is no more need for souls and spirits that entity of God has perpetually graduated from that stratification of the metaphysical itself. Another undiscovered country is afoot here where the afterlife of the Great Mysterious Shattering never took hold. The former soul gets to experience a Divine reality before good and evil as twins were dislodged as dominion discs or pocket dimensions of their own respective forces of nature. To relish upon a pure perfected Enlightened Neutrality just as our angelic kind once did prior to the event horizon of the Great Shattering before your physical Creation became realized by God(dess). Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Rainbows and Being


Hello All,

Color me surprised to be blogging so soon right after my last posting for May 30th. I often find for my Inner tempo that a recent blog entry a few days later I have enough steam as in willpower to keep up the momentum. I have jumped randomly into my notebooks to look for 2 random statements neglected by me from the angels through past sessions via Inspirational Psychic Clairaudient Automatic Writing.

Using another psychic technique known as Stichomancy. Basically, it's opening up a book, magazine, or other periodical of printed media randomly and seeking a message. It can be done with the Bible and that psychic technique is called Biblomancy. I'm sure it'll work with any other Holy Book of other faiths or what have you as a principle. 

So today's duo of Jewels of Truth channeled statements are on Rainbows and Being. I can already sense the holy fae cheering from the sidelines. So without further adieu may you enjoy today's angelic range in terms of topics. Namaste.


3272) With every smile in the world an upside-down frown also duly occurs. However such frowns are redeemable when they become remarkable arches as rainbows across the celestial dome of Father Sky. Here is where beauty after a storm shines with natural feminine brilliance. That only a prismatic optical illusion can stir the romantic hearts in each of us who cares about the world.

To be aware of such a wonderous rationale spells a caring spirit body usually that this world isn't quite yet doomed. Regardless, of the doom and gloom on the News media sources reported otherwise in their constant barrage of sensationalized horrors across the globe afar. 

The human world has always been fractured in pieces with a struggle for justice here and there. The Preeminence of Being Alive is often easily misplaced by the hardships of the day and of the society at large in question. To be the leader of the pack as tribal gyrations go forces the followers en-masse into silos and corridors of future heresy and other manipulated talking points. Regardless of who is impacted along the route, the incessant chatter rises to the heavens with political and cultural rhetoric. 

All Fairness is a form of sanctified divinity by means of Internal balancing in terms of adjudicated boundaries of decency. When you witness a rainbow in the sky you see the Smiles of the Heavenly Host upon the fragile living Earth. Be this deemed as your spiritual ancestors, the holy fairies, blessed exalted angels, greater nature spirits, and ultimately God(dess) consciously in your midst. 

A rainbow is a godsend (please pardon the pun). A rainbow is a beautiful natural array of the spectrum of light refracted via the prism of atmospheric life. The sublime spiritual beneficence extends its grace upon the world for those willing to shine internally with an equal brilliance of significance by sheer conviction in God. 

A rainbow can also exist at night often they are referred to as a Moonbow. With an audacity of near equal luminous splendor on complete exhibition for the mystical devout eye to wonder at its intricate beauty upon the night skyline of Holy Mother Nature herself. 

To be of the resolve to enact harmony into one's sacred life when a natural wonder is encountered. Expels the notion that a rainbow is merely just a plain ordinary yawn to observe and move on without appreciation. The Omens of Goodwill as a form of Anism of this world for the planet is celebrated truly. 

Please take heed that the formidable creative soul can hear the unspoken in complete deep silence. Than any cacophony of crows can ever muster by the faculty of the sublime Intuition within. The Great Mystery is all around us often side-by-side is the ordinary and extraordinary parallels of the other as natural phenomena constantly present. 

Can you the spiritual inquisitive seeker fathom such a realization of wonders? To be spiritually enlivened streaks beyond the intellectual conundrums of dogma and theology. Where often the Inner stillness of Being still speaks volumes without analysis being necessary. This is the bread of the soul within to come away with Joy in order to embark on the cosmic dance of life. May these understandings intrigue you the child of God to awaken your native grandeur within as the divine in expression. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


3156) All of Life is a Mystery best shared as a known constant of the multiplicity of continually Being Alive. What is dead simultaneously is released spiritually from this world as this is the Will of God. All of Life and Death is constantly in a cycle present without ascribing the emotional and mental anguish of the constraints of being good, neutral, and evil upon this world. 

Life and Death just is and it is not in its most diluted principle of the entire Being. All is here for you who knows how to understand these precepts without convoluted formulas for existing and/or thriving in one's localized environment(s). What is not real eventually ebbs away stirred elsewhere about the confines of the Infinity of unrealized Creation(s). 

One can become more by expending very little energy from oneself. In just surmising what they care for in an abiding manner and then become that over time and the space of continuity. Where all other pertinent dimensions of Inner Being slip away as if a simultaneous death of the superfluous. 

Existence is akin to switching mechanical gears cycling one function onto another prealigned set of actions onto another plateau or circuit. Allowing momentum to flow at an even pace without the need to accelerate unnaturally. A relaxed tempo distills the equilibrium necessary to function where it permits its own natural cadence of Being. 

The continuum of Being is a spectrum of Totality. Allowing for a poised comprehension of the eternal and the Infinite to be joined with many other varied dimensions of Creation akin to an array of multiplicity. The eternity of Now the Omni-presence is timeless forever. Where finite linear time is unfurled like a zipper it too becomes subsumed into non-linear substrates of nothingness. A paradoxical flip as the holdover constant nature of Time is triggered expanding itself like a musical accordion. A modulation of the dimensional Constance expands like a lung and collapses again similar to the aforementioned musical accordion. 

Again we the Angelic Heavenly Host remark the identical iota for every other dimension under its own auspices of Being expressed in a near dynamic of its native continuum. Such as Infinity is a constant principle of spacelessness. Where finite space as confined environments collapses before nothingness subsumed into a paradoxical shift akin to a binary cause and effect. 

Now again to reiterate a 3rd time that any and all truisms persist for all other dimensions of Being. Each is here and none are present simultaneously through the fostering Omni-Presence of God. As the Originator of all apex totalities be they beyond the nano sub-particle well into the gargantuan of the macro of all fluctuating Super Universes as One Quantum Cell Structure.

The Essence of Everything is beyond matter and anti-matter itself it heralds from the spiritual ethereal astral realms. The Great Spirit is beyond that still as its own dominion of Being unto its own native self akin to a stand-alone principle of a universal super-structure.  Beyond that dimensional spiritual realm lays the Soul of God a conundrum that is constantly ebbing and flowing like the ocean. With tidal waves of life and death reborn across all universes known and unknown of Being forever. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Conduct, Being, and Personal Character


Hello All,

Finally, I've set aside some time to blog some freshly minted for this month of May a trio of Jewels of Truth statements as channeled content from the Angels. For the last year or so I requested from the angels to receive this content usually as a theme of topics. So randomly without forethought on my part, the 3 topics of Conduct, Being, and Personal Character have been set aside for now. 

The topics and/or attributes are self-explanatory so not much background information is necessary. For those that are new readers of Atrayo's Oracle blog site of 18+ years online originally at Google's Blogger portal, and now at various satellite locations online such as LinkedInTumblr, and Temple Illuminatus

I have been channeling the heavenly angelic host and assorted holy ones for now over 28+ plus years. Utilizing a writing technique that is considered as psychic Inspirational automatic writing. Not unlike the author of The Conversations With God book series of Neale Donald Walsch. I may actually have channeled more Inspired content than Mr. Walsch but not all of it is published publically. Lol, but who's counting? 

Without further adieu may you be blessedly informed and expand your spiritual horizons of grace. Amen.


3316) Many wonders occur without the cognizant realization of people in their common ordinary midst. Each to experience a solemn loving Omni-Presence of God universally. One must exude reverence for the great and small of this world simultaneously. In order to garner a situational or circumstantial awareness as a living blessing when what is perceived is well-meaning indeed by faith. 

Not all perceptions are equal, nor robust in the continuity of an honorable conduct. Thus it takes much practice and genuine sincere curiosity to experience the holiness of the divine in your everyday common midst. 

What do you notice spiritually? It depends usually on your cultural faith tradition in this world by devotional expectations. Is it an angel, a holy ghost, a natural fairy, a nature spirit, an ancestor, and so forth? Will you can you notice what is perpetually there spiritually noticing you by a beloved esteem? Intention follows adoration when the pure heart is stirred from within for what is holy is everlasting only through God(dess) alone. 

Shining as a spirit reborn upon the world permits you many graces as both wonders and responsibilities to hold a higher standard of conduct both humanely and spiritually. First, do no harm. Meaning do not condemn the foreigner or your neighbor for how they commune or not with the celestial divine upon the world. Paradise is an Inclusive metaphysical reality of the afterlife for all faiths. Each one is a sacred trust as religions, spiritual traditions, and philosophies of ancient bygone civilizations, contemporary ones, and ones yet to be invented. Not just by humanity on earth but by intelligent semi-sentient species out beyond in the cosmos. 

Like-kind spiritually as pulses or energetically will always attract each other where space and time aren't real to the metaphysical afterlife. A spiritual holy enshrined magnetism occurs by a person whose devout is akin to Being calibered or harmonized to the divine like a tuning fork at a specific frequency beyond what is audible alone dimensionally. 

So vibrating with benevolence in your heart, mind, and soul of God in you welcomes like kind of the holy ones. A circular loop of constant grace is enshrined through you as if you are a bead being strung on a loop of great affection to be adorned by God as if wearing you like a necklace of precious diamond-like jewels. 

However, if you hate with anger with toxic vibrations as pulses of ill-will both as a person and a spirit reborn you will stir up metaphysically not just poor conduct but Hell on Earth as well. Such disruptive outbursts that are sustained are the worst kind of danger wherever possible on a spiritual basis. 

Your world is awash with a Contrast of goodness, neutrality, and evil each with a native spectrum of metaphysical frequencies all its own kind. Humanity often calls them the Virtues and Vices each expression is an intonation much like the aforementioned tuning fork at a marked dedicated frequency. How you balance your decorum signifies your stature not just on earth with the maturity of personal character but also in the afterlife simultaneously. 

The divine is enmeshed with your mundane common ordinary world it is a layered stratified existence of the extraordinary wonders unto the plain and benign phenomena of all circular dynamical realities. What you pour of yourself personally out of you and into you from other sources spells the difference of health or disease upon you physically and spiritually in tandem. 

There are many avenues to commune with the benevolent spiritual realities whether by prayer, meditation, and contemplations as forms of worship. There are also devout songs, dances, and solitary exercises of the Intuitive mystical arts just to name a few. Do you have a pure open heart and mind without being jaded of what is divine and what is clearly not? 

Do you succumb easily to hardship complaining that your life is stressful without practicing self-improvement? What maladies of the human condition are beyond your control and which ones can you influence privately or with the help of other trusted souls? Do you practice Mercy and Forgiveness upon yourself and extend it to all others be they human, creature, and ecological? 

Heaven on Earth and Hell on Earth are two sides of the identical reality each sharing a spectrum of dimensional constants that can distinguish the weak from the strong in the world. Your attributes as your personal conduct signify this treatise between you and God personally and privately that no other person be they well-meaning or not should have any authority to interfere with truly. Please know which master you obey predominantly in the world and act accordingly by faith in God(dess) always and forever more. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


3317) The Soft Stillness of Being Within feeds the doing moreso profoundly. The Deeper the Being, the Deeper the Mindfulness of your cherished wholeness which fulfills true Being. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Personal Character:

3318) To the one who feels much for his/her own behavior as an outlet of justified actions. Be not afraid to live a finely righteous demeanor given if the circumstances are in your favor or not. Sometimes difficult choices must be made with careful analysis as to the ramifications of the highest and best good that is possible for all concerned. Regardless, if the highest good is yours or not given the potential array of outcomes. 

There are moments where a personal sacrifice is called for as a form of practical character building for the upliftment of the spiritual self upon this world in terms of karma. This isn't to say to suffer needlessly at every possible turn as a martyr, masochist, and so forth. No tend to what is rational and behave with honour as to what is expected from you in that moment of time wherever possible. 

Then follow the trail of the sensible claim of following decisions based on reason, common sense, logic, and if necessary by sheer Intuition as required. Always moving at your pace and if not at what the moment dictates in an orderly fashion even if the pace can seem hectic at first blush. Do not be bullied into making rash decisions by peer pressure with an incomplete assessment of the facts at hand. 

Moreover please trust your Intuitive heart foremost when the decisions are serious. Silence the racing thoughts, take a deep breath or two, and release the anxiety. Listen emotionally to the Stillness within feel for the moments between moments and there you will have found your Intuitive Heart alive with your Guardian Spiritual Angel present in your Divine midst. 

Give yourself leeway to make mistakes without crucifying yourself too harshly to be a fallible person in the world. Humanity was never meant to be perfection, that is an irrational glitch of the human ego. Do celebrate your minor with larger successes in your life personally. Since so few well-meaning people will do so on your legitimate behalf as friends, loved ones, and even strangers. 

Sincerely welcome the plights that will challenge your mettle in order to rise to the occasion by living your convictions as best as you can even if you falter repeatedly. Courage requires stamina to continue despite the odds. Compassion spells the difference between the holy ones and the brutal animals of the world. Be dignified in a manner that best suits your personality, not the generic canned responses your elders may demand from you earnestly. 

Cherish responsibility in order to hold yourself to a better standard of living. Society will have expectations of you and not all of them are considerate. Sometimes being the misfit is better company than the dogma of the era that is politically and culturally hysterical and flawed in humane esteem. To know this difference takes personal Inner humility to truly understand your motivations and that of the illness of psychology of the societal masses. 

Not every aggressor is wrong so discern accordingly and not every victim is innocent either. Comprehension beyond the situational facts on the ground but truly the untold truth takes a practical understanding of the human condition. With a spiritual fortitude to do your best always without being lazy and cheating at another person's expense. 

Predicaments will occur that are chaotic as accidents and emergencies beyond the ordinary of the commoners day. Allow your Inner Stillness to guide your steps with sensible approaches that allow for minor confusion to be later clarified with reason and logic from trusted authority figures. Even if their personable values differ from your own in life and dogma. It is not the place to adjudicate the peace at that very instant of chaos that can come later when disaster strikes profusely. 

Do live with the strength of personal character and compassion for the stranger, foreigner, and your kinsfolk as your neighbors. This includes for yourself foremost and all other persons known and unknown in the world. For your thoughts, words, actions, and even your inactions do matter spiritually and moreover upon this reality of the Earth.

Whether there is earnest allowance of what must be earned, shared by privilege, and gifted as charity. The original sin is withholding your grace from the world when it is dearly needed and otherwise wanted by mutual fellows and the masses in question. To serve another sincerely with virtue is to serve God silently in the constant eternal stillness of what matters most can be unspoken with a cherished internal embrace by the divine. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.