Friday, July 28, 2006

Revenue Source Concept: Municipal Governments Spending Criminal Assets

Hello All,

Many local and State governments are running up record deficits, if not are on the verge of backruptcy if not in it already. What if local or State governments can spend convicted felon criminal assets to boost their bottom line. But here's the twist they do not spend it directly, they use it as a form of secure collateral.

So once a felon is in a State of Federal prison convicted of his crimes. His assets that are over a certain dollar amount, let's say like $100,000. Be they in the form of: liquid cash, real estate holdings, antiquities or collections, and financial stocks & bonds. Are all ripe for being utilized as a form of secure collateral to raise financing much like a municipal or State bond is issued.

Any interests or directly leveraged monies made from such formerly frozen criminal assets. Aren't paid to the convict once he is released from the prison system. Consider it as a form of paying their dues for their crimes against the public and paying for their expenses while incurred in the prison system.

This isn't theft since once a convict is released be it by parole or their prison sentence is up. Their financial assets are returned to them. Minus any incurred interests or financing that the city or State government was able to utilize from such assets.

Jewels of Truth Quotations & Favorite Quotes Of The Day

Hello Readers,

I forgot to mention in my last entry this past July 2nd. That this humble blog of mine has reached its one year anniversary, Hooray! Now to the good stuff that I hope is one of the reasons why you enjoy this original blog site in content.

758) If one insists on following the crowd rather than following their instincts. One will time and again miss out on opportunities and innovative turns for good. ---Ivan / Atrayo.

759) For our loved ones, friends, strangers that have traveled onward before us. Each time we remember and cherish their presence in our lives. We give them life once more in a tender fashion by grace. We make them Immortal in the Eyes of God for he has blessed us in our union with our loved ones, friends, and strangers. Amen. ---Ivan / Atrayo.

760) To love fully and well, especially unconditionally. Is to usher forth the fragance of heaven into your room. Heaven can be brought anywhere there is a lover of life. Like the glass blower creating a masterpiece. Love is shaped and formed by the purest of desires of goodwill. Such a lovers grace for ones own divinity can invoke the Will of Heaven and glories to be established where needed. That is the power of Heaven & Earth in holy matrimony that has moved mountains. ---Ivan / Atrayo.


What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous. ---Thomas Merton.

Common sense is not so common. ---French Saying.

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. ---William James 1842-1910.

Love transforms you from death into life: it quickens you to be able to see where you can not see and feel where you can not feel. ---Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. "Alchemical Wisdom".

Love is the first ingredient in the relief of suffering. ---Padre Pio.

He that would be a leader must be a bridge. ---Welsh Proverb.

Do good and don't worry to whom. ---Mexcian Proverb.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Jewels of Truth Quotations & Favorite Quotes Of The Day

Hello All,

Sorry by the lack of updates, I've been distracted with my other two hobbies as a gamer and entering numerous free sweepstakes online. Today I'll share another three of my own quotations including some extra famous quotes of other notables.

755) Humanity and any other sentient life out in the cosmos is a living paradox much like us. We are equally capable of atrocities guided by the selfish whim of free will. Yet so are we also capable of brilliant acts of good will towards each other. It is all based on the disposition of the being guided by their inner sense of wonder or travesty. ---Ivan / Atrayo.

756) If one is to live an abundant life. One must seek out all manner of ways to be challenged. Otherwise the spicket of the flow of life will only trickle in. One needs to perturb the flow of life so as to engage it fully. Rich engagement is the fruit of enlightened labor of one's passion. ---Ivan / Atrayo.

757) We are but a reflection in the mirror of the Almighty Creator of Life. When we gaze upon the brilliance of the purely white light within ourselves. We reveal our truest hidden nature of grace, which is God's immorality within our living beings upon this reality. Amen. ---Ivan / Atrayo.


Diligence is the mother of good luck. ---Benjamin Franklin.

Emptiness is bound to bloom, like hundreds of grasses blossoming. ---Eihei Dogen.

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. ---Frank A. Clark.

Fulfilled life is possible in spite of unfulfilled wishes. ---Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. ---Johan Wolfgang van Goethe (1749-1832).

Thankfulness brings you to the place where the Beloved lives. ---Jalaluddin Rumi.

Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. ---Plato.

Enjoy everyone.