Hello All,
It's that period of the month where I share another trio of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements. This month of October's statements is the series of #1054-1056. The topics are on: Vision, Character, and on Faith itself in a very general sense elements of our grace come alive. This October we often celebrate the once pagan holiday of "All Hollow's Eve" as the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice otherwise known in Scottish Gaelic origins as "Samhain". In Western Christianity its respectfully two back to back holidays of "All Souls Day" on October 31st. and "All Saints Day" on November 1st of the year.
Our grace is paramount not just on particular events in our pivotal lives, but throughout every waking and sleeping moment in our lifetimes as people. All of this harkens back to a time when the Holy was sought out on purpose. At least to remind us of our sacred origins spiritually as divine beings in union with the Creator God. So as I share today's spiritual wisdom statements try to envision the unity we all share beyond our humble national and cultural origins. Amen.
Enjoy as always in the spirit of goodwill.
1054) Where there is a vision the people will come forward with convictions. Why will they come to such a place of trust upon those that will lead them onward for the sake of participation?
The initial reasons will be myriad in practice and in philosophy to be sure. Mostly its for assurance to alleviate any misgivings if not to improve ones stature with incentives. The overall general direction dictates to a person if not an entire institution its promise to achieve accountable results. Whereby goals become objectives mapped out in order to reach milestones on a near realistic time table. As the desires of the leaders and the results are held in higher esteem than the workers or followers. Each ones passion may be astute as to the errors or down right screw ups when visions are laid down as ill prepared actions. There is never a guarantee when plans meet with unexpected consequences. Only the prepared and the nimble are the ones to excel in spite of dire challenges to be had in results.
All communication must always be clear and concise as circumstances dictate. To avoid break downs and plain confusion all down the chain of command. Neglect of this causes misery if not inexcusable investments to be misspent if not lost in do turn. When a vision becomes a failure is when the planning is sub par or incompetent in nature as to the degree of the tasks involved. Any organization that becomes complacent seeking not the best outcome is doomed right outside the gate in the beginning. Seeking only to get by versus to fully succeed sets one up for mediocre results as the status quo is all but assured. This becomes a failure of leadership and thus the doubling of efforts in leveraged outcomes is paired downwards. This will inherently reveal weak spots in the structural guise of shared responsibilities of the duties involved. Where layer after layer of subsequent planning starts to unravel requiring much needed damage control.
This is where morale of any the followers will begin to question every iota of required actions be they true or not. Such second guessing delays the spirit of the project much less the accomplishment of the tasks by persons dragging their feet instead. The superficial will give up and the die hard will be left holding the bag with atrocious turn over in labor and subsequent overrun costs of resources. Thus guard yourselves from such complacency at the very onset of every vision making sure you have trusted persons in key positions. To shake out any wrinkles much less disruptive malcontents to the morale of ones outfit. Keep an eye out for those that lack scruples by trumping those in their charge by their lust for greed and/or power by the influence it gives them. Otherwise the aforementioned debacles will flare up without a proper comprehension why its occurring in principle.
Seek the promise of a robust vision with a well laid plans in a timely executed methodology. Where your forth coming days will indeed be brighter and prosperous. Due to your consideration of where you or your organization is headed in truth by mutual participation.
---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
1055) The first line of benevolence is courage and the last act of goodness is love. The greatest of these is followed by truth in all her endeavors in principle and in practice. Having strength over oneself and over others is indeed shallow if not filled with a righteous conviction in life. After "Pandora's Box" was opened what came forth spewed onto Creation all manner of disgust and torment. The last defense trapped as perhaps their prisoner was "Hope" herself. If one goes onward into extremes one will undoubtedly come across its other extreme camp on the opposite end.
This life is a complete revolving circle perplexing even the gods as to its infinite depths of grace and horror to be experienced. Thus a remarkable faith lived in moderation sets one apart from the extremists spewing hatred and their vile judgements. Otherwise foolishness will seem reasonable albeit it soon becomes apparent that it is truly disastrous in nature. Those that follow fools may not come out of life unscathed by the misery to follow I tell you. Vigilance is the cousin to prudence in being aware of when to listen and when to speak and when to truly act in good faith. Awaken you that hold the chalice of wisdom to your minds and hearts only to pour forth the life of God into you. Yield to humility when practicing your strength lest you harm the intent of your desires. Live in a real fashion but do so with inner grace that soon becomes a blessing that hope becomes verily manifested before your very eyes. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
1056) All is possible within God because God lives in the realm of the eternal unlimited potentiality. Only through him can we give form to the Infinite through our needs and wants. If we indeed are sincere by such a practice of living then our actions will be blessed by being in accord with the "Will of God". Prayer is often the instrument to affect the greatest change within our spirits. Not to mold the ethers alone but to transcend our mortal limitations giving full credence to our shared divinity instead. Practicing a faith without benevolence makes the worshiper hollow even if one disagrees against the theology of another religion out of hand. Judge not a foreigners religion instead educate yourselves in all the holy and beautiful wisdom their sacred texts have discovered. Aside from the differences in dogma, traditions, and cultural celebrations in total. Be curious in fine details in order to empower your sense of becoming inclusive with the presence of God found in another people.
God is majestic by orders of magnitude that dwarf our understanding. Be humble instead of persecuting foreigners of a different religion, spiritual practice, or philosophical tradition. Welcome them as your divine siblings in all that is hospitable in loving attitude. Even if you don't embrace their customs out of curiosity alone. Just accept their presence in life as God(dess) has accepted you as his or her own creation unconditionally in true love. Amen.
---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.
---1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Trust yourself; you know more than you think you do. ---Benjamin Spock.
Anyone can find fault. It is the wise person who finds that which encourages another in the turmoils and strife's of the day. ---Edgar Cayce, Reading 1449-2
The same pain that can blemish our personality can act as a creative force, burnishing it into an object of delight. ---Pir Vilyat Inayat Khan. "Alchemical Wisdom"
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.
---Matsuo Basho.
You have made me so rich, oh God, please let me share out your beauty with open hands.
---Etty Hillesum. "Letters from Westerbork"
As servants of God, live as free people, yet do not use your freedom as a pretext for evil.
---1 Peter 2:16
It's that period of the month where I share another trio of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements. This month of October's statements is the series of #1054-1056. The topics are on: Vision, Character, and on Faith itself in a very general sense elements of our grace come alive. This October we often celebrate the once pagan holiday of "All Hollow's Eve" as the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice otherwise known in Scottish Gaelic origins as "Samhain". In Western Christianity its respectfully two back to back holidays of "All Souls Day" on October 31st. and "All Saints Day" on November 1st of the year.
Our grace is paramount not just on particular events in our pivotal lives, but throughout every waking and sleeping moment in our lifetimes as people. All of this harkens back to a time when the Holy was sought out on purpose. At least to remind us of our sacred origins spiritually as divine beings in union with the Creator God. So as I share today's spiritual wisdom statements try to envision the unity we all share beyond our humble national and cultural origins. Amen.
Enjoy as always in the spirit of goodwill.
1054) Where there is a vision the people will come forward with convictions. Why will they come to such a place of trust upon those that will lead them onward for the sake of participation?
The initial reasons will be myriad in practice and in philosophy to be sure. Mostly its for assurance to alleviate any misgivings if not to improve ones stature with incentives. The overall general direction dictates to a person if not an entire institution its promise to achieve accountable results. Whereby goals become objectives mapped out in order to reach milestones on a near realistic time table. As the desires of the leaders and the results are held in higher esteem than the workers or followers. Each ones passion may be astute as to the errors or down right screw ups when visions are laid down as ill prepared actions. There is never a guarantee when plans meet with unexpected consequences. Only the prepared and the nimble are the ones to excel in spite of dire challenges to be had in results.
All communication must always be clear and concise as circumstances dictate. To avoid break downs and plain confusion all down the chain of command. Neglect of this causes misery if not inexcusable investments to be misspent if not lost in do turn. When a vision becomes a failure is when the planning is sub par or incompetent in nature as to the degree of the tasks involved. Any organization that becomes complacent seeking not the best outcome is doomed right outside the gate in the beginning. Seeking only to get by versus to fully succeed sets one up for mediocre results as the status quo is all but assured. This becomes a failure of leadership and thus the doubling of efforts in leveraged outcomes is paired downwards. This will inherently reveal weak spots in the structural guise of shared responsibilities of the duties involved. Where layer after layer of subsequent planning starts to unravel requiring much needed damage control.
This is where morale of any the followers will begin to question every iota of required actions be they true or not. Such second guessing delays the spirit of the project much less the accomplishment of the tasks by persons dragging their feet instead. The superficial will give up and the die hard will be left holding the bag with atrocious turn over in labor and subsequent overrun costs of resources. Thus guard yourselves from such complacency at the very onset of every vision making sure you have trusted persons in key positions. To shake out any wrinkles much less disruptive malcontents to the morale of ones outfit. Keep an eye out for those that lack scruples by trumping those in their charge by their lust for greed and/or power by the influence it gives them. Otherwise the aforementioned debacles will flare up without a proper comprehension why its occurring in principle.
Seek the promise of a robust vision with a well laid plans in a timely executed methodology. Where your forth coming days will indeed be brighter and prosperous. Due to your consideration of where you or your organization is headed in truth by mutual participation.
---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
1055) The first line of benevolence is courage and the last act of goodness is love. The greatest of these is followed by truth in all her endeavors in principle and in practice. Having strength over oneself and over others is indeed shallow if not filled with a righteous conviction in life. After "Pandora's Box" was opened what came forth spewed onto Creation all manner of disgust and torment. The last defense trapped as perhaps their prisoner was "Hope" herself. If one goes onward into extremes one will undoubtedly come across its other extreme camp on the opposite end.
This life is a complete revolving circle perplexing even the gods as to its infinite depths of grace and horror to be experienced. Thus a remarkable faith lived in moderation sets one apart from the extremists spewing hatred and their vile judgements. Otherwise foolishness will seem reasonable albeit it soon becomes apparent that it is truly disastrous in nature. Those that follow fools may not come out of life unscathed by the misery to follow I tell you. Vigilance is the cousin to prudence in being aware of when to listen and when to speak and when to truly act in good faith. Awaken you that hold the chalice of wisdom to your minds and hearts only to pour forth the life of God into you. Yield to humility when practicing your strength lest you harm the intent of your desires. Live in a real fashion but do so with inner grace that soon becomes a blessing that hope becomes verily manifested before your very eyes. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
1056) All is possible within God because God lives in the realm of the eternal unlimited potentiality. Only through him can we give form to the Infinite through our needs and wants. If we indeed are sincere by such a practice of living then our actions will be blessed by being in accord with the "Will of God". Prayer is often the instrument to affect the greatest change within our spirits. Not to mold the ethers alone but to transcend our mortal limitations giving full credence to our shared divinity instead. Practicing a faith without benevolence makes the worshiper hollow even if one disagrees against the theology of another religion out of hand. Judge not a foreigners religion instead educate yourselves in all the holy and beautiful wisdom their sacred texts have discovered. Aside from the differences in dogma, traditions, and cultural celebrations in total. Be curious in fine details in order to empower your sense of becoming inclusive with the presence of God found in another people.
God is majestic by orders of magnitude that dwarf our understanding. Be humble instead of persecuting foreigners of a different religion, spiritual practice, or philosophical tradition. Welcome them as your divine siblings in all that is hospitable in loving attitude. Even if you don't embrace their customs out of curiosity alone. Just accept their presence in life as God(dess) has accepted you as his or her own creation unconditionally in true love. Amen.
---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.
---1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Trust yourself; you know more than you think you do. ---Benjamin Spock.
Anyone can find fault. It is the wise person who finds that which encourages another in the turmoils and strife's of the day. ---Edgar Cayce, Reading 1449-2
The same pain that can blemish our personality can act as a creative force, burnishing it into an object of delight. ---Pir Vilyat Inayat Khan. "Alchemical Wisdom"
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.
---Matsuo Basho.
You have made me so rich, oh God, please let me share out your beauty with open hands.
---Etty Hillesum. "Letters from Westerbork"
As servants of God, live as free people, yet do not use your freedom as a pretext for evil.
---1 Peter 2:16
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