Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Win 1 of 12 Kindle Ebook Copies of "Jewels of Truth" Volume 3!

Hello All,

In celebration of just launching my website "Jewelsoftruth.us" in the last few days. I wanted to offer my inaugural first giveaway ever! One of twelve winners will each receive a Kindle ebook copy of "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Volume 3" from Amazon as a prize. 

This promotion runs from now until the end of this month of September 30th, 2015. 

Here are the Terms and Conditions:

This promotion is not associated with Blogger, Facebook, Twitter or other like kind social media platform. All winners will be contacted by email to notify them of their prize. No unsolicited emails beyond winners notification at the end of this promotion. None of the entrants information will be shared or sold to third parties. 

This promotion begins 09/08/15 until 09/30/15 EST. Only 12 Kindle copies of "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues", Volume 3 published by iUniverse will be offered at a retail value of $2.99 US per individual winner only. Only 13 years and older at State or Province of residence may enter. No Purchase is necessary, restricted where it may be prohibited.  

In the future I'll offer other giveaways for my other volumes in ebook formats of Kindle, Nook, & PDF. 

All winners and book owners are welcome to provide a book review at their leisure at my Amazon page. Thank you.

Best of Luck and enjoy the promotion to you my readers that happen to own a Kindle device reader. 

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