Sunday, September 24, 2006

Recorded Media Prediction / Observation: Analog To Digital To True Holography

Hello All,

Most of what I'm stating today is mostly a no-brainer. Since 2/3's of it have occurred to date in terms of recorded media in presentation and technological improvements. From the days of Analog media be it in LP's, 8-Tracks, or other magnetic tape media like cassettes and VHS / Betamax formats. Notably analog media in most circles still outperforms in terms of quality playback than next generation digital media. However subsequent generations of digital playback may make this point moot sooner than later. Perhaps with thrusts of improvements coming from the second generation of DVD introductions. Like the new formats of "BluRay or HD-DVD" being introduced most recently in the consumer marketplace. This can be working hand to hand with future generations of MPEG play back skipping entirely the old format of the MP3.

Where will recorded media lead us in the next decade and beyond? Perhaps the much lauded Holy Grail of 3-D that has been described in science fiction for nearly over a generation now. That of "Holographic" technology that exists today, but not in sufficient portable technology that consumers demand today. Holography today is still in that old IBM PC mainframe sizes of old that is a pain to transport anywhere.

But in the years of tomorrow this to will no longer be a limiting factor. Expect new iterations of true 3-D technology to leap beyond the present pseudo three dimensions that digital technology offers us today. Holography will be the new vanguard of not just data media but also in display technology. Unlike the present dinosaur esque 2-D displays we're still lugging around from the latter half of the 20th century. Be it the now classical transistor tube displays to the CRT's transforming into the present deluge of: LCD's, Plasma's, & HD TV's.

Holography of tomorrow will present us with displays in its first few generations that are more so vertical 3-D projector like in presentation. Than present day horizontal displays with a 2-D display. These first 3-D projector like displays can be rotated by the human hand or voice commands. Where the end-user won't need to fumble with a awkward virtual reality glove or microphone. But motion sensor technology of tomorrow will take this fuss out of the equation.
Do expect the first generation of holographic display technologies to have it's glitches. Chief amongest them is particle quality where the presentation will be too transparent where foreign light sources will degrade the quality of viewing. This will phase out over time where the holographic displays will yield substantial improvements in filtering out foreign light sources in the commercial and personal use options. Other potential glitches will be corruption of data that is no stranger to us with digital technology of today. But in holographic circles will blend data stream images causing a corrupt image to be displayed and viewed. Basically a mutation of images that onboard processors will need to compesate when the transmission becomes hazy.

Lastly holographic technology will yield substantial productivity improvements in how data and images are manipulated and shared. Top amongest them is confercing where large summits of group gatherings will choose the holographic chat room of tomorrow rather than the long distance trek to another location. The television of tomorrow will also host various game shows, TV interviews, and such as future fads in how this holographic media is consumed amongest the masses. This will entail cultural shifts that will take at least a generation to be fully absorbed into mainstream society. Much like in today's western cultures warming up to digital entertainment be it in the form of: PC & Video console games, to the more recent distribution of media in MP3 formats and such.

This reality is coming the hard part is predicting actually when it will occur over time. Due to many competiting forces seeking top dog pole positions in the display and recorded media industries.

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