Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jewels of Truth Quotations & Favorite Quotes Of The Day

Hello All,

As I'm rather inspired at this moment. Allow me to share my latest authored spiritual quotation which i hope it rings whole for you as it has for me by automatic psychic writing.

788) Dearly beloved each soul no matter the order of the entity of life. Hasn't left its abode and seat next to God the maker. Meaning each spirit is simultaneously in Heaven and in multiple other dimensions in the same one instant. So those experiencing the Earthly mortal guise also has the added benefit of already being saved by grace. There is no need to fret with personal anguish or other persecutor judgements, which are from the vain at heart. God's judgement is final and unquestioned in his all knowing for all eternities. You are home and have never left paradise, but only in your mortal mind & heart if you so desire to entertain such foolish notions otherwise. Amen. ---Ivan / Atrayo.

(now back to the former sequence of quotes)

783) Our souls are complete and perfect in the image of God. Paradoxically our mortal guises are flawed by imperfections. Where we should only strive for excellence in all of our ongoings. Amen. ---Ivan / Atrayo.

784) One transcends this world not by ambitions of the ego. But by awakening and activating ones personal soul. By actions that are graceful and lead to a life full of hope, faith, and love truly for the common good of all. Such pursuits are aided by the instruments of wisdom and virtues of character. That is the path of enlightened gratitude for ones lot in this life. Amen. ---Ivan / Atrayo.


And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. ---Acts 2:21. (New International Version)

Let us be of good cheer remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come. ---James Russell Lowell.

Hard is not hopeless. --- US General David Petraeus. US Commander in Iraq.

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