Monday, March 10, 2025

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Heaven, Prosperity Consciousness, Prosperous Manifestation, & Steps of Prosperity Consciousness


Hello All,

I'm glad I was able to pursue this blog entry just one week before the illustrious St. Patrick's Day holiday. All is well I've just been one can say distracted with personal struggles of motivation and whatnot observing my mother's 4th year anniversary of her passing. Apologies for missing the month of February here at Atrayo's Oracle blog site. 

Today's original and as usual freshly minted from a few weeks ago brand new Jewels of Truth statements. Are from the angels via the talent of intuitive automatic writing now spanning 29+ years of personal experience. There will be two statements in the shorthand series and by that, I mean tailored for social media postings as one sentence to a full paragraph or so. Then two statements of my customary longhand series of my usual size of several paragraphs usually a dozen or so. 

The topics are as follows two of the shorthand on Heaven and Prosperity Consciousness. Followed by two of the longer statements of Prosperous Manifestation from the heavenly angels and Steps of Prosperity Consciousness. The topics coincide greatly with the upcoming Saint Patrick's Day holiday with those pesky and greedy Leprechauns and at times the Clurichauns who drink themselves into an Irish stupor.😎

May the blessed luck of the mischievous Irish grace each of your hearts and minds this season of festive merriment. Just before the announcement of the season of Spring where all are reborn with loving peace. Amen. 


3383) What is yours in Heaven is profusely shared with all souls of great beloved esteem in that pure love that only God knows absolutely. A Universal equilibrium of a streamed continuity of graceful angelic expression in perfect peaceful sublime Oneness. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Prosperity Consciousness:

3384) To envision your future claim it spiritually in your past in order to receive its beautiful presence forever "Now" as an echo focal point of sublime divine balance. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Prosperous Manifestation:

3381) To the one that seeks untold riches of the world for a greater equality of the spoils of the human lifestyle then please listen well and truly. God denies no one their pleasant fill upon this generous universe indeed. 

To Be of a solemn mind and heart united your speech and your magical intent must be of a harmonious accord. What this sincerely denotes is what you term Manifestation abundance as prosperity spiritual work. Is your divine right of your heavenly ancestral Inheritance upon this world and the next to follow in your pristine afterlife with God(dess) forever more. There is never a destitute need for hoarding in paradise and as such "As above, So below" as the Hermetic Emerald Tablet explains. Please refrain from excesses that fill your gullets to the point of nausea. 

What you unconditionally desire will also desire you in return spiritually speaking akin to a boomerang returning to its thrown source. Those who seek their manifested earthly treasures in an undetermined future will grow impatient truly over time. When the need and the wanting of their desires always unconditionally arrive in the present tense alone. 

Time is a fickle mistress that waits for no one constantly. What this infers is in a spiritual eternity there is no time whatsoever so all is instantaneous. Such a Heavenly Divine Living Laws of God postulates to all the living whether incarnated in the flesh or in pure spectral ethereal ghostly forms indeed. There is a cascading of dynamics that is emitted like a proverbial waterfall showering the Earth constantly. 

For what are people as half in the flesh and half in the Holy Ghost as spiritual bodies equally. To build up your spiritual talents in the world one must develop your ghostly forms by faith in God whilst struggling to exist upon the world the earth. 

To claim your Holy Divine Ancestral Inheritance in the Here of Infinity and the Now of Eternity completely. In the Constant Loop of the timeless nature of the Heavenly Angelic Host upon your behalf as perfect intercessors forever in truth and beauty for all blessed souls alike. 

Aim not your human spirit intentions towards an illusionary future filled with prosperous riches and growth. Paradoxically instead flip such a model dynamic on its head twisting your intentions into the proverbial eternal past collectively. Pretending by faith and seizing your blessed truth spiritually with affirmative constructive short and sweet statements of power and resolve. It is akin to a lemniscate as the geometric figure eight being flipped from the circle of life eternal. 

When you intend your riches into the furlong past with visualized success you begin siphoning such a personal truth into your present tense moments. Akin to developing your spiritual mindful ghostly muscles as your talents. Here is where the conundrum of the past in a circular fashion is flipped into the lemniscate and walaa your delivered good arrives sooner than later from an undetermined hapless future. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Steps of Prosperity Consciousness:

3382) All is Well even though humanity struggles tirelessly for greater riches all the same. To Be of One prosperous mind the supplicant as the petitioning soul must apply themselves in a dedicated consistent manner in moderation without forced excess.

When stating a spiritual affirmation of plenty of health, protection, and/or prosperity. Keep the stated goals as thought forms short with brevity as sweet to the proverbial tip of the spear with utter simplicity. Please refuse the habit of long-winded verbetious statements of XYZ for that sort of declarations are burdensome energetically to the caster of prosperity consciousness. 

When visualizing keep your focal point attention anywhere from 15 seconds minimum to one full minute maximum in due time. This keeps one closest to a timeless interval of the readily available spiritual heavens. See your desire as complete in all its finery as most elegant indeed and in a solemn trust of the divine to deliver its ample supply to you and yours without fail. Completely surrender without fuss and muss in order you do not inadvertently delay your spiritual progress by faith in your prosperity consciousness overall.

Do this in intervals of three to five times at least once a day or in any other capacity that makes you comfortable without forcing the process unduly. This is especially true when you are struck with anxiety to forestall your potential negativity by releasing it upon faithful trust unto the Heavenly Host. Be sure to relax and send yourself and your intended manifestation unconditional love in moderated wellness in your supplications. That blessed act alone is worth more than you can imagine for it fuels the process akin to a form of heavenly currency.

In time this too will become 2nd nature to you and your loved ones whom shall become shared recipients of such holy good works upon this world. All gratitude is automatically implied in the manner you transmit unconditional love to the holy ones of the ancestral heavens. Who love all lifeforms equally forever without prejudice of one group of people over another society. Keep your words of Power as keywords as shorter versions of affirmations to send off when affirmations and visualizations grow tiresome as the 3rd leg of spiritual tools to utilize. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.