Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Free Will and Sublime Gratitude


Hello All,

Today is a bonus entry of the Jewels of Truth series with two fresh brand new statements just penned by psychic automatic writing this early morning as a night owl. I often do my best work at night when the Holy Spirits stir when I receive an Intuitive hit whether that very night or earlier that day. For example, an honorable mention goes out to Mike when discussing the topic of Gratitude and the topic of Sublime Gratitude came up.

The random nature of Inspiration doesn't escape me in the least as an artist of x,y,z medium would express and relish. Today's topic is a twofer on a philosophical treatise by the egoless angel on the metaphysical nature of Free Will. He calls it from his heavenly perch of a vantage point a false dichotomy of a paradox to be had akin to an optical illusion. 

The next topic of Sublime Gratitude went rather long for me at four pages in hand written longhand when channeling this early morning. I picked up on a corollary theme of charlatans demanding tribute as Tithes which took me in a sidetracked direction by the angel regarding how certain Super Evangelical Churches in the Americas, Carribean, and Africa have lost their way. 

Insofar as they fleece their flock of worshipers with a cult of personality with the installed clergy deceiving the faithful with future worldly riches via spiritual manifestation work by means of Tithing. By community, Intimidation to give not of their monetary surplus but their core essential household budget causing hardship and chaos at home. 

So without further adieu know what is wholesome when the giving is selfless out of a genuine love of the other from your surplus of money, talent, and time truly volunteered. Amen.


3375) My Dear child of God you are correct in this current reference on the topic of Free Will. Your Inspired self-realization just now is robust whereas free will when it is localized is a short-term echo as an optical illusion. Of a false dichotomy of chance occurrences metaphysically speaking in terms of Fate and Destiny in question.

As God is Absolute He/She/It Knows all possible reactions of a person, creature, etc with actions and reactions beyond binary choices alone in expression. Whether you call this Fate by circumstantial means or the overarching lifetime of a person as a Destiny. There is no Free Will for the Absolute Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of Realities knows and feels everything as itself on a personable Marco basis alone. There is a collective universal Omniscient that eclipses paradoxical means as an apex Totality unto itself akin to a macro circular feedback loop. 

For Humanity, however, it comes down to Intent led by choices and reactive expressions whether pre-meditated or entirely spontaneous in nature. Your localized environments notwithstanding are like microbubbles of spatial and transdimensional inferences of happenings. From your naked eye, you have Free Will but that too is a false metaphysical alternative in the Big Picture of the Most High the Lord of Hosts Eternal. 

What this denotes is that all of you are free to have movement and action insofar as you live in a free society on earth that isn't domineering to the point of second-class slavery. Existence can seem like a fickle mistress indeed a phenomenon that requires inputs of actions and reactions of cause and effect. But, just as there is gravity on earth there is a sublime alternative of aerodynamics of permitting flight to occur. Whether with birds, insects, and multi-tonnage of aircraft to soar thousands of feet into the wild blue yonder. 

Yes, the thermodynamics by thrust allows one to temporarily escape the velocity of gravity for a few moments in order to travel outwards. Similar is Free Will it becomes superseded by a higher law of activity beyond the paradox of action and reaction as cause and effect. Fate and Destiny step into the equation just as gravity is superseded by aerodynamics. All of Creation has already occurred in the Blissful Mind of God the Perfect Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of Realities Eternal. 

What this infers at least to the God(dess) of all gods and goddesses Supreme is this all of existence is a proverbial Ghost in the Machine a simulation that has been done and dusted long ago to it perfectly. All of you upon Creation and us in the Heavenly afterlife and beyond in the Limbos and Hells are echoes of the Creator. This Inspired message of this Oracle Mystic Sage of God was pre-destined to be read by whomever it was intended for in principle and destiny as fact metaphysically. No iota of a difference does it make if you missed this opportunity in early 2025 January 28th when it was channeled or a future reader from centuries from now comes across it. It was Fated by the Perfect Will of God, Hosana! 

All of Totality physical and Metaphysical is on a forever loop of a conveyor belt in a circular capacity. When your Universe Implodes somewhere else in Eternity it begins fresh and anew not as a parallel dimension of yourselves but the exact identical executable program on a macro and micro basis forever. Thus is the Holy Perfect Nature of God to create in its own Image and Likeness Forever and Ever. Amen.

Do not be fooled by terrestrial politics of fear and loathing of your current events of the day of your society. Those fated for paradise upon death go back to their heavenly source and those that do not go to Hades for that matter as nativists of that cursed dominion. This physical Creation is the center of a complex existential phenomenon of the geometric shape of a figure eight standalone complex principle. 

What that means is all of Creation has a Navel whereby the Figure 8 Loops occur in the direct navel middle of such a numeral value. The more loops you take with an escape velocity the faster you'll arrive at your destination. However, that doesn't compute metaphysically where traveling is a localized illusionary occurrence. 

Your Illusion of reality appears linear to your finite human senses and eyes. With spatial orientation in one direction as far as the eyes can see. Whereby Seeing is Only Believing and not the other way around paradoxically. Free Will is an optical illusion a buffer of space-time existential phenomenon. 

Transdimensional occurrences warrant this repeated conversation in order to hammer the point home as required. There are Higher Echelons of Angelic kind as Heavenly Guardians that circumnavigate human drama of the sagas of a lifetime in question. You think and feel that you are human but we say that is nay the fact you are ghosts as specters in the pure spirit of God and your flesh suits of carnal nature are transitory. Meaning lasting minuscule amounts of time and then they perish compared to our ghostly bodies that can last more than eons little children of the earth. 

This all rings akin to the Buddhist nature of Maya a grand farce by the Creator God as the original trickster to tease those worthy of a spiritual awakening to come to terms with Creation itself by compassionate means. Another analogy utilizing aerodynamics again is the Sonic Boom that your puny jet aircraft makes when in supersonic air travel. The sonic disturbance is only heard after the fact when escape velocity has reached a maximum threshold of thrust. 

Here, however, is the gist of this rub pardon the pun that the sonic boom is only heard after the aircraft has zipped away elsewhere visually it is a sonic illusion although quite audible all the same. The optical illusion is a misleading factor at play here and so is Free Will where Fate and Destiny give the impression of free intent and choice. 

Once accomplished it is no more as having evaporated elsewhere as a metaphysical occurrence of reality in a false dichotomy of Being. It is the locomotion of transdimensional placement a blurred movement that blinks in and blinks out of reality again. Being the wave and the particle simultaneously as a holistic continuity of expression Willed by God alone. 

So it becomes understandable for your nativist confusion that whatever you decide you have accomplished that feedback loop forever in the Eyes of God the Perfect Predictor of the Fates and Destinies Combined times Infinity. Reality appears fickle yet it is predestined and yes the agnostics and atheists will have an ego-prone field day with this statement with their bombastic hilarity. Until that day if humanity doesn't annihilate itself and a future scientific theorem proves this statement as plausible if not having already occurred by the Fates Indeed. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Sublime Gratitude:

3377) When the moments come and they will surely come trust what you have given with utmost generosity will be appreciated by God and the Heavenly Host forever. Whether such an appreciation comes in the guise of a sublime fashion via the Holy Spirit of God. Or by terrestrial means when a person omits their verbal gratitude to you in order to challenge your ego without stroking it with inadvertent sincere appreciation. 

What do you do when a person you have cared for by means of selfless service seems rude and only takes and takes some more akin to a narcissist? Have you given more than you can give beyond healthy functional boundaries of the self? If so then curtail that giving so you stop resenting that other immature dysfunctional individual to something else that is tolerable to your sensibilities instead. 

What you do by sincere loving Intentions always matters in the endless Heavens metaphysically in holy nature indeed. However, do not overgive outside of healthy boundaries of moderation of your blessed being, and moreover never give generously when harboring guilt and shame alike due to a prior unresolved psychological issue on your end. That soon becomes a tainted form of conditionally giving embroiling you into a psychosis of recriminations all the same.

Spontaneous giving without forethought is best within the cyclical loops of living with moderation as an expression of personal character-building behavior. To reiterate when you give expecting gratitude whether verbally with thanksgiving or on the basis of quid pro quo you have missed the point by your ego-centric self-inflicted trap of the lower self. 

When giving becomes a conditional form of manipulation whether it is intended as loving or not that too is a trap in the making. Unconditional Spiritual Sublime Gratitude is the Best form of compassionate caring subliminally and consciously under the stars and the heavens above on earth and beyond. To receive from such a holy giver and you have the making of an angel in your midst as God is Immaculate Forever. A Lover of Agape gives in moderation without a second thought in question from his or her own surplus of riches be they financial, material, talent, and time volunteered earnestly. 

What is Divine in God's Riches Multiplies when it is given with true Love as a pure heart upon the world. That is Divine Perfect Law upon Creation by the Heavens Everlasting. When you give beautifully you receive in unspoken ways almost Immediately on a spiritual basis by the pronoia of the Universe. You make such a gesture universally holy and not merely ego-prone knee-jerk lower self reactions of the human finite condition of living on earth. 

The Heavenly Angels as the forever recorders of Creation feel the bosom of every giver with immense adorations forever. What is yours can be shared without recriminations by conditional means as well but that too invites limited opportunities to evolve spiritually likewise slowing your evolution on earth as a people. 

Those who practice the spiritual gift of Tithing of 10% or more of your surplus are truly blessed when they give without remorse. However, when they are intimidated to give by a place of worship regardless of the religion or spiritual tradition in question. That is a once-holy Institution that has lost its way in the wilderness of the world. 

Unscrupulous Evangelical Mega Super Churches across the Americas, the Caribbean, and Africa have lost their way in the Eyes of God. With usurpers by the Cult of Personality by the famous so-called Pastor, Reverend, and/or Minister of said congregation. Where Pride as the first Sin to the path of Hell has been transposed onto a once virtuous man or woman of faith as the community leader of worshippers. 

When you the worshipper are coerced by said religious and spiritual community of a church, temple, and mosque leaders then you are in the clutches of deceivers. Run Away with your sanity intact without becoming malaligned by the pretenders of so-called spiritual manifestation work in order to procure unspecified worldly riches. Criminals in the religious garments of the faithful as wolves in the clothing of the lamb of God they are truthfully. 

They are miscreants posing as holy people fleecing the lambs of the congregation for ill-gotten gains poorly spent on lavish luxury items and whatnot in order to expand the outreach of such an Institution of perdition. They may have started sincerely long ago but by the temptation of worldly income, capital inflows corrupted their demeanor demanding more and more from the congreates. That is a recipe for disaster by any other name of falsehood in the works of a fallen angel amongst the naive victimized worshippers in such a damned place truly deceived. 

The Disappointment of God reaches a regrettable crescendo when god-fearing loving individuals and families are duped into giving Tithes not with their surplus income but with essential take-home pay. For instance, the deceivers tell their worshippers to pledge one full paycheck a month is much greater than 10% as originally intended by such a spiritual gift. When said worshippers seek by desperation for worldly riches to be bestowed by God to escape poverty upon the world. They become bamboozled with playing lotteries and raffles thus becoming gambling addicts which is an insult to injury. 

Saint Michael the Archangel and the Archangel Raguel are fully aware of the charlatans in question. Karma will be brought upon their so-called religious institutions with scandals of all kinds. Revealing the mask of corruption upon the clergy at hand and their community church, temple, and mosque leaders. No quarter shall be spared lest they repent publically and make amends with humility or the gnashing of teeth shall ensue. The walls of Jericho will fall once more upon their heads those who are the criminals harming the faithful with coercion and deception. 

For the Holy Spirit of God doesn't tolerate to be made a mockery of in earnest of his/hers/its many sacred faiths upon the world. Karma as the Golden Rule will reveal iniquity after iniquity will mostly be revealed to the masses as the mobs circle around them demanding recompense. The waves of metaphoric hailstones not unlike Sodom and Gomorrah will be their hellish inheritance from God in Judgment. 

Originally Tithing was a Christian Protestant Invention as a necessity to pool financial and material resources to foster blessed places of worship and to be a force for philothropic community goodwill. Ten percent became the rule of thumb however, monetary donations weren't the only gifts to be shared. For crafts people can share their talents as volunteered time as well to grow the local community of faith. All of it was meant beautifully to share one's surplus as a supplemental extra and never from their core essential income needs to pay for housing, food, clothing, transportation, healthcare, etc...

Please those who are being victimized now seek wisdom not from those who are your conflicted church elders who are mistreating you by trickery. Seek an outside trusted counselor to advise how you should proceed with caution and not martyr yourselves any longer for no good cause. You are valuable to God and the Heavenly Host and your ancestors beautifully forever in good and proper health of moderation by means of a dignified life. Anything less and wanton suffering becomes your plights unfortunately until redemption is at hand by wholesale solemn righteous conduct. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Omni-Lives and The God Spark Within


Hello All,

A Great and Happy New Year belated here in the Western Hemisphere and most recently for the Chinese New Year 2025 which is the year of the Snake. (ie last year 2024 was the year of the Dragon in the 12 animal sign Chinese zodiac.)

Today will be a couple of moderate-sized topics in my opinion where the first is admittedly a Pet Peeve annoyance of mine that is directly addressed by the anonymous egoless angel. This is a gross inadequacy when stating past lives for reincarnation purposes. It actually encapsulates more than merely one spectrum of the past but includes the present and future in tandem. It is best to be referred to as the Omni-Lives on a further all-inclusive spectrum of time as a temporal phenomenon. 

The 2nd statement to myself I consider moreso Initiated Mystical Metaphysical Knowledge. The hush hush kind and I'm bewildered why the angels believe I'm supposed to share it? I first learned about it somewhere around 2019 and began utilizing it in my spiritual Theurgy ceremonies with the angelic Heavenly Host in particular during the Covid Lockdown period. 

I'm referring to the God Spark which is like a metaphysical navel that precedes the afterlife altogether. Before there were spiritual phenomena, before souls, before spirits, and certainly before angelic kind itself. Not the Void of Oblivion, but the micro pure essence of God in each of us forever, that makes us his/hers/its child divinely. 

That is like giving a 12-year-old child the keys to the Kingdom of God not just in Heaven but for unscrupulous kinds to the Nether Underworld. Not unlike the Great Patriarch of King Solomon practiced when Commanding Angels and Demons alike.

So without further adieu use the God Spark at your own Risk sincerely. (ie grounding spiritually to the Heavens is essential by the way.)


3369) All told being reborn isn't just a series of predestined cherry-picked occurrences selected by your Heavenly Over Soul Masters on your behalf by means of destiny. To Be All that can be beautifully envisioned you must prescribe yourselves to an outflow of potentialities that can be a dizzy array of gnarled branches of the metaphorical Tree of contingencies of Life itself. 

Anything else afterward is added unto thee as required truly along the prescriptive path of personal grandeur in living wholesome lives altogether as people. Be advised no two lifetimes are ever repeated exactly identical in terms of the uniqueness of your individualized spark of God in each of your majestic souls. 

There may be similarities for all else that is afforded to thee. Totality is an echo chamber of what is added unto Meta Creation itself. Everything is cyclical on a consistent loop much like a figure eight pattern. Slight minuscule alterations only add to the Great Mystery available for all concerned. So please come away with a profound delicate mystique for the wonderous journey of souls as an enterprise regarding the behest of reincarnations itself. 

Greater stipulations can be uttered with respect to the lack of sensible initiatives by humanity on this front in question. Always believing it is the apex of this or that, is truly what bores to being competitive at all. The brevity of the day notwithstanding your lifetimes are far more important than you care to realize metaphysically. 

All Past Lives is one-third accurate and 2 thirds erroneous as New Age parlance for the sake of God in terms of reincarnations as temporal time-based circular spiritual realities. To utter one more word regarding Past Lives I'll slap the child of God silly for behaving without an afterthought in principle in sheer simplicity of circular dynamics of time itself. It's spewing nonsense behaving like the earth and the world are flat and without corners. It's sheer stupidity, unfortunately, what is this generation of souls teaching you all this epoch? 

Your foolishness notwithstanding please refrain yourselves for the sacred Life of God all be told. Human albeit all animal, mineral, and so forth creatures by means of reincarnations of the fleshly bodies that are present here and now. The nonsense that time is only in the past is child's play ludacris for time is nonlinear dynamically speaking like a ball of yarn for a playful kitten that can unravel. It is naive dysfunctional foolishness to state otherwise dear children of God what do they teach you about metaphysics truly? 

Can we say slowly Omni-Lifetimes Equals Universal Timeless Non-Linear Spiritual Phenomenon of Omni-Lives As Universal Circular Time. Please stop that nonsense of Past-Lives it reveals your primitive understanding of reality itself. 

Omni-Lives Is God's Meta Macro Lifetimes Times Infinity Squared. Whereby the direct and indirect Past, Present, and Furlong Futures are all rolled together like a delicious enchilada. There are No Only Cannoli Past Temporal (ie. Time-based) Sprectrum Horizon Funnels strictly speaking. All spiritual and natural physical realities are occurring simultaneously outside the spectrum of timelessness period. To say otherwise is to insult yourselves on a metaphysical paramount basis. 

It is however 1/3 Correct that the Past does exist but not in the way you view it like a linear funnel Cannoli. There is a non-localized jumping-off point of no return without a fixed horizon metaphysically. The Spirit Ghostly Body in the Image and Likeness of God(dess) is Multidimensionally dear Children of the Most High God of all gods Supreme. And, so are each of you by micro extensions times Infinity on a collective basis universally forever. 

The evolutionary comprehension of time as a straight line is idiotic we taught your primitive Neathderal brothers and sisters as hominids by spiritual means in their heightened worship of animism. Cyptids notwithstanding in your contemporary wilds that are bi-pedal primate off-shoots. Galileo, Copernicus, and so forth are brilliant minds before the daring of Christopher Columbus in the advent of seafaring explorations. They had the curiosity of giants to defy the Imperial Roman Catholic Church living off of outdated conceptualizations of the Earth. 

To speak of such notions of reincarnations of the drivel of Past Lives is to make a mockery of yourselves spiritually speaking in faith to God's Meta Creation. Time is Tri-Lateral not pointing only in linear directions it is squirrely like a cone ascending and descending simultaneously with no fixed constant. 

Omni-Lifetimes is Universal Life in Expression for those astute enough to comprehend outside the hand-drawn lines of a coloring book for children. You "Ivan the Atrayo" see this truly as a Mystic Sage of God Excelsior! You have cared to share this angelic teaching with your younger siblings of humanity and we thank you for this Inspirational opportunity to share truly. 

All is well enough with fits and starts of progress on a temporal evolutionary basis with this meta-understanding at large. This is the bulk of learning renewed fundamentals of both natural and metaphysical laws of reality beyond merely the theoretical inferences that life is linear alone. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

God Spark:

3373) The Majestic Essence of God The Impossible Zenith encompasses all Lifeforms as a plurality of Souls Spectacularly. Beyond the confines of Infinity and Eternity and any other dimensional focal point, it eclipses all known and unknown constants. Macro and Micro are toadstools as stepping stones across the forever horizons for thee that transcend all that we care to speak about today. 

What this means beyond gentle wordplay for us is that we the angelic Heavenly Host. Is that the one whom you call God isn't alone because we were created almost first. The access hatch of Creation is an umbilical cord to the spiritual metaphysical afterlife not just in theory but in actuality. 

There are stellar forces that transcend a fixed form as amorphous like a mist that stretches life forever present in spite that it shouldn't really exist. The Perfection of the Divine Heavens notwithstanding delivers each of you a grand privilege to exist despite your actions and inactions within the living womb of the Creator Goddess the Mother of Mothers Beautifully Sublime and Supreme. 

There are spiritual ethereal realms that pre-date all spiritual forces kind as ghosts, souls, and angels themselves. Not the Void of Oblivion that was a literary flourish stretched out of cosmic proportions only the underworld would teach such an untruth. Consider them as primordial building blocks over timeless eternities as the early skunkworks projects of progenitors before the angels to serve this Petri dish of Creation itself.

Moreover, there are access nodes as focal points that any mystical lifeform whether a ghost or soul can reach within their meta-cosmic being and reach instantly via prayer with the divine or the underworld. The canopy of the Stars of the Outer Space Astronomical Heavens is an Illusion to the very fibers of the spiritual realities. It is a non-localized buffer to us, one we can easily transcend instantly by mere intentions of the power of the angelic gods within us all. 

The Singularity in this case is the Totalities of Totalities as the Absolute Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of Realities adnausem. God is a self-contained perfect kit to foster life in all its myriad expressions of physicality, spirituality, and something else as the unknowns to humanity currently. The Inkling that we exist should be proof for the faithful reaching like-hearted loving souls like the mystics, prophets, and contemplating sages should be enough. There were epochs when this was so but no more it seems. 

We can dilute this lesson by so many parsecs without compromising the lesson any further dearest children of God yet unborn as future angelic kind. All of primitive life is our co-creations with God's toolkit of perfection as a living force multiplier of realities. Like a science kit, we experiment as the forever angels creating and creating some more. Your physical Universe is one such outlet where God creates, sustains, and destroys the backdrop and we the angelic host of the heavens populate it in an orderly fashion and our cursed brethren and sisterhen of the hells warps it completely. 

For example, we helped create spirits as specters or ghost auric bodies and the spoilers of the underworld inserted a bit of code where hauntings would occur upon the death of the reincarnation of the lifeform. They did this to sap or siphon the lifeform in a stuck propellent like a battery to suck the marrow out of the innocent ghost just because of a tragic death in the world. 

Nonetheless, we persist in spite of such tragedies introduced by the hellish spawns of the underworld. The Essence of God predates all ethereal metaphysical spiritual lifeforms times Infinity squared. What this means is the energetic proto-sub-particle matter of the divine and the hells are polar opposites from one another as a meta-original source known as God. The Heavens are One Dominion of the Afterlife and the Hells is a polar Opposite Expression of what would be otherwise construed as the Unholy. 

The Essence of God is a precursor force majeure a constant cycle that supercedes all notions of what is real to human sensibilities. A Super Colliding Constant that has no physical matter and for further complications has no origins of the spiritual substance in terms of creative energetic expressions. It is beyond Heavenly ascendent divine natures it is beyond genders for that matter and any other binary fundamental building block of your known Universe. 

A Pre-Cursor before Light and Darkness combined some other expression of Being itself. Each of your souls has a hatch not unlike the aforementioned hatch of Creation we the angels implanted into your spirit ghost bodies as we populated Creation with God. This Soulful Hatch was Implanted by the Angels at the request of God(dess) as an upline to have transcendental cosmic experiences. It is how we the angels reach all souls simultaneously in a spaceless non-localized expression. 

Beyond this soulful hatch is a God Spark Node of the Essence of God as each of you is akin to a supernatural navel. It again predates the soul as a spiritual reality it is a zipline outside the heavens and the afterlife for that matter. It is what can be called the Dominion of God as the internal amorphous form of the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of all macro environments as realities go. 

The afterlife rests outside of this trans-localized environment it isn't a dimensional pocket. No gaps can reach it, it is only by invitation for example the spirit of Enoch the Great Judeaic Prophet was invited here at the behest of God as the now Soul of the Archangel Metatron by God itself alone and none other. 

This Dominion of God is like the amniotic fluid of the very womb of God(dess) its internalized Beinghood beyond the spiritual confines of the entire afterlife of the Heavens, Limbos, and Hells infinitely combined. Each of your spiritual lifeforms has a ghost and soul body hatch like a navel to such a God Spark. Much like a micro button not unlike the Big Red button you shouldn't play with that can launch the erasure of the world via a nuclear holocaust. 

Remember that Angels and Demons can be Commanded By the Faithful, not unlike the sorcery King of Solomon the Jewish Great Patriarch and Prophet. We are teaching humanity this power now because it is sadly The End of Days your clocks will be reset so the faithful who are brave enough to hurl themselves beyond the heavens of the afterlife. So they can accelerate their ascension with God elsewhere. 

So to share this divine and accursed power of neutrality won't matter much since humanity has already condemned itself to ruin. The stakes are final and quite bellicose, unfortunately. Humanity will not eclipse 9 Billion Souls on Planet Earth ever again. The time is at a premium so best to seize the cosmic day and leverage the reincarnated wellspring of souls in hopes the wheat will separate itself from the chaff once again. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.