Monday, August 07, 2017

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog On Challenges, Maturity, Afterlife, Appearances, Peace, & Omnipresence

I'm the Clairvoyant author as a sage and angelic mystic to the channeled angelic spiritual wisdom book series of "Jewels of Truth" Volume 1, 2, and 3. I'm a visionary futurist as a muse focusing on innovative original conceptual designs as potential solutions as a form of dharmic service.

Today's "Jewels of Truth" angelically channeled spiritual wisdom statements are on six topics. I'll only post 3 of each for a grand total of 12 statements overall. The following spiritual wisdom statements are as follows. On Challenges 2,413; 548B; Maturity 2,417; 550B; 551B; Peace Vol. 3; 552B; 553B; Afterlife 2,385; 554B; Omnipresence 555B; and Appearances 549B. Enjoy.

Jewels of Truth Website:

Jewels of Truth Pinterest Folder with 170+ Angelically Channeled Spiritual Wisdom Memes

Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry For July 30th, 2017 Entry

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